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Posts posted by MikeMon

  1. After some testing, I found out the following:


    The advancedTestApp is crashing on Android and not compiling on iOS using Delphi 10.4. The reason is that the FMX.Media.Android.pas and FMX.Media.AVFoundation.pas (and maybe the FastUtils.pas) provided by ZXing Delphi are not compatible with Delphi 10.4. AdvancedTestApp works just fine with the original files coming with Delphi 10.4. But unfortunately, by using the originals, the app is VERY slow both on iOS and Android.


    Any third party camera controls recommended for Firemonkey (Android and iOS) except winsoft?

  2. 24 minutes ago, vfbb said:

    @MikeMon Today I don't have an android device to check it, but first I would check 2 things in andoird:

    1) the Porject Options > Uses Permission > Camera = true.

    2) Test if the "TFormMain.AccessCameraPermissionRequestResult" is executing in the main thread with LIsMainThread := TThread.Current.ThreadID = MainThreadID;


    About Delphi 10.3.3 I do not use anymore and the code of iOS that I posted will work only in 10.4 because the iOSapi.AVFoundation.pas of the 10.3.3 not have the apis of media permission.

    Camera is true and the AccessCameraPermissionRequestResult IS in the main thread.


    The error on 10.3.3 is on Android ONLY.

  3. 1 hour ago, vfbb said:

    Mike, the "PermissionsService .RequestPermissions" works only in Android, in others platforms it have not been implemented, will simple skip.


    The code I gave you will work perfectly, but I think you are having trouble adapting it. So I simplified things for you:

    And to use, replace your TFormMain.FormActivate by this:

    Note: To test the permission you need to unistall your app before compile.


    1.) Thank you for your valuable help. I will check the iOS code above. Just FYI, the Android version is not working, either. When running the advancedTestApp, though it IS asking for permission and I'm choosing yes, the minute I'm using the "Scan off/on" button, the app is freezing.


    2.) In addition to the above, I'm getting the following error on some Android devices and using Delphi 10.3.3, Assertion failure (FastUtils.pas, line 172), which is 

    Assert((ASrcHeight and 3) = 0);

    Any ideas?

  4. 9 hours ago, vfbb said:

    What I doing? If the status is not determined (first time) I request the access (you can request just if the status is not determined). If is denied I simple show a message informing to go to the Settings and enable the permission manually (all aps do this, example: Telegram). 


    Hi. I'm using the code provided in the uMain.pas unit of the advancedTestApp project. This is some of the code for the camera permission:

    // Optional rationale display routine to display permission requirement rationale to the user
    procedure TFormMain.DisplayRationale(Sender: TObject; const APermissions: TArray<string>; const APostRationaleProc: TProc);
      // Show an explanation to the user *asynchronously* - don't block this thread waiting for the user's response!
      // After the user sees the explanation, invoke the post-rationale routine to request the permissions
      TDialogService.Showmessage('The app needs to access the camera in order to work',
        procedure(const AResult: TModalResult)
    procedure TFormMain.AccessCameraPermissionRequestResult(Sender: TObject; const APermissions: TArray<string>; const AGrantResults: TArray<TPermissionStatus>);
      // 1 permission involved: CAMERA
      if (Length(AGrantResults) = 1) and (AGrantResults[0] = TPermissionStatus.Granted) then
      { Fill the resolutions. }
        Showmessage('Cannot access the camera because the required permission has not been granted')
    procedure TFormMain.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
      FPermissionCamera := JStringToString(TJManifest_permission.JavaClass.CAMERA);
      PermissionsService.RequestPermissions([FPermissionCamera], AccessCameraPermissionRequestResult, DisplayRationale);
    procedure TFormMain.StartCapture;
      FActive := True;
      LabelFPS.Text := 'Starting capture...';
      PermissionsService.RequestPermissions([FPermissionCamera], ActivateCameraPermissionRequestResult, DisplayRationale);
      lblScanning.Text := 'Scanning on';
      FaLblScanning.Enabled := True;
    procedure TFormMain.ActivateCameraPermissionRequestResult(Sender: TObject; const APermissions: TArray<string>; const AGrantResults: TArray<TPermissionStatus>);
      // 1 permission involved: CAMERA
      if (Length(AGrantResults) = 1) and (AGrantResults[0] = TPermissionStatus.Granted) then
        { Turn on the Camera }
        FCamera.Active := True;
        Showmessage('Cannot start the camera because the required permission has not been granted')
    procedure TFormMain.CreateCamera();
      if (FCamera <> nil) then
      FCamera := TCameraComponent.Create(self);
      FCamera.Quality := TVideoCaptureQuality.MediumQuality;
      FCamera.FocusMode := TFocusMode.AutoFocus;
      FCamera.OnSampleBufferReady := CameraComponent1SampleBufferReady;


  5. 33 minutes ago, vfbb said:

    Ok, but the permission will be show just at first time. If your user negate the permission once, he will need to give the permission manually at the Settings of the iOS. In iOS go to the Settings > Your App > enable Camera, and try again

    It's not even asking the first time. Unfortunately.

