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Everything posted by PeterPanettone

  1. PeterPanettone

    Strange text effect

    The same bug still appears in Keyboard Shortcuts GExpert in r3195 for Delphi 10.4:
  2. PeterPanettone

    TButtonItem does not have a TAG property

    In Delphi 10.4, TCategoryButtons.TButtonCategory.TButtonItem does not have a Tag property. So I cannot write: CategoryButtons1.Categories[0].Items[0].Tag := 1; Is there a trick to add a Tag property to TButtonItem without rewriting the whole class?
  3. PeterPanettone

    TButtonItem does not have a TAG property

    Sometimes I wish we had a Tag1 and Tag2 property.
  4. PeterPanettone

    TButtonItem does not have a TAG property

    Thanks! TButtonItem.Action.Tag is the most simple and therefore the best solution.
  5. PeterPanettone

    Search for Usages not usable

    In the Delphi 10.4 Code Editor place the caret on an identifier and right-click to open the context menu and select the Search for Usages... menu item: This opens the Search for Usages dialog: When you click the Search button, the list of usages of the searched element is presented: Now, supposedly double-clicking on any of the found items in the list would jump to that element in the source code? Unfortunately, this is NOT the case. Double-clicking on any of the list items does SELECT that element in the source-code - but it does not jump to its position. So this feature is completely useless! Why did Embarcadero implement a feature which is not usable and therefore is completely useless?
  6. This is a work in progress. So I ask the moderators to keep this first posting in the topic editable so it can be updated as information is coming in. There is a number of modern VCL PANEL controls with special features acting on their content. AFAIK there is no existing comprehensive and structured overview of such panels, so I am planning to create one. Among such panels: Native Controls: • TCardPanel • TStackPanel • TFlowPanel • TGridPanel • TRelativePanel • TTitleBarPanel Third-Party Controls • TRzGridPanel • TRzFlowPanel Please feel free to add items to this list according to the above definition: VCL Panel controls with special features acting on their content.
  7. PeterPanettone

    TTabSheet - Set color and remove margin?

    In a Delphi 10.4 VCL Application, I have a TPageControl container with a TTabSheet page (with TabVisible = False) and a TPanel on that TabSheet: Although the Panel has Align = alClient, the Panel does not completely fill the TabSheet area: The TabSheet creates a MARGIN AREA around the Panel which I cannot get rid of. (The margin area is from the TabSheet and not from the Form, as the Form.Color is set to Fuchsia). So I thought I could make the margin invisible by setting the TabSheet color to the same color as the Panel. BUT TTabSheet does not have a color property! I have attached the very simple project, so you can play around with it yourself: TabSheetColor.zip Question: Is there a way to set the color of the full area of the TabSheet or to remove that margin from the TabSheet?
  8. PeterPanettone

    TTabSheet - Set color and remove margin?

    Good idea. Could you provide some example code?
  9. PeterPanettone

    TTabSheet - Set color and remove margin?

    If you have several panels then the handling becomes expensive. Anything about the TPageControl/TTabsheet?
  10. PeterPanettone

    Search for Usages not usable

    Voted for it. Currently, there are 10 votes. Which number of votes would convince the product management to act?
  11. PeterPanettone

    Search for Usages not usable

    I strongly agree.
  12. PeterPanettone

    Search for Usages not usable

    Could someone who has a good knowledge of building plugins just add an automatic action to the DoubleClick action on the Search for Usages list item? The required action would be very simple: Scroll the caret position into view.
  13. PeterPanettone

    Search for Usages not usable

    I have now tried Search for Usages in 10.3.3 --> No frozen IDE, same behavior as in Delphi 10.4: Double-clicking a search result item does NOT jump to that item in the source code.
  14. PeterPanettone

    Strange text effect

    BTW: IMO, a better and clearer naming consistency after : "DelphiXx10Seattle", "DelphiXx101Berlin" would be: "DelphiXx102Tokyo", "DelphiXx103Rio", "DelphiXx104Sydney" When dealing with humans, REDUNDANCY is a must.
  15. PeterPanettone

