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Everything posted by microtronx

  1. Any informations available if 10.4 has better support for Android (32/64) bit? Any optimizations or new functionalities?
  2. microtronx

    Android Service using local sqlite DB

    @Dave Nottage Is it possible that your servicecomponents are not working for apps published over playstore? I have the problem at the moment, that the app in release configuration installed to device works very good, starting background service ... BUT if i publish same app the service can't be startet not foreground and not in background. I don't get any exceptions. I have everything same in project settings, same configuration only change is selecting "application store" instead of "developement" under "Android64bit - Configuration" in project tree. Any hints? What can be the reason for this? edit: Now i see with your DeviceLens 1.1.0 the first message on starting the app is an red exception with this text: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
  3. microtronx

    Office files viewer

    Wow! Great job. Which fileformats will you be able to view?
  4. microtronx

    Office files viewer

    Good job. Are you using a own viewer component which reads all those files or is it using installed applications for the file-extensions?
  5. microtronx

    JFF: FMX + FR + HTML

    @Alexander Sviridenkov You are the "Killer" - thank you sooo much ... When it is available?
  6. We've implemented InAppPurchases, it works but if the user buyes a 12 months subscription on finsih i get this error is returned in "OnError" as tFailureKind.Purchase: IabResult: IAB gab keine purchaseData oder dataSignature zurück (response: Unbekannter Fehler) But Google says purchase is successful. I see the subscription activated. If i do a InAppPurchase.QueryProducts the product is listed as activated. Is someone using this with Rio and working? Is there any other component available than the integrated from embc. Such a base-function should work out of the box but does not.
  7. As i can say after doing a lot of tests: the tInAppPurchase component has a lot of problems. in my case it does never call the PurchaseCompleted, it throws an internal exception which is never showed to the user. Only solution so far is: 1. do a myInAppPurchase.PurchaseProduct(vProductId); 2. on next start of app do myInAppPurchase.QueryProducts; and after that do a myInAppPurchase.IsProductPurchased(vProductId); How is this possible that such a base functionality has problems? Any problems prior to Rio there? Any tips / hints?
  8. microtronx

    JFF: FMX + FR + HTML

    We can recommend Alexander's components. Very good working components and also very good support!
  9. microtronx

    JFF: FMX + FR + HTML

    Wow. Looking great. Waiting for htReportbuilder 🙂
  10. It is a non stop optimizing and refactoring ... Never ending story 😉
  11. Is there a known bug with a Restserver build with RIO for Windows and an Android client calling a normal function like function tServerMethods.testfunction(vparameter1:string; vparameter2:string):string; begin result:=vparameter1+'/'+vparameter2; end; if i call this from an android client with clientmodule.servermethodsclient.testfunction('+abcd','def') the android device shows a error in log: http 404 error ... because the '+abcd' is not encoded. It attaches this to calling url without encoding it so it fails in my case.
  12. It seems, that the rest-client on latest Rio and Android is broken. It has problems with any special chars in parameters like + or /. Seems that it does not encode the parameters in POST request where it add the parameters to the URL ...
  13. Do i need to synchronize here: FMX.Dialogservice.TDialogService.MessageDialog(mxappform._('Bestätigen?'), tmsgdlgtype.mtConfirmation, [TMsgDlgBtn.mbYes, TMsgDlgBtn.mbNo], tmsgdlgbtn.mbNo, 0, procedure(const AResult: TModalResult) begin if aResult=mrYes then begin tThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin // do something on GUI end); end; end);
  14. Hi, i know that Rio does not support below API16 but we have some older apps for industrial devices we need to update them. They were programmed with Tokyo with a lot of problems and i want to test them with Rio. Rio is installed on a new VM so i want to know if someone has get it work to compile apps for api level 16 / android 4.1.1 with Rio.
  15. Hi, new to android and services but thanks to Dave and others i'm on the right way, creating great Apps with Delphi Rio for Android. In my case i lost 2 weeks because of not starting services ... and the reason was the automatic added FireDAC.FMXUI.Wait to my interface-uses. At the moment i make changes to my Datamodule (within Service project), remove the unit with datamodule from my project, go to notepad, open datamaduleunit.pas and remove the "FireDAC.FMXUI.Wait" from uses. Next time i make changes within my datamodule the unit gets automatically added by delphi ... so i again have to remove it from the project and remove the uses by use of notepad. Does someone know how to disable this feature?
  16. microtronx