  6. 2 minutes ago, vfbb said:

    Mike, if your notebook/desktop have a webcam test in windows. Your problem on mobile can be related to the permission to have access to the camera and not in relation to the ZXing code. Here I use it only in windows, and with Delphi 10.4 is working fine.

    Hi. Thank you for your answer. The code working on Delphi 10.3.3 is crashing on Delphi 10.4. Btw, if the user hasn't given permission to access the camera yet, he/she will be asked to give one. That works quite fine on Delphi 10.3.3.

  7. 1 minute ago, vfbb said:

    The options of the delphi 10.4 is working perfectly for this, you don't have to add it manually to the deploy project and you don't need to change the storyboard files either. You can test with a new project.

    Hi @vfbb. Option 4 yes. Option 3 isn't working. The default Delphi launch screen images are added no matter what.

  8. Hi Guyz


    I'm having an issue making the storyboard work with an existing app (I haven't tried with new apps yet).


    I've followed these steps but I keep on getting a blank screen:


    1.) I deleted the info.plist.TemplateiOS.xml from my project directory.

    2.) Added the launch images in the project options

    3.) I edited the LaunchScreen.storyboard and Assets files in LaunchScreen.TemplateiOS (actually only the Contents.json file in the Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset folder) as needed by replacing the default FM launch icons with mine.

    4.) Made sure that my launch screen images to be deployed are in the "Project | Deployment".

    5.) Deleted the app on the device (as @vfbb suggested above)

    6.) Powered down the device (as @vfbb suggested above)

    7.) Powered up the device (as @vfbb suggested above)

    8.) Installed the app (as @vfbb suggested above)


    Any ideas

  9. 9 hours ago, vfbb said:

    Just a information: The ZXing is a crossplatform solution, and is simple to implement, but is not the best choose. In Android I prefer the GoogleVision and in iOS I prefer use the apis of the AVFoundation, you will even avoid using TCamera, because it is very slow, very.

    Hi @vfbb


    Thank you for your information. Will look into it.

  10. 3 hours ago, MikeMon said:

    Hi Dave. Thank you for your valuable input. I compiled and ran your desktop app and it's working perfectly. I will check your code and see what I'm missing.

    Hi @Dave Nottage


    After some playing around, I found out what the problem was. The "Authorization" header should not be encoded. Now, everything works fine by using REST. 


    FYI, the pre-complied RESTDebugger.exe that comes with Delphi 10.3.3 doesn't have the "Do Not Encode" checkbox when adding parameters. I had to recompile its project and it was there.

    • Like 1

  11. Hi


    I've setup firebase cloud messaging and everything is working fine both on iOS and Android, i.e. I can send push notifications through the Firebase Cloud Messaging console. What I want to do is to develop my own console with which I want to send my firebase push notifications.


    I came across the following in the FCM app server protocols:




    To test it, I'm using the "Embarcadero REST Debugger" software. As per the FCM documentation, I've add a header called "Authorization" with a value of "key=XYZ". XYZ is the "Server Key" value in the Firebase Console's "Cloud Messaging" setting of my App. Unfortunately I keep on getting a "401: INVALID_KEY" response. Is there anything else I need to do to make it work?

  12. 1 hour ago, Rollo62 said:

    You could try to simply add another rectangle on top of the CustomStyle Panel background in the StyleDesigner,

    with giving a new StyleName it should be accessible.

    Not tested in your case, but Ido similar things with other controls.

    As proposed above, try to use TRectangle instead of TPanel, or better even TLayout as base container for your other components.

    Hi @Rollo62

    As I said earlier, I do use TRectangle instead of TPanel. But my example above was just for illustration to show that first-level stylename's properties of a style can not be modified whereas its children's can. E.g. with a TSwitchObject, there is nothing I can do. The TSwitchObject stylename is at the first-level and I can't access any of its properties programmatically. I tried adding a TLayout in the style at the first-level and have the TSwitchObject as its child, but it is not working properly. E.g., the isChecked:= True is not changing the TSwitch's state.

  13. 2 hours ago, Rollo62 said:

    The implementations can also vary between the different platforms.

    You cannot rely that one element is accessible in same way under all platforms.

    This is one of the biggest drawbacks of FMX styles IMHO.

    Let me find a solution for 1 platform and I'll do the rest!! lol

  14. 3 minutes ago, Serge_G said:

    Panel is no more than a TRectangle (depending style file I think)

    I don't know why but if you try to change TPanel fill color this does not work with 'windows 10 desktop style' ,  works during design time with 'default' Stylecollection but not at runtime 🐛something to do with the fact that this TRectangle is at the root and not in a TLayout ?     

