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  1. Michaell

    12.2 Instability

    You mentioned both and both is using the same IDE.
  2. Michaell

    12.2 Instability

    No more C++ Builder crashes at debugging.
  3. Michaell

    12.2 Instability

    Solution at my system, modify via regedit: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\23.0\Debugging\HighlightDebugWindows from True to False
  4. Michaell

    12.2 Instability

    Hi, I have also such a very disappointing behavior at code debugging. I have not installed any 3rd party extensions. I.e. my faulty module is "rtl290.bpl" and "unknown" (the event viewer shows always two errors). I'm using the latest (October) offline installer version. Regards! Michael P.S. This is already the 2nd sever bug I discovered at C++ Builder 12.2.
  5. Michaell

    What is your Update Process?

    Most important: I don't do it if there is no -visible- benefit for my work. I.e. I usually skip minor releases and if there is a major release then I wait at least one month before using it. My project is really old and with almost each Embarcadero-SW update I run in new trouble. Like this time with 12.2 and the "Unable to load Project ... Duplicates not allowed" error. Don't use the Migration tool, too many issues in the past. Backup the entire system. Run the SW installer (and keep the Windows registry setting). Get praying and try my project. Search for help in at least 50 % of all Embarcadero-SW update cases. Restore all settings which got lost.
  6. I'm glad you could also clear your problem. Do what you like to do, until now I have not used the above linked portal and I will not start with it.
  7. The (better) solution was at my project: 1) Remove from several locations (especially from the *.cbproj file) this include: (BDSINCLUDE)\windows\vcl don't care how it looks, e.g. also: "c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\23.0\include\windows\vcl If done the error E2209 Unable to open include file 'vcl.h' should be shown but the error Unable to load Project ... Duplicates not allowed shall be gone. 2) Re-introduce the (BDSINCLUDE)\windows\vcl at one location, i.e.: Options -> Language -> C++ -> Paths and Directories -> System Include Path -> Windows-32bit -> Classic Compiler and compile again, now it worked at my side.
  8. I get "You do not have permission to view this request." Anyhow, thanks for this information. Bye! Michael
  9. Nice, 6 years later I have the same problem with the C++ Builder 12.2. I found 4 files (in folders ...\bin plus ...\Win32 and ...\bin64 plus ...\Win64) "DBXInterBaseDriver290.bpl" and renamed all of them to "_DBXInterBaseDriver290.bpl". This helps, but I got (and get) the error message: Can't load package c:\program files (x86)\...\bin\dclDBXDriversInt290.bpl The specified module could not be found. Do you want to ... So what does it means for my C++ Builder setup if I have the "DBXInterBaseDriver290.bpl" no longer available? Thanks!
  10. Actually it is a Visual Assist (VA) bug (RSP-44054) and it occurs if this setting is in use: IDE -> Saving and Recovering -> Reopen last opened project when starting RAD Studio
  11. I closed the project, reopened it and after an automatically started file parsing task the 'Projects' window showed at its lower part: CodeInsight: Done Before it was CodeInsight: Stopped It seems that at my 1st try the file parsing was incomplete / interrupted and therefore the related feature 'Find Symbol' was out of work, i.e. the above reported issue is gone,
  12. Hi, the C++ Builder 12.0 introduced 'Search -> Find Symbol' feature delivers in the related displayed dialog box title bar its search result, in my case: Find Symbol [0 of 0] -- Visual Assist So it is not working at all. Does it need some special prerequisite like "only working together with the Clang compiler"? Thanks! P.S. The Embarcadero feature help is here and the Whole Tomato feature help here. Both don't tell anything about problem fighting.
  13. Michaell

    'HelpPane.exe' vs. 'HH.exe' and *.chm file support

    I found a similar problem (Ctrl+F) at stackoverflow, it has one answer which seems not to help but the info that it was OK with Delphi 2007 and no longer OK with Delphi XE2. P.S. The search via 'Ctrl+F' is in my case also not working.
  14. Hello, I have a CHM help file which will be opened by my program via the Microsoft Windows 1) 'HH.exe' or if the user pushes 'F1' on the keyboard Windows will do it via 2) 'HelpPane.exe'. The 'HelpPane.exe' information I have seen here. My problem: Option 1) is working flawless but option 2) will disable the 'Ctrl+C' (copy to clipboard) keyboard shortcut for the opened CHM help file. Does anyone know how to overcome this problem? Thanks! Michaell
  15. This I was informed: The 'C++ Audits' feature was removed because it is incompatible to the Clang compiler. Codeguard is not working as soon as the dynamic runtime library feature is in use. This can be also the case if the related C++ linker option "Link with dynamic RTL, ..." is disabled. It may be fixed in some future release (i.e. > V10.4.2) I wonder why they have not compiler dependent 'C++ Audits' disabled? I.e. for the Clang compiler disabled but still usable for the classic Borland compiler .