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  1. fastbike

    "CAN" bus advice

    Now that was useful, many thanks. I spent about an hour getting my head around the whole 32 bit app running on a 64 bit OS, and unicode thing but after changing declarations using PChar to PAnsiChar and also figuring out that the safest way of calling some of the functions that were looking for a PChar to populate, was to declare an array of Byte and pass in the address - it all worked out ok. The CANUSB driver installs the header files so you can check what is required but as far as I could tell the Delphi import unit had got everything correct. I've created a simple monitor with some decoding of the Velbus protocol so I can figure out what is going on at the bus level.
  2. fastbike

    "CAN" bus advice

    Thanks Uwe, I'll take a look later today. I see they have a 64 bit DLL on the vendor website so I will update the pas import file to match.
  3. fastbike

    "CAN" bus advice

    Unfortunately out of my price range and I already have the other product.
  4. fastbike

    "CAN" bus advice

    I've bought the CANUSB dongle but they seem to only offer support for dot Net. I've found an old project CanDe that uses an older version of the ComPortDriver but I can't get it to connect to the bus. Do you remember what was required ?
  5. fastbike


    A post with a couple of code blocks
  6. fastbike

    Locking an Object

    Blame the scattered posts on the forum software consistently refusing to allow me to post anything here two days ago - each time posts with codeblocks were tagged as spam and after editing the attempted post I received notification that I had exceeded the number of posts - which is just way beyond frustrating. I will start another thread on Stackoverflow since this one has become very hard to follow.
  7. fastbike

    Locking an Object

    There is one global object. It has a method that loads the data into it (Reload). There is an internal flag to say if the data has been loaded. There is another method to access that data (GetOperation) - client threads (from IIS so I do not create these consumer threads) call this method which needs to block until the data has been loaded which is signified by the internal flag being set. Is TMonitor the correct synchronisation structure here ?
  8. fastbike

    Locking an Object

    And now that the forum filters have relaxed, am I using the TMonitor record correctly to lock the global object until it has been populated ?
  9. fastbike

    Locking an Object

    And finally a much improved version of the method that should not return until the Reload method above has done its thing. function TFHIROperationFactory.GetOperation(Id: string): IFHIROperationDefintion; begin Log.Debug('GetOperation for %s', [Id], DefaultLogTag); if not FOperationsLoaded then begin Log.Debug('Waiting for Operations to be loaded', DefaultLogTag); TMonitor.Enter(Self); try for var I := 0 to Settings.ReadInteger('Global', 'RetryOperationsReload', 15) do // prevent run away loop begin while not FOperationsLoaded do TMonitor.Wait(Self, 250); end; if not FOperationsLoaded then raise EFHIRExceptionServer.Create('Could not load FHIR Operations, check settings Global|RetryOperationsReload'); finally TMonitor.Exit(Self); end; end; if not FRegisteredOperations.TryGetValue(Id, Result) then begin raise EFHIRExceptionServer.CreateFmt('FHIR Operation with id %s not registered', [Id]); end; end;
  10. fastbike

    Locking an Object

    An improved version of the Reload method (called either independently via an URL endpoint) or as part of the lazy creation of the object (see above) This one does a pulse all to advise any waiting threads that the global objects is now unlocked. /// <summary>Load (or reload) the OperationDefinition resources from *.xml files, and populate the type mapper</summary> procedure TFHIROperationFactory.Reload; begin TMonitor.Enter(Self); try FOperationsLoaded := false; LoadOperationDefinitions; FOperationsLoaded := true; TMonitor.PulseAll(Self); finally TMonitor.Exit(Self); end; end;
  11. fastbike

    Locking an Object

    And the code that gets called by other worker threads when they need a IFHIROperationDefintion instance. I think the TMonitor code is of no effect - in hindsight it should actually be sitting there and spinning (via TMonitor.Wait ? ) until the Reload method has set the lock variable (FOperationsLoaded). I'll provide an improved implementation of these two methods in the next post for inspection and comment. function TFHIROperationFactory.GetOperation(Id: string): IFHIROperationDefintion; begin if not FOperationsLoaded then begin Log.Debug('Waiting for Operations to be loaded', DefaultLogTag); TMonitor.Enter(Self); try if not FOperationsLoaded then begin Reload; end; finally TMonitor.Exit(Self); end; end; if not FRegisteredOperations.TryGetValue(Id, Result) then begin raise EFHIRExceptionServer.CreateFmt('FHIR Operation with id %s not registered', [Id]); end; end;
  12. fastbike

    Locking an Object

    And the code that does the initial loading / reloading of the xml files and creation of the implementation objects ///<summary>Load (or reload) the OperationDefinition resources from *.xml files</summary> procedure TFHIROperationFactory.Reload; begin FOperationsLoaded := false; TMonitor.Enter(Self); try LoadOperationDefinitions; // a helper method that reads files from a directory, creates objects and adds to the dictionary FOperationsLoaded := true; finally TMonitor.Exit(Self); end; end;
  13. fastbike

    Locking an Object

    Some vanilla code for constructor / destructor constructor TFHIROperationFactory.Create; begin inherited Create; FRegisteredOperations := TDictionary<string, IFHIROperationDefintion>.Create; end; destructor TFHIROperationFactory.Destroy; begin FRegisteredOperations.Free; inherited; end; [Click and drag to move]
  14. fastbike

    Locking an Object

    My implementation, very similar but with a function that @Remy Lebeau helped me write. The singleton can only be accessed via the global function pointer as all of this code is in the implementation section. // global singleton variables/methods var _FHIROperationFactory: IFHIROperationFactory; function GetDefaultFHIROperationFactory: IFHIROperationFactory; var newFHIRFactory: IFHIROperationFactory; begin if _FHIROperationFactory = nil then begin { The object does not exist yet. Create one. } newFHIRFactory := TFHIROperationFactory.Create; { It is possible another thread also created one, so get the first} InterlockedCompareExchangeIntf(IInterface(_FHIROperationFactory), newFHIRFactory, nil); _FHIROperationFactory.Reload; end; Result := _FHIROperationFactory; end; initialization // assign an implemntation method to the global function pointer FHIROperationFactory := GetDefaultFHIROperationFactory; end.
  15. fastbike

    Locking an Object

    I have a similar implementation but am having trouble posting replies to this thread ion this forum. It seems the filters are rejecting my posts for reasons unknown.