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Tommi Prami

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Everything posted by Tommi Prami

  1. Tommi Prami

    Delphi 12 and *.dsv

    Was talkin about the original link : https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Athens/en/Saving_and_Recovering#Autosave -Tee-
  2. Tommi Prami

    Delphi 12 and *.dsv

    That link talks about the .dsK file not the .dsV, but seems to be used in same functionality tough.
  3. Tommi Prami

    Parallel.For optimization

    For better results run the measured process over and over again while profiling. It gets more accurate with every sample you get. I've even run with Monte Carlo enabled (multi threaded app) for 30 minutes, and then check the results.
  4. Tommi Prami

    Minor Uninstaller bug

    Registry need cleanup I think... Could not find it tough. I'll let you know if I find where this is coming from. Had typo while searching, found from expected place at the registry. This also caught my eye. Should this registration also be gone at the uninstall
  5. Tommi Prami

    Minor Uninstaller bug

    Noted!. That is totally reasonable, if it takes too much time and/or effort. That is such a small problem, that no need to worry, I think. -Tee-
  6. https://github.com/gabr42/OmniThreadLibrary/issues/198 -tee-
  7. Tommi Prami

    Minor visual bug

    https://embt.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/RSS-1265 Thought it was default dialog from IDE, but as it behaved differently than IDE default, uninstalled MMX to confirm. Couple of related things. 1. Can I deactivate MMX to override Ctrl+F12 2. Or could the MMX version work the way in IDE default work, I can write multiple words to narrow search down. I rarely remember exact name, so I write something like "custom invoice edit" to get MyForm.Beautiful.Custom.Invoice.Magic.Edit.pas -Tee-
  8. Tommi Prami

    Minor visual bug

    Thanks... -Tee-
  9. Tommi Prami

    Thread leaks report (FastMM4)

    Would be nice to know where this misconception of mine comes from, as it seems that I am not alone. I have no recollection where I got that from., -Tee-
  10. Tommi Prami

    Thread leaks report (FastMM4)

    Tested this and I stand corrected. I bet this was the case way back at least, that exception in constructor was leading to memory leaks. Might be still wrong tpugh. -Tee-
  11. Tommi Prami

    Thread leaks report (FastMM4)

    At least exception raising in constructor might not be best practise. -Tee-
  12. Hello, Similarly as Screen Saver starts after some time no input and so, I would like to detect/get notification for that. Or as the Teams will change status to the Away.,.. Tried to google around but nothing good came up... -Tee-
  13. Tommi Prami

    Is there a way to check is the "user Idle" (no interaction)

    Little bit more polished version: https://github.com/TommiPrami/OLEDBlackScreen/releases/tag/Alpha_1.2.3
  14. Tommi Prami

    Is there a way to check is the "user Idle" (no interaction)

    Made first test "Release" Little of usage info in the readme.md Note that it's start as minimized, sould block the sleep and screensaver (which is my point, might be optional later), and just show black screen. Why Im made this, is that I have LG OLED TV as monitor, and don't want to go to screensaver at home office, and would like to go to the back screen. https://github.com/TommiPrami/OLEDBlackScreen Prebuild exe if you dare to use: https://github.com/TommiPrami/OLEDBlackScreen/releases/tag/Alpha_0.1 -Tee-
  15. Tommi Prami

    Is there a way to check is the "user Idle" (no interaction)

    That is Good point, most likely that does not work currently, maybe... Thanks for the bug, that needs to be fixed, somehow... -Tee-
  16. Tommi Prami

    Is there a way to check is the "user Idle" (no interaction)

    Donät know what you mean by local/global. Mainly I need to know is the user being using mouse or keyboard etc. At least for now that seems to be enough. GetLastInputInfo() is working well for now. I'll try to get this thingy more than less ready this week, so I can show it to you,... Not much to do but... -Tee-
  17. Tommi Prami

    Is there a way to check is the "user Idle" (no interaction)

    No need to track especially, but to know how long user has been idle... I GetLastInputInfo() API for now, and seems OK for now. Added todo-items for those links, seemed to have many good things to research later. Thanks. -Tee-
  18. Tommi Prami

    Parallel.ForEach is really slow

    Please let us know how it goes. For me it was just changing two lines... Removed one two pieces of code "const" and "<Integer>" It did not make things faster, but I'll split the workload into the Chunks before processing them in parallel. -Tee-
  19. Apparently LAEL ("address calculator") can do multiply by 2, 4 and 8 very fast. Don't know anything about details, difference to other op codes etc... Subject starts from here, at C to llvm IR -> to asm : -Tee-
  20. If I remember from the video, the LLVM will use shl/shr (never remember which) tric on the intermediate version (Like it'äs bytecode), but it'll use the LEA at the binary if it just can. I always thought shl/shr would be the fastest way.. -Tee-
  21. Tommi Prami

    Any chance of getting a signed installer?

    Don't know what is the current situation, and it most likely varies greatly by certificate vendor and so on. But... CoWorker wanted to sign free apps, and it was huge mess. What I can remember he could not get the certificate, because he is individual and not the company, and would have needed lawyer and so forth to validate to certificate vendor that he is who he says he is. Or something like that. And this clearly is large problem, IMHO, Open Source or free apps people or teams are releasing for free and not for business, should have reasonable priced certificate, with reasonable byreogracy. Most likely ones that can solve this might not be here reading this. But this seems like solvable problem. But is anyone have some ideas how to get certificate for OpenSource/free project, at reasonable price (all of our mileage might vary) and so on, leave comments. -Tee-
  22. Tommi Prami

    Delphi on Surface Pro with Qualcomm CPU?

    I went to the roadshow and was left into understanding that those come out after summer. So most likely no one has tested that, if has, most likely is not allowed to talk much about it. -Tee-
  23. Yellow, Could not think what else to call then as "Local Global variables" So let me show. function Foo(...) var LListOfVariables: TSomeType; procedure Bar1; begin // Complex proc that might or might not use variables defined above, and/or change them end; procedure Bar2; begin // Complex proc that might or might not use variables defined above, and/or change them end; ... begin // Func main body that might or might not call local procs end; For me this is very hard to wrap my brains around. For me this pattern requires lot of thinking and overloads my limited memory, to keep in mind that call to local procedure might touch the local variable, even it is not directly passed into them. I don't have anything against local methods, they wrap nicely some local need, that is specific for that parent method, and only for that. But fight are they good idea at first place, is another matter. -Tee-
  24. I don't. Why would I complain about it if it would be my own fault 😄 But there are people that has this habit, in component vendors, open source library writes, possibly in coworkers etc...
  25. Tommi Prami

    XX3_64Bits -hash really flies

    https://xxhash.com/doc/v0.8.2/index.html There are some Delphi implementations of some version of xxHash, bot not low level optimized version. -Tee- PS. posted this in wrong group ;(