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Everything posted by microtronx

  1. Uninstalling that patch leaves a damaged system! it seems that the patch has uninstalled a lot of components / addons. Now i try to go through Tools menu to install languages, teechart and Androidsdk again ... lets see what happens ...
  2. microtronx

    Your RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney issues

    You are right, it may be usable for others but on our side with big projects it crashes too often. I think new users and new projects could work fine ... 😉
  3. microtronx

    Your RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney issues

    Important IDE specific rsp's are so much, i hope we get fixes very soon ... at the moment 10.4 is not usable ... crashes all over the time
  4. microtronx

    Your RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney issues

    Everytime i click to a function name with pressed CTRL the IDE starts hanging ... when i see this, i press fast ESC and that stopps the ide from crashing, most of the time but this is not normal. Possible that someone created already a report?
  5. microtronx

    Your RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney issues

    Hi Guys, anyone having also these all over the time. Mostly if i click to a function or procedures name with pressed CTRL, it should jump to the declaration or to the function but it does not, it crashes .... i hoped 10.4 is better but not too much ...
  6. HI Folks, after latest patches (can't say which of them, installed all available patches) i have the IDE hanging a lot ... and all not saved work is lost! this happended this week on each day min 2-3 times. At the time of hanging the taskmanager shows this: So my question is: Is this happening only at my side or do you also have such hangers and problems with Rio 10.3? I have idefixpack installed and dDevExtensions because without them IDE is much slower.
  7. microtronx

    Delphi Rio IDE hangs again and again

    I think the most problems and hangers occur because of too much memory consumption of code-insight etc. I hope, with 10.4 and Language Server this will not happen any more. Hope dies last!
  8. microtronx

    Delphi Rio IDE hangs again and again

    In last case i had no saved files ... don't know why but IDE has not asked my on restart for autorecovering files found ... Normally I click a lot to "Save All" button but in this case it was a complicated project and i forgot this. I will try to setup the interval to 1 minute, lets see if it helps next time ... or hope 10.4 will not have these problems with such memory consumption ...
  9. microtronx

    Delphi Rio IDE hangs again and again

    I hate it when this happens: Now work of 40 minutes is lost again. I realy hate it!
  10. microtronx

    Delphi Rio IDE hangs again and again

    In my case, I try to have not more than 2-3 units/forms open at the same time and i try to restart Delphi after a debug sessions. This + disabling Livebinding helps a lot!
  11. microtronx

    Delphi Rio IDE hangs again and again

    I create own components now for more than 18 years without problems. Freeing explicit everything i have used. Possible that update of TMS VCL UI Pack or other components have problems now. But why delphi does not give the uses memory for debugging free after execution has terminated ? Bad.
  12. microtronx

    Delphi Rio IDE hangs again and again

    It seems that today the hangers happen (sometimes), when i open the cxGridview "Customizing" ... but nothing changed in the last weeks. Same components-version. Here's fresh opened IDE: And now after first RUN with debugger and exit application normally:
  13. microtronx

    Delphi Rio IDE hangs again and again

    No, in this case we had two rows in the table!
  14. microtronx

    Delphi Rio IDE hangs again and again

    All All of my connectivity is activated in runtime but why we have RAD? I need to activate them in Designtime for a short time to create i.e. the default columns in the grids etc. or to have to possibility to select the databinding.datafields without entering the names of those fields manually... or i'm doing something wrong?
  15. microtronx

    Delphi Rio IDE hangs again and again

    Yes, i work with DevExpress components for dbEdits or dbGrids (cxGrid) but 5 mins ago i had only two forms open , not too much components <100 on them.
  16. microtronx

    Delphi Rio IDE hangs again and again

    I have nothing special installed: - DDevExtensions now uninstalled - GExperts installed but using only RegEx-Search and Replace - TSI Language - MadExcept
  17. microtronx

    Delphi Rio IDE hangs again and again

    today i had this 4-5 times. Its anoying now, currently i had created a new form with a lot of configuration in cxgrid and now all is gone!
  18. microtronx

    Delphi Rio IDE hangs again and again

    Nope, one project and as i know it hangs i try to open only few forms but it happens ...
  19. microtronx

    Delphi Rio IDE hangs again and again

    No, everything is local. Memory consumption of bds.exe goes up to 1,5 GB. Have tried to wait ... some hours but it hangs. Only way is to kill the task and all programming is lost!
  20. I use Rio for Android developement. It creates my app which is already available in the playstore but i think something is wrong with Rio when it creates the output with project configuration changed to appstore. @Marco Cantu are there any limitations known when it comes to 32/64bit and services with Rio? In "developement" everything works very good (api target 26) but when app is published to google playstore and i install it from there, none of the services can be started and also logcat does not show anything. Thanks for some tips / hints.
  21. Thanks for your Tips @vfbb and @Rollo62. After i have recreated project file now it works.
  22. @vfbb @Rollo62 Thanks for those tips. We had added 64 at a later time, possible that this is the problem. Will try to recreate the project and add later all services again. We will see the difference latest tomorrow after new app version has been published by playstore.
  23. microtronx

    Android Service using local sqlite DB

    As in different old topics written, it is still not possible to have a android service with a tfdconnection or a tsqlconnection on it. The service is not starting any more, you use this. Here's a link: https://forums.embarcadero.com/thread.jspa?threadID=229761 But what can we do? Is there a known solution? I'm not able to find one. Have tried to create all components in service's code but still, i don't even get a log entry that means the service still can't be created and the app hangs on trying to start the service. Anone out there who can give some tips?
  24. microtronx

    Android Service using local sqlite DB

    Wohoow, again we got it work. @Dave Nottage you use a lot of constructor override in your demo's so we've used them also BUT: these work if you install the app from Rio onto Android-device without problems. If you send your app to Playstore and it comes back, the constructor is never called so a lot of funtionality does not work. Needed 1 week to find this out. Info for others: Don't use constructor override on forms and datamodules. Instead use the events for tform and tdatamodule where you can create the onCreate and onDestroy events from Objectinspector.