    Strange text effect

  16. PeterPanettone

    Strange text effect

    Just for curiosity: What was the cause?
  17. GreatisUltimatePack is an old LEGACY Delphi library with still useful components and routines. AFAIK GreatisUltimatePack has been discontinued and the author cannot be reached anymore. For anyone who still wants to use this library: To make GreatisUltimatePack compatible with Delphi 10.4 Sydney you should apply these changes: Search the units for: {$IFDEF VER330} {$DEFINE XE2PLUS} {$ENDIF} Then add these lines to the above lines: {$IFDEF VER340} {$DEFINE XE2PLUS} {$ENDIF} This should make it possible to install the component package in Delphi 10.4 Sydney: Ultimate.dpk
  18. PeterPanettone

    GreatisUltimatePack for Delphi 10.4 Sydney

    The possibilities in Delphi are endless. The compiler is your friend!
  19. PeterPanettone

    ParnassusCoreEditor.dll AccessViolation

    Renamed these files. Now I have: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ParnassusShared\ParnassusNavigator_XSydney.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ParnassusShared\ParnassusCoreEditor_XSydney.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ParnassusShared\ParnassusBookmarks_XSydney.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ParnassusShared\ParnassusCoreEditor_XRio.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ParnassusShared\ParnassusNavigator__XRio.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ParnassusShared\ParnassusBookmarks_XRio.dll And it still works. Very flexible DLL search algorithm!
  20. Thank you very much! This solved the problem.
  21. PeterPanettone

    ParnassusCoreEditor.dll AccessViolation

    Thank you very much! This solved the problem. Now I have these files: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ParnassusShared\ParnassusNavigator_XSydney.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ParnassusShared\ParnassusCoreEditor_XSydney.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ParnassusShared\ParnassusBookmarks_XSydney.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ParnassusShared\ParnassusCoreEditor.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ParnassusShared\ParnassusNavigator.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ParnassusShared\ParnassusBookmarks.dll What did the developer THINK when he changed the overall search location for his DLLs in Parnassus 10.4? Did he think at all? What DLL search location can we expect in the next version of the Parnassus plugins?
  22. Microsoft File Explorer is such an outdated legacy tool. When you use Directory Opus as a replacement for Microsoft File Explorer you get an automatic preview of ALL text files (including all Delphi file types of course) with syntax highlighting and these features: The Directory Opus preview uses the preview handler from Rodrigo Ruz and has everything you could wish for in your wildest dreams:
  23. • When installing JEDI Visual Component Library 3.9 from GetIt in 10.4, the already existing JEDI Code Library from 10.4 (not installed by GetIt) was not detected and the JEDI Code Library from GetIt was silently and automatically installed (see screenshot). NO options dialog was presented by the GetIt install process. • NO IDE Library path was added. Can anyone confirm this? EDIT 10 minutes later: Started the JVCL installer manually. (\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\CatalogRepository\JEDIVisualComponentLibraryJVCL-3.9\install.bat) and selected "Compile already installed packages / Update IDE": Which led to this surprise: It seems the Embarcadero people had implemented the JEDI 10.3 installer in GetIt 10.4 (!!!). No wonder there were no JEDI paths added to the 10.4 IDE Library paths!
  24. PeterPanettone

    Installing JEDI from GetIt in 10.4

    Now after all the unsuccessful trials before, now for some strange reason it did work (by starting the installer manually) : I've noticed that there's no .CHM help file included in the files downloaded by GetIt. Do .CHM files for these versions exist? BTW, thanks to @Lachlan Gemmell for the information.
  25. PeterPanettone

    Installing JEDI from GetIt in 10.4

    This is very strange, as the JCL installer added only these paths to the 64-bit Win64 IDE Library Path (NOTHING to the 32-bit Library Path): Y:\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\CatalogRepository\JEDICodeLibraryJCL-3.4\lib\d27\win64 Y:\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\CatalogRepository\JEDICodeLibraryJCL-3.4\source\include And, while this directory is filled with the DCUs compiled by the installer: Y:\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\CatalogRepository\JEDICodeLibraryJCL-3.4\lib\d27\win64 ...this directory is EMPTY (!!!): Y:\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\CatalogRepository\JEDICodeLibraryJCL-3.4\lib\d27\win32 EDIT - 10 minutes later: Now I've repeated manually the JCL installer by keeping the 10.4 Win32-tab of the installer focused - and this time the paths were added to the Win-32 IDE Library Path: Y:\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\CatalogRepository\JEDICodeLibraryJCL-3.4\lib\d27\win32 Y:\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\CatalogRepository\JEDICodeLibraryJCL-3.4\source\include