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John van de Waeter

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Everything posted by John van de Waeter

  1. John van de Waeter

    D11, Android new App Billing Service

    Hi All, I have a nice Android app, developed in D 10.4.2, which includes In-App purchases. It runs on Android 6 and above. 1. The new Delphi 11 says the Android app will run on Android 8 and above. This would be bad news for my cutomers with Android 6 and 7 2. Google says per november 2021 the new app billing service needs to be used. Unless this new app billing service could be used by Delphi 10.4.2, I'm forced to use D11 but that would be bad news for (see above). It would be nice if either - D10.4.2 could handle te new Billing Service, so I could service those oldAndroid clients for say another year or - D11 can be used to create Android apps for Android 6 and 7. I guess there's a little more to it then just changing the minSDKVersion? Any tips? Greatly appreciated! tnx, John
  2. John van de Waeter

    idHttp Windows ConnectTimeout

    Hi All, My PC is always on. Except for today, I needed to check hardware and had to coldboot my computer. Ofcourse there were some windows updates that jumped in. Ok, Ok, All Ok. Windows booting, all seems okay, I start my D11-FMX project, F9 execute The project asks a server for updated info via HTTP. Via an idHttp. That has worked for years flawlessly, but now timed out. Weird. Browser worked ok, ip4 and ipv6 enabled, all seems ok. Compile and run on Android, everything works as expected. Same for iOS. I took a USBdrive and copied the Windows executable to a laptop that had not been switched on for weeks. On the same LAN. Everything worked like a charm. So, it's likely something in my computer. Switched off all apps/internet and whatever protections are visible in the windows settings, rebooted several times., To no Avail. Windows updates maybe? Uninstalled update KB5007186 Everything works again! I cannot look inside the updates, no idea what's going on,
  3. John van de Waeter

    idHttp Windows ConnectTimeout

    Follow up: Upon a new reboot, Windows insisted to reinstall KB5007186 And now the IdHttp connects flawlessly... So probably this KB was not the culprit.
  4. John van de Waeter

    D11, Android new App Billing Service

    Dave, Chris, I've first checked the Classes.dex with the jadx-tool, and all info I could find was about Billing version 4.0, so this looked okay. The Check in the Entitlements list was already there. Then I tried a new build to upload to the playstore with the meta-data line Dave mentioned included, and Voila, accepted without the warning! 🙂 I think you'd better file it to QC Dave, that will definitely draw more attention... Thanks for the help guys! John
  5. John van de Waeter

    D11, Android new App Billing Service

    Hi Chris, I tried. From a 10.4.2 project, I copied the sources to a new Alexandria directory. - removed all Android and iOS related files - removed the DProj and .dsk files - opened in D11`, reverting all library files to default Compile, install, run, test: NO PROBLEMS Upload to Google: Accepted, but with the same warning about the Billing Services: must use version 3 or higher. Appearantly my app doesn't meet the november 1 requierments... In the Libraries-section of the project I see billing-4.0.0.dex.jar though. Any idea how/where else to check for the correct Billing library?
  6. John van de Waeter

    D11, Android new App Billing Service

    Thanks Dave, Apart from some minor changes in my own code it seems to work...
  7. John van de Waeter

    iOS Metal and bitmap.savetofile

    Hi All, In a FMX IOS project, I turned on Metal to have a much more smoothly scrolling scrollbox. In project source: if TUIScreen.Wrap(TUIScreen.OCClass.mainScreen).nativeScale=TUIScreen.Wrap(TUIScreen.OCClass.mainScreen).Scale then begin GlobalUseMetal :=true; GlobalEventDrivenDisplayUpdates := true; GlobalPreferredFramesPerSecond := 60; end; Works great. But in another part of the same project, I have image1.bitmap.savetofile(docpath+'filename.png') This works okay if Metal is not used, but crashes if Metal is used. Delphi 10.4.1 Is this a bug or am I missing something? tia, John
  8. John van de Waeter

    iOS Metal and bitmap.savetofile

    Thanks Enesgeven I finally upgraded to 10.4.2 and it seems to be solved. Thanks for responding :) John
  9. John van de Waeter

    IOS deployment error [PAClient Error] Error: E0776

    Hyeong, what happens if you create a new, blank app? (just use the same name and provisioning as the original app)
  10. John van de Waeter

    IOS deployment error [PAClient Error] Error: E0776

    Most of my problems with deploying iOS apps disappeared when I: - deleted the IOSDevice directory - deleted the Launchscreen.TemplateiOS, - deleted Entitlement.TemplateiOS.xml - made sure every icon in project/Options has its own file and rebuild Not sure if this helps you though... I'm no iOS guru...
  11. John van de Waeter

