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Everything posted by PeterPanettone

  1. PeterPanettone

    Move current entity to another unit?

    That's a rational point. Thanks for the information.
  2. PeterPanettone

    Move current entity to another unit?

    This is a real object: object shpColorHover: TShape Left = 26 Top = 313 Width = 41 Height = 41 Hint = 'Previews the color under the mouse pointer.' Brush.Color = clBtnFace Pen.Color = clSilver Pen.Width = 0 Shape = stRoundSquare end
  3. PeterPanettone

    Move current entity to another unit?

    The benefits are clear, and I agree with them. But introducing additional complexity always increases the cost of a project in terms of handling and maintenance effort.
  4. PeterPanettone

    Move current entity to another unit?

    Interesting approach, nice code. But why introduce unnecessary complexity into something which is intrinsically simple?
  5. PeterPanettone

    Move current entity to another unit?

    Did you read and understand what I wrote?
  6. PeterPanettone

    Move current entity to another unit?

    Is MMX open source? I believe not. I would be happy to help. But I doubt Uwe would allow me. Is this a Kindergarten? I hope not.
  7. PeterPanettone

    Move current entity to another unit?

    "Code is clean if it can be understood easily – by everyone on the team." procedure ResetHoverColor; begin Form1.shpColorHover.Brush.Color := Form1.FHoverColor; end; I doubt that @Uwe (or anyone else) did not understand this code. I rather assume that Uwe called my code "unclean" for specific "emotional" reasons...
  8. PeterPanettone

    Move current entity to another unit?

    Using: Form1.shpColorHover.Brush.Color := Form1.FHoverColor; instead of: shpColorHover.Brush.Color := FHoverColor; is MANDATORY in this context! So this is not a question to "encourage" something which is SYNTACTICALLY NECESSARY! It is strange that you define my code as "UNCLEAN". Has this any religious connotations?
  9. PeterPanettone

    Move current entity to another unit?

    Why not? Are you in a bad mood? Don't you want to make MMX smarter and make doing things with MMX more comfortable?
  10. PeterPanettone

    Move current entity to another unit?

    An example: I have this method entity implemented in Unit1: procedure TForm1.ResetHoverColor; begin shpColorHover.Brush.Color := FHoverColor; end; I CUT this method entity and PASTE it into unit uTransparencyManager (which is part of the same project), and it becomes: uses Unit1; procedure ResetHoverColor; implementation procedure ResetHoverColor; begin shpColorHover.Brush.Color := FHoverColor; end; However, to make it work without errors, I had to MANUALLY add the "Form1." prefixes: procedure ResetHoverColor; begin Form1.shpColorHover.Brush.Color := Form1.FHoverColor; end; 1. Adding these prefixes should be done automatically by MMX! PLUS: The FHoverColor variable is declared in the private section of the Unit1.TForm1 class. To make it usable in the uTransparencyManager unit, I had to MANUALLY move the declaration into the public section of the Unit1.TForm1 class. 2. This too should be automatically done by MMX! Can you please implement this? Thank you!
  11. PeterPanettone

    Search Filter for GExperts ToDoList added

    I have added a Search Filter to the GExperts ToDoList: It is VERY FAST! It searches in all columns of the ToDoList! Usage: Type the search text into the Search Box and then press the Return/Enter key. To reset/cancel the search filter, just delete the search text in the Search Box and then press the Return/Enter key again. This Search Filter feature is very useful when you have many ToDo items in your project. Here is the source (based on r3686) : GX_ToDo.zip Changed the visibility of the FilterTodoList method from public to private: GX_ToDo v2.zip Slightly increased the height of the Search Box to show the whole search text instead of this: : GX_ToDo v3.zip Showing the number of unfiltered and filtered ToDo items: : GX_ToDo v4.zip Improved the height setting for the Search Box: GX_ToDo v5.zip I donate this source code (i.e. my changes to the existing source code) to the GExperts project maintained by Thomas. Added the issue to the source code website: https://sourceforge.net/p/gexperts/feature-requests/150/
  12. PeterPanettone

