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Everything posted by PeterPanettone

  1. PeterPanettone

    Delphi 12 is available

    Please describe your impression - thanks!
  2. PeterPanettone

    Delphi 12 is available

    Has anybody watched the Webinar?
  3. PeterPanettone

    Delphi 12 is available

    How many available seats are on the Internet? I had been registered since the webinar announcement. Sadly, Embarcadero did not contact the registered and confirmed participants to inform them that they were excluded.
  4. PeterPanettone

    Delphi 12 is available

    Unfortunately, it seems the webinar has been canceled!
  5. Installing JCL (https://github.com/project-jedi/jcl) in Delphi 10.4: • \jcl\source\include was not added to IDE Library Path by the installer • jcld27win32.inc file is missing
  6. PeterPanettone

    Delphi compatibility with Windows 11?

    Has anybody information about Delphi compatibility with Windows 11?
  7. PeterPanettone

    Added a menu item to Grep Search Results

    I have added a menu item to the context menu of the Grep Results Context to copy the text selected in the Grep Results source Context: This is very helpful when you quickly need a piece of code from the search results context. Here is the changed source code (based on r3924)) GX_GrepResults.zip
  8. Does anyone have any information about Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?
  9. PeterPanettone

    Centered message?

    Each Application.MessageBox, MessageBox (MessageBox API), MessageDlg show the dialog in the center of the SCREEN. Is it possible to have any of them centered on the Application Form?
  10. PeterPanettone

    Added a menu item to Grep Search Results

    Hi Thomas, I wrote an e-mail to your SourceForge e-mail address <twm@users.sourceforge.net> before posting here. But it came back with a "550 unknown user". Should I file an extra request at SourceForge too?
  11. Previous versions of the IDE had the option to get a FLOATING FORM DESIGNER by deactivating the Embedded designer option: But this option seems to have been removed in Delphi Alexandria: WHY???
  12. PeterPanettone

    AV in bds.exe

    Has anyone ever had this error message? It does not go away. The only way out is killing bds.exe. Delphi 11.1 Alexandria.
  13. PeterPanettone

    AV in bds.exe

    I like people that have preserved their sense of humor in these dark times 😀
  14. PeterPanettone

    String Splitter

    This is a very simple project, as I've found no simple solution to my question: StringSplitter.zip
  15. PeterPanettone

    String Splitter

    You should install it in the IDE's Tools menu:
  16. PeterPanettone

    String Splitter

    There was a bug in the regular expression that caused #39#39#39#39 and #39#39#39 to be transformed into #39#39. This bug is now fixed in version 3a: StringSplitterversion3a.zip
  17. PeterPanettone

    String Splitter

    To avoid errors when the output is used in Delphi code, if the input string contains single quotation marks (#39), they should be replaced by two quotation marks (#39#39): ThisString := TRegEx.Replace(ThisString, '(?:'')+', #39#39, [roIgnoreCase]); (Please note that System.SysUtils.StringReplace cannot be used for this task, as it would replace quotation marks (#39) even in occurrences of two quotation marks (#39#39)!) Hence, here is version 2: StringSplitterversion2.zip
  18. I have a very long HTML code text in the clipboard (<HTML>...</HTML>) without line-ends which I want to convert into a string constant in the Editor. If I use any of the GExperts string converters, I get the Compiler error message "Line too long". So how can I convert-split this very long clipboard string into concatenated strings of fixed maximal length suitable for a string constant, e.g.: const MyHTML = '<HTML> ...' + '...' + '...' + ... '...</HTML>';
  19. PeterPanettone

    Converting a very long text to concatenated strings?

    Done: You can download it here:
  20. PeterPanettone

    Converting a very long text to concatenated strings?

    Thanks for all the answers. I was hoping that an existing addon like GExperts or MMX would provide that feature. As it is very easy to write such a tool (and I am not a night worker), I will do it tomorrow.
  21. PeterPanettone

    Show the ancestors for a class?

    Does MMX have a feature to show the ANCESTORS (e.g., in a hierarchical tree) for a specific known class? Or is there any IDE addon that has such a feature?
  22. PeterPanettone

    Show the ancestors for a class?

    This is true for standard classes. But I need it for custom third-party classes.
  23. PeterPanettone

    Show the ancestors for a class?

    To solve this problem, I need to get e.g. Vcl.StdCtrls.TButton from TButton. How can I do that?
  24. PeterPanettone

    Show the ancestors for a class?

    Unfortunately, this does not allow me to show all the ancestors, e.g., of `TButton`.
  25. To clear all Parnassus Bookmarks, you have to dig deeply into the IDE's menu structure: VIEW → EDITOR → BOOKMARKS: Isn't there a shortcut to clear the Parnassus Bookmarks?