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Everything posted by WestyOz

  1. It appears that when using Delphi 10.3 and targeting the latest Android API (26) the following call no longer works: MainActivity.registerIntentAction(TJIntent.JavaClass.ACTION_VIEW); The exception is raise 'java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException'. This was required when facilitating the handling the opening of an associated file using an <intent-filter> within the AndroidManifest.template.xml. The full code sequence is as follows: // Register the type of intent action that we want to be able to receive. // Note: A corresponding <action> tag must also exist in the <intent-filter> section of AndroidManifest.template.xml. MainActivity.registerIntentAction(TJIntent.JavaClass.ACTION_VIEW); TMessageManager.DefaultManager.SubscribeToMessage(TMessageReceivedNotification, HandleActivityMessage); I've had the same challenge when running the AndroidIntents project from the supplied Samples. Has anyone else encountered this and managed to solve for it?
  2. In regards to the java error it was compile time error -> 'Cannot find symbol'. Again, I'm no expert with java - so I just applied the first Dr Google suggestion and got a result. Also it was the Web Install rather than the ISO. First time I've gone this way on a Delphi install and the paths are different between versions (compared to 10.2 on my machine at least). And again, thanks for taking the time to document and supply a fix for the Delphi community. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has had a headache over this so to get a solid resolution whilst a patch is developed was gratefully received.
  3. Thanks Brian for the unofficial fix - I've applied this and it works. Just a couple of things I had to tweak though. In the .bat file I had to adjust as follows: rem set SDK_PATH=%PUBLIC%\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\PlatformSDKs\android-sdk-windows set SDK_PATH=%PUBLIC%\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\CatalogRepository\AndroidSDK-2525_20.0.32429.4364\ And in the FMXNativeActivity.java, I had to explicitly add the import of java.util.ArrayList (got an exception otherwise) import java.util.ArrayList; . . . private List<String> mRegisteredIntentActions; . . . protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // Check device architecture DeviceArchitectureChecker.check(); // Debugger if (CLASSES_DEX_DEBUGGER_SUPPORT) { DebuggerUtils debuggerUtils = new DebuggerUtils(this); debuggerUtils.tryStartDebugger(); } virtualKeyboard = new VirtualKeyboard(this); mRegisteredIntentActions = new ArrayList<String>(); mRegisteredIntentActions.add(NotificationInfo.ACTION_NOTIFICATION); mRegisteredIntentActions.add(NotificationPublisher.ACTION_GCM_NOTIFICATION); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); I am no expert in this space - so not sure if this is the ideal approach but it seemed to work.
  4. Thanks for the reply and insights Dave it is much appreciated - and indeed you are exactly right. With your reference I went back to Delphi 10.2.3 and inspected FMXNativeActivity.java and note the declaration as: private List<String> mRegisteredIntentActions; and in the onCreate() it is updated as: . . . mRegisteredIntentActions = new ArrayList<String>(); mRegisteredIntentActions.add(NotificationInfo.ACTION_NOTIFICATION); mRegisteredIntentActions.add(NotificationPublisher.ACTION_GCM_NOTIFICATION); . . . So there has been a step change between versions, which must have been for a reason?