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Alexander Elagin

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Everything posted by Alexander Elagin

  1. WS_EX_APPWINDOW is also a nice extended style for startup / login forms. CreateParams is a very valuable method indeed!
  2. Alexander Elagin

    Date / time format

    Is there any setting to make this forum display date and time in user-selected format? I could not find such setting, but I would prefer European or ISO 8601 format instead of "Sunday 12.24 PM" I currently see.
  3. Alexander Elagin

    Delphi SQL Formatter

    SQL.Add (or AddStrings) does not clear the previous content of the SQL text possibly producing the incorrect result. Either explicitly clear the list with SQL.Clear before adding new lines or simply use the Text property: SQL.Text := ....
  4. Alexander Elagin

    Can MMX move a class to another unit?

    Select the class declaration (either in the MMX tab or in the editor) and then do a simple right click - MMX commands - Clipboard - Cut entity (in the source unit), then go to the target unit and perform MMX Commands - Clipboard - Paste entity.
  5. I also came to the same solution a few years ago. I have a single datamodule responsible for visual settings which includes a SkinController, a set of required skins and skin support units - like dxSkinsdxBarPainter, dxSkinscxPCPainter etc - in the "uses" section and some other components and procedures (like DX string resources localization, skin switching etc.) This approach makes it extremly easy to customize an application without, well, polluting the "uses" section of all forms with skin-related modules.