    RAD 10.4 Android KeyboardType NumbersAndPunctuation not working

    Mateus, tnx, works like a charm 🙂
  12. John van de Waeter

    GeocodeReverse on Android

    Hi All, In my app I tried this sample to test Geocode Reverse, to find a location's postal code. Works great on iOS, but works only once on Android. (tested on Android 6 and 9). First time lookup Geocode reverse works, but subsequent lookups give the same result as the first one. Have to kill the app and restart to have a new lookup. I tried to dispose the TGeoCoder, so it would be recreated at every lookup, but it didn't have any effect. Any ideas? tia! John
  13. John van de Waeter

    GeocodeReverse on Android

    Found it, I guess... In System.Android.Sensors, class procedure TAndroidGeocoder.GeocodeReverseRequest The FGeoRevAddress was filled with data from the previous request. The code only fills the fields that are empty. So after one request, the fields where not empty and new data never got into the fGeoRevAddress. I applied just a quick fix for what I needed (city, postalcode, adminarea) of course this needs a more proper solution... 🙂 My quick fix: else begin Addr := FGeoRevAddress; Addr.adminarea:=''; // <--- added addr.postalcode:=''; // <--- added addr.locality:=''; // <--- added
  14. John van de Waeter

    GeocodeReverse on Android

    Hi Rollo62, It's not a matter of UI-refresh. I added a counter to the callback of the reverse geo lookup. It counts and it displays the counter. Like City=Amsterdam 1 City = Amsterdam 2 .... The lookup is executed, just returning the same result every next time (on Android).
  15. John van de Waeter

    Content not filling screen on iPhone 6

    Not sure if this is of any help, but I had similar problems. After several unsuccessful attempts I tried this: - Deleting ALL IOS stuff from the sourcedir (templates, directory iosdevice64, directory launchscreen.Template) - Deleting ALL stuff regarding my app from the Mac - Setting up newly all Icons in Projects/Options making sure that every icon (splash, app, launcher) have their own file The last one in bold!. I cannot look behind the scenes where delphi collects the files for the deploy-list, but it seemed to me that that it would not add a source file if it was already there. Lazy as I am, I used the same 1024x1024 for several images in the project/options/icons list. Only 1 appeared in the deploy-list. When I gave every icon its own file, they all appeared in the deploy list. - Rebuild, worked!
  16. John van de Waeter

    FMX app not working on some Android versions

    Hi Tufik, Hard to say. You included camera, Database, ZXing, min/targetedSDK tweaking, etc. Too many things that can cause problems. Start with a blank app. Make sure it runs on all tested devices. Then add features one by one.
  17. John van de Waeter

    GeocodeReverse on Android

    Well, actually because I always doubt myself, I tried this demo on Android. Start it, enable LocationSensor. Works, adress info is correct. Leave the demo app running, start walking a couple of hundred meters. The location coordinates and map synchronizes with the position, the current address does not. Stop LocationSensor, start LocationSensor: still old address. Stop app, restart app, address info ok.
  18. John van de Waeter

    GeocodeReverse on Android

    Pat, Still, no, no LocationSensor involved. I already have coordinates. I just want to lookup (georeverse) the postalcode from a set of lat/long. Meta code: 1: Input lat, long; Find postalcode using georeverse Works on both iOS and Android 2: Input another different set of lat/long; Find postalcode; Works on iOS, but gives result of first lookup (1) in Android.
  19. John van de Waeter

    GeocodeReverse on Android

    Pat, It's not from a webbrowser, it's from a Delphi-FMX app.
  20. John van de Waeter

    RAD 10.4 Android KeyboardType NumbersAndPunctuation not working

    Sorry for responding to an old post, but I wonder if the issue I notice is related. Put on a form 3 TEdits Give them different Keyboardtypes. tap in an Tedit, the correct keyboard is shown. Don't use the returnkey, but tap in the next Tedit. On Android, this works okay, the correct keyboardlayout is shown. On iOS, the keyboardtype from the first edit remains visible. Is this an iOS issue or a Firemonkey issue? Thanks, John
  21. John van de Waeter

    Displaying the Full width Unicode Ampersand on Mobile

    Hi All, Delphi Sydney 10.4.1 I have a Combobox with items. One of those items reads "Tea & Coffee". The Ampersand is seen as an acceleration character, so it disappears and the next space is underlined: Tea _Coffee. Nice on Windows, but not very useful on mobile. Now I can replace the & by && to have it displayed normally, but when a combobox is tapped, iOS takes over and displays the items in a scrollable list at the bottom, now showing "Tea && Coffee" Okay, now trying to stringreplace the & by chr(65286), the unicode full-width ampersand or by chr(65120), the half width ampersand, so it's not recognized as an acceleration character. Looks okay in Windows, but shows the & lowered on Android and much lowered on iOS when used in a fmx-label or a fmx combobox. Is there a way to make such a unicode fullwidth ampersand line up with the other characters in a string? Or, if not, is there a (global) way to completely disable the acceleration character in all labels, combo's etc where the & needs to be displayed? Thanks in advance! John