    Best suggestion I can do is : use a TRectangle. I do not use anymore  TPanel  now, preferring Layouts and TRectangle 😉

    Yes, I can change the color of TPanel during design time, but not at runtime. To be honest I use TRectangle, too. The TPanel in my question was just for reference because it is simple to demonstrate. Generally, I can't access and change the properties of the first-level style. Another example which I still haven't found a workaround for is TSwitch. I use a TSwitchObject for a TSwitch style. Again, because it is the first-level style, I can't access and change its properties, e.g. "ThumbOn.Color".

  15. 1 hour ago, Serge_G said:

    As I understand what is in your mind, I think it's your  ChangeObjectRecursive function the problem.

    A component (your panel) as style but style is not the "container" of the panel's childs.

    And therefore, you change wrong "styledata" property for a label


    Hi Serge


    Thank you for your answer.


    The custom-styled TPanel has no children. This is what I'm doing:


    1.) Drop a TPanel on the form. Call it Panel1

    2.) Right-click on the TPanel and choose "Edit Custom Style..."

    3.) Close the designer

    4.) Make sure the "StyleLookup" field of Panel1 is "Panel1Style1"


    What I need to do is to programmatically change the "Fill.Color" of "Panel1Style1". I can't seem to find a way how.


    However, if I drop a TLabel and do the same, "Label1Style1" will be created. Label1Style1 has a child stylename "Text". I could easily access and change its properties by my method above, i.e. Label1.StylesData['text.Scale.X']:= 2, or Label1.StylesData['text.Text']:= 'OK'


  16. The code above works for the children of the "RedButtonLabelStyle" resource. How do I change for the resource itself. E.g.: when you use a "Custom Style" for a TPanel, it creates a custom style e.g. Panel1Style1. Panel1Style1 doesn't have any children. How can I change its properties (e.g. Fill.Color) by code? The above code's approach (e.g. StylesData['Panel1Style1.Fill.Color'] or StylesData['Fill.Color']) doesn't work.

  17. 25 minutes ago, mausmb said:

    Something in this direction ?

    Hi. Thank you for your answer.


    Your approach is irrelevant to what I am trying to do. What I want to do is change properties of a style in a Stylebook and expect all objects having that style in their stylelookup field to be updated automatically. Currently, as a workaround, I'm recursively checking all objects and their children and looking for TLabels with stylelookup the style that I want, and changing the fill color of the rectangle in the style. There should be a better way, i.e. just change the fill color of the style in the stylebook. This is the code I'm currently using as a workaround:

    procedure ChangeAllLabelStyles(ChangeToColor: Cardinal);
      procedure ChangeObjectRecursive(CurrentComponent: TComponent);
         i: Integer;
           if CurrentComponent.ClassNameIs('TLabel') and (TLabel(CurrentComponent).StyleLookup = 'RedButtonLabelStyle') then 
              TLabel(CurrentComponent).StylesData['Rectangle1Style.Fill.Color']:= ChangeToColor;
           for i:= 0 To CurrentComponent.ComponentCount - 1 do ChangeObjectRecursive(CurrentComponent.Components[i]);


  18. How can I programmatically change properties of a custom style?


    Basically, I have created a custom style for TLabel and have added a rectangle to be able to control its background. How can I programmatically change its color so that all TLabels that have that style are automatically updated with the new color?

  19. 2 minutes ago, Hans♫ said:

    I don't know when (or if) Apple will make it a requirement to use the Storyboard, but so far you can still use the old way that Delphi supports right now. We are not using the storyboard solution in our app, and that is still accepted by Apple. Its only one week ago we uploaded the last update.

    This is an email I received a couple of days ago.


    Dear Mike,

    We greatly value the worldwide developer community, and appreciate your commitment to making a difference in people’s lives through the power of technology. To accommodate developers who may need additional time to update their existing apps on the App Store, the deadline for adhering to the requirements below has been extended to June 30, 2020.

    • Apps for iPhone or iPad must be built with the iOS 13 SDK or later and use an Xcode storyboard to provide the app’s launch screen.
    • iPhone apps must support all iPhone screens and all iPad apps must support all iPad screens.
    • Apps for Apple Watch must be built with the watchOS 6 SDK or later.
    • Apps that authenticate or set up user accounts must support Sign in with Apple if required by guideline 4.8 of the App Store Review Guidelines.
    • Apps in the Kids category must be in full compliance with guideline 1.3 and guideline 5.1.4. of the App Store Review Guidelines.
    • Apps using HTML 5 must be in full compliance with guideline 4.7 sections 4, 5, and 6 of the App Store Review Guidelines.

    Thank you for your continuing efforts to serve your users during this time. If you have any questions, contact us.

    Read the App Store Review Guidelinesarrow_2x.gif

    Learn about submitting appsarrow_2x.gif

    Best regards,
    Apple Developer Relations


    The initial deadline was the April 29.


    So, obviously, we have an issue here with the first and 4th points.


    Any input would be appreciated.