    Search Filter for GExperts ToDoList added

    It should be: "Use the current editor identifier or the current designer control name as the default search string". This text conforms to the current English grammar rules.
  13. PeterPanettone

    Search Filter for GExperts ToDoList added

    "The Grep search expert now takes the name of the currently selected control on the form designer if it is opened while the form designer is active." I am not sure what you mean by "if it is opened": The Grep search dialog is modal, so no control can be selected while it is opened. And when I choose a control from the IDE Designer and then call the Grep Search dialog, the name of the control is not being inserted in the Grep dialog.
  14. PeterPanettone

    Search Filter for GExperts ToDoList added

    I compiled it in the IDE without problems as RELEASE version. I assume that makes GExperts slightly faster than the DEBUG version?
  15. PeterPanettone

    Search Filter for GExperts ToDoList added

    Thomas, thank you very much! But why the __Build_Project.cmd still cannot cope with "long" paths?: The last time I got such an error was over 30 years ago, in times of Windows 95. (Also my good old "Atari TT" tormented me with such error messages, until I wrote an Atari extension for allowing long file names; then I sold that extension source code for $10 to a guy with a funny nickname of "Bill G."...).
  16. PeterPanettone

    Move current entity to another unit?

    1. Optionally create a new target unit or select the target unit from a list. 2. Automatically add uses statements to the target unit where needed. (Uses statements pointing to the source unit or the units required by the entity present in the source unit).
  17. PeterPanettone

    Hot Reload in Delphi?

    Hot Reload is a feature in the upcoming .NET 6 that allows developers to modify source code while an app is running and immediately see the results: Microsoft reverses controversial .NET change after open-source community outcry Just pipe-dreaming: Wouldn't that be a wonderful feature for Delphi?
  18. PeterPanettone

    Delphi 11 November Patch

    I downloaded the Delphi 11 NovemberPatch from https://my.embarcadero.com and executed patch.R110.hotfix.november_install.bat. This time there were no error messages. (The previous first patch about a month ago produced error messages when installed from GetIt). I made sure to execute the patch not from a network drive and from a path with no spaces in the path. I also made sure the Delphi 11 IDE was not running while installing the patch (as it is the case when installing the patch from GetIt). As seen from the console window, a lot of files were replaced/added. IMO, there should be a list of applied patches in the About dialog. https://blogs.embarcadero.com/rad-studio-11-alexandria-november-patch-available
  19. As an example, these are the search results when I search for "TPanel" in the F6 Search Box: Please note the LIGHT BLUE selection (highlighting) color: This very light selection color makes it almost impossible to detect which item is selected! Is it possible to change this selection color and replace it with a more contrasting selection color?
  20. PeterPanettone

    Delphi compatibility with Windows 11?

    That is an interesting question.
  21. PeterPanettone

    Delphi compatibility with Windows 11?

    Windows 11 bug could reduce Ryzen CPU performance by up to 15%, AMD says: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/10/windows-11-bug-could-reduce-ryzen-cpu-performance-by-up-to-15-amd-says/
  22. PeterPanettone

    Delphi compatibility with Windows 11?

    What Virtual Machinery brand do you use?
  23. Each time I start Delphi 11 Alexandria, there is an INVISIBLE window with the window title "ProDellInterface27": (This is a row screenshot from my System Explorer app). 398192 is the window handle. 12468 is the Process ID of BDS.exe obviously owning this window. Does anybody know what functionality does this window have? (BTW, I don't have any Dell device in my system).
  24. PeterPanettone

    What is ProDellInterface27 in the Delphi IDE???

    You are right. This is the BPL which integrates it into the IDE: C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\EMBARCADERO\STUDIO\22.0\Bin\PDIFac27.bpl
  25. PeterPanettone

    What is ProDellInterface27 in the Delphi IDE???

    You are right - my eyesight is not the best. Maybe "Del" is an abbreviation for Delphi? But who on earth wants to save 3 letters in a 17-letter word?