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Posts posted by CarloM

  1. Hello,

    With last update of operating system (Mac OS Catalina 10.15.3) I can´t send emails via Indy. I use a gmail account.


    I receive this error:


    Invalid dylib load. Clients should not load the unversioned libcrypto dylib as it does not have a stable ABI.


    Any idea or fix ?


    Thank you

  2. Hello,


    When you add a new app to Apple Store you need send multiple screenshot of running app.

    But with simulator I can´t run app on new decives (ios 12.4).

    How can I make screenshot for all devices and for send to app store ?


    Thank you

  3. Hello,


    I am trying to remove gray selected color that comes by default on TListView Native for iOS


    I would like to change to white, or remove selected.


    I tried ShowSelection= false, AllowSelection=false,... but on TListView Native for ios does not work


    Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 7 - 2019-08-08 at 09.09.53.png

  4. Hello,


    when try to install receive Operation Error:


    2019-08-06 07:19:54] [ERROR] A problem occurred during the process.
    [2019-08-06 07:19:54] [INFO ] Installation End
    [2019-08-06 07:20:13] [INFO ] Installation Start
    [2019-08-06 07:20:16] [INFO ] Downloading "Delphi Android Professional"...
    [2019-08-06 07:20:17] [ERROR] Cannot load data from the server: 
    Problem extracting compressed file. Downloaded file seems to be corrupted.


    Any idea ?


  5. fgActivityDialog.Show;
            if FormSelector <> nil then
            FormSelector := nil;
            Application.CreateForm(TFormSelector, FormSelector);
            //FormSelector := TFormSelector.Create(self);
            FormSelector.sClass := pSL.Values['Class'];
            FormSelector.sFromValue := pSL.Values['KeyFrom'];
            FormSelector.Field := Field;
            FormSelector.FCurrentFrame := TFrameList(TFrameClass(FindClass(FormSelector.sClass)).Create(FormSelector));
            FormSelector.FCurrentFrame.Name := 'FrameSelector';
            FormSelector.FCurrentFrame.Parent:= FormSelector.Panel;
            FormSelector.FCurrentFrame.TagFloat := 1;

    It works on version prior to Tokyo.

    Now, activitydialog not shown

  6. Hello,

    When I use a OpenDialog.Filename on Mac OS and stores value in a SQlite varchar(255) column

    no english chars like í, ó,... are converted to ? character.


    Example: "Sin título.jpg" is converted to "Sin t?tulo.jpg" when stores to database.


    If I invoke a showMessage(OpenDialog.Filename) it is ok.

    but when I save:


    DS.FieldByName('Nombre').AsString := ExtractFileName(OpenDialog.Filename);


    or if Assign to a AnsiString var then problem is the same