    How to disable automatic adding of units to interface-uses

    Thanks Dave, that's the trick!
  17. microtronx

    Android Service using local sqlite DB

    Again one note for others having also problems with Rio + Android + Service not starting: If you use the unit FMX.Types in your service-units, it will crash also.
  18. microtronx

    How to disable automatic adding of units to interface-uses

    I found a solution: Add a tfdguixWaitCursor component to the datamodule. This component has a "Provider" Property, which can be setup to "Console". It seems this solves the problems.
  19. microtronx

    Android Service using local sqlite DB

    Hi Dave, I use your demo for background-location-updates in a new app and there is one question. will that tLocation use a lot of energy/battery or will it only be active each x minutes as defined in this line: FLocation.TimerTask.Schedule( (cLocationTimerInterval*60*1000) ); I also need a new timer in the service, which i create with tTimerTask.create and set the .schedule(..). Any tips for me for a better battery usage on the device?
  20. microtronx

    Android Service using local sqlite DB

    In my service i don't have that Console define because normally in a FMX Application we need FireDAC.FMXUI.wait ... but in case of android-service we need the FireDAC.ConsoleUI.wait
  21. microtronx

    Android Service using local sqlite DB

    Dave, you're the "Killer". Thanks a lot for this change in your demo. If i compare your project with mine the difference is: yours: FireDAC.Stan.Intf, FireDAC.Stan.Option, FireDAC.Stan.Error, FireDAC.UI.Intf, FireDAC.Phys.Intf, FireDAC.Stan.Def, FireDAC.Stan.Pool, FireDAC.Stan.Async, FireDAC.Phys, FireDAC.Phys.SQLite, FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteDef, FireDAC.Stan.ExprFuncs, FireDAC.ConsoleUI.Wait, FireDAC.Stan.Param, FireDAC.DatS, FireDAC.DApt.Intf, FireDAC.DApt, Data.DB, FireDAC.Comp.DataSet, FireDAC.Comp.Client, to mine: FireDAC.Stan.Intf, FireDAC.Stan.Option, FireDAC.Stan.Error, FireDAC.UI.Intf, FireDAC.Phys.Intf, FireDAC.Stan.Def, FireDAC.Stan.Pool, FireDAC.Stan.Async, FireDAC.Phys, FireDAC.Phys.SQLite, FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteDef, FireDAC.Stan.ExprFuncs, FireDAC.FMXUI.Wait, FireDAC.Stan.Param, FireDAC.DatS, FireDAC.DApt.Intf, FireDAC.DApt, Data.DB, FireDAC.Comp.DataSet, FireDAC.Comp.Client, Using your used units solved all hangers + i have removed the datamodule-unit and restclient-unit also from project files. Everything is now working for some minutes without problems, very coool Thank you very much,
  22. microtronx

    Android Service using local sqlite DB

    Hi All, thanks for trying to help me out. Now after i was able to debug the android-service by creating a lot of toslog.d entries and viewing them in realtime with help of the DeviceLens Tool we see that the problem is not only the Data.DB! If we use Data.DB (i had defined $ifdef's for this) then we have used also a function as described in And there is also the problem. Each time the service calls that function with a + in a string it gets appended to a server-method-call within the url and the service stops working because of an exception http/404! I was not able to see this because the service is not debuggable from Delphi (afaik). Now after doing a check of strings / url-encoding them it works but this seems to be a bug in latest Rio Restserver / restclient impementations ... But using Data.DB also forces the service to hang, it can't even be started!
  23. See here: https://github.com/DelphiWorlds/DeviceLens Thank you DelphiWorlds! This is helping me more than everything else for debugging my Android-Apps
  24. microtronx

    Android Service using local sqlite DB

    Yes, i think i can but i have deadlines with projects. Will try to create a Demo based on https://github.com/DelphiWorlds/KastriFree/tree/master/Demos/CrossPlatformLocation asap.
  25. microtronx

    Android Service using local sqlite DB

    I have changed the code so the services does nothing, only adding the data.db in uses stops it from starting, removing the data.db everything ok again.