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Tommi Prami

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Everything posted by Tommi Prami

  1. Tommi Prami

    Delphi 10.3 Update 2 available

    That is not all, there are also Embarcaderos inhouse fixes. -Tee-
  2. Tommi Prami

    Restart the same App?

    That works also. -Tee-
  3. Tommi Prami

    Restart the same App?

    If this works well would be nice if final code would be published in Github etc. I think many would need it and if there would be ready to run code, it would help community. -Tee-
  4. Tommi Prami

    Delphi 10.3 Update 2 available

    Yo, Does anyone have 10.3.1 and 10.3.2 available? Would be cool to see some diff and/or analysis of RTL and/or VCL changes between the two, -Tee-
  5. Hope all start to contribute. When the FastCode was alive and kicking I suggested some kind of online server where benchmark/validation app could post results. Now hosting such a thing would be way easier. This could be good new contribution, to start with https://github.com/davidberneda/FastDateTime (Not my code, just to be clear) -Tee-
  6. Drop in placements of RTL and/or VCL routines would be most beneficial for most. And maybe something as a bonus that are not in the Delphi as a standard. Hope this project attracts lot of coders. -Tee-
  7. Any way to make those Blue Balls (pun intended) different color? To me almost invisible.
  8. Tommi Prami

    View Canon/Nikon reflex jpeg photo in high quality (Adobe sRGB?)

    I've once done something to solve this. I think I had to use some windows API or, hmmm... GDI+ thingy to load jpeg file, so it'll make color space conversion. Can't remember the details. I think it was some kind of GDI+ API thingy. -Tee-
  9. Tommi Prami

    Is editing posts disabled?

    Or I just can't figure out how to do that. -Tee-
  10. Tommi Prami

    Is editing posts disabled?

    Would have never guessed that, I thought that is for asking admins to remove etc. Or report abusive content etc. 🙂 -Tee-
  11. Tommi Prami

    Is editing posts disabled?

    Most likely... I see no problem changes, if someone doesn't behave, kick them out.
  12. Tommi Prami

    Is editing posts disabled?

  13. Tommi Prami

    Is editing posts disabled?

    Depends on how one uses the forum. I personally usually post, and maybe come back next day or later, If there is no replies in the my post, then I have no reason to revisit it. If the problem isn't in the caption. So, I don't quite see any problem in editing own posts, now I see it bit confusing as the "button" completely disappears. And as for me I have no idea how to even contact an admin to edit the message if I have an need to do so. Other example would be that the tone of your message is wrong, let's say due the you are using your second or third language. Would be nice to polish those out. Also what I see problematic in here is the fact that we know what it should read, we don't read own posts very carefully. And as it is possible in almost any social media platforms also, so it is more than less standard -Tee-
  14. Tommi Prami

    Is editing posts disabled?

    Mainly talks about deleting, I just would love to correct typos 🙂 -Tee-
  15. Tommi Prami

    Is editing posts disabled?

    Did some searching and even browsed (quickly) this through, but could not spot thread. -Tee-
  16. Tommi Prami

    Is editing posts disabled?

    That seems to be kind of stupid, if post code, notice mistake, i can't fix it, or I can't delete message I accidently posted in wrong group or there is embarrassing typo etc. I think editing and deleting should be possible as long as you like. Would take some load of of Admins also. OR in other words I can't see any reason why post shouldn't always be editable, enlighten me please if I am missing something obvious. -Tee-
  17. Tommi Prami

    Is editing posts disabled?

    Hmm, this post I have Edit button, but not the olen I would like to edit. Why is that?
  18. Only saw examples at online to select one file in explorer, and thought maybe someone else can also benefit from version that selects multiple files. Or harden this one if needed, -Tee- function OpenFolderAndSelectFiles(const AFileNames: TStringList): Boolean; procedure CheckFilesHaveSameRoot(const AFileNames: TStringList); var I: Integer; LDirectory: string; begin LDirectory := ExtractFilePath(AFileNames[0]); for I := 1 to AFileNames.Count - 1 do if not SameText(LDirectory, ExtractFilePath(AFileNames[I])) then raise EFileNotFoundException.CreateFmt('File "%s" is not in common root "%s"', [AFileNames[I], LDirectory]); end; var LDirectory: string; LPDirectoryItemID: PItemIDList; I: Integer; LFileArray: TArray<PItemIDList>; LDidInitCOM: Boolean; LAPIResult: HResult; begin CheckFilesHaveSameRoot(AFileNames); Result := False; LDidInitCOM := False; LDirectory := ExtractFilePath(AFileNames[0]); LPDirectoryItemID := ILCreateFromPath(PChar(LDirectory)); if Assigned(LPDirectoryItemID) then try SetLength(LFileArray, AFileNames.Count); for I := 0 to AFileNames.Count - 1 do LFileArray[I] := ILCreateFromPath(PChar(AFileNames[I])); while True do begin LAPIResult := SHOpenFolderAndSelectItems(LPDirectoryItemID, AFileNames.Count, @LFileArray[0], 0); if LAPIResult = CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED then begin LDidInitCOM := Succeeded(CoInitialize(nil)); if not LDidInitCOM then raise Exception.Create('Could not initialize COM'); end else Break; end; Result := LAPIResult = S_OK; finally ILFree(LPDirectoryItemID); for I := 1 to AFileNames.Count - 1 do ILFree(LFileArray[I]); if LDidInitCOM then CoUninitialize; end; end;
  19. Tommi Prami


    That is different use case. I would like to make something hobby stuff, not just evaluate. Maybe better to use some open Source Variants. That's why I would be happy to pay some, let's say 50€, but 150€ for something I am just interested in, and maybe never ever finnish, is too much. And would never make money from it or publish. Could someone list what are out there (Orm solutions or something close to that): - mORMot - DelphiMVC ...
  20. Tommi Prami


    That is not even close accurate analogy. If I go to restaurant, there is free meal and normal paid meal, I suggest restaurant, if I pay only little of the regular meal as i only will eat just a some portion of it. And even that restaurant analogy is plain stupid, cause this is about having reduced price if not used to make money which is the point of full licence, it allows you to make money with it. As same way that there is community edition of Delphi, which is super smart. If you like to tinker with it, it is free, but not an cripple ware.
  21. Tommi Prami


    How is so, I just suggested that I would not want to use FREE version and would like instead to PAY something.
  22. Tommi Prami


    No Source code so quite different thing, and no support so difficult to investigate why something doesn't work as expected. I would rather pay little to get non commercial use license. -Tee-
  23. Tommi Prami


    Would be nice of Component vendors had also licence for non commercial use, I would pay something, but not full price if I just want to tinker something at home. -Tee-
  24. Tommi Prami

    Design Packages list is not resizable

    That windows desperately needs an filtering, it is very hard to find stuff from it. Adn sometimes important info is not at beginning nor end of the line.