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Everything posted by PeterPanettone

  1. PeterPanettone

    Installing JEDI from GetIt in 10.4

    @Lachlan Gemmell Since you did not answer my questions: Is it possible that you only ASSUME that "JCL/JVCL properly installed themselves from GetIt into Delphi 10.4" because you saw the checkmarks in GetIt? That's because when you install JVCL from GetIt in Delphi 10.4 then the JVCL installer does not show an error message that JCL is not properly installed because of the missing JCL Library Paths. The only way to check if the JCL (and therefore the JVCL) has been properly installed is to successfully compile an example project containing a JCL/JVCL reference: \Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\CatalogRepository\JEDICodeLibraryJCL-3.4\examples \Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\CatalogRepository\JEDIVisualComponentLibraryJVCL-3.9\examples
  2. PeterPanettone

    Installing JEDI from GetIt in 10.4

    Have you used this installed JCL/JVCL in a working project in Delphi 10.4 after the JEDI installation? Which IDE library paths (32/64) exactly were added in Delphi 10.4 by the JEDI installer? Can you please list them here? (They are usually added at the end of the IDE Library Path list).
  3. Installing the IDE plugins Bookmarks and Navigator from GetIt requires an IDE restart at the end of the plugin installation: However, the IDE restarter does not wait for the current IDE instance to be completely closed before starting the new instance. This creates problems with some installed IDE packages when more than one IDE instance is running. - An old problem ... Has anyone else experienced this problem?
  4. PeterPanettone

    Error Insight error?

    Although the project compiles perfectly, an error is shown in the source code editor.: The Hid unit path is not in the IDE Library Path but in the Project Search Path: Is it possible that Error Insight does not take into consideration the Project Search Path? Can anyone confirm this? This is strange because according to the documentation, Error Insight is based on LSP which asks the compiler for errors? EDIT after 10 minutes: After having edited and saved the source code, the red zigzag line which indicates an error has disappeared! So everything seems to be OK.
  5. PeterPanettone

    Error Insight error?

    Thanks for your feedback!
  6. The Delphi IDE Explorer expert from @dummzeuch shows a (forgotten?) "Test" menu item:
  7. PeterPanettone

    Delphi IDE Explorer expert: "Test" menu item?

    Stay healthy!
  8. PeterPanettone

    Delphi IDE Explorer expert: "Test" menu item?

    I am a big fan of Psycholinguistics, the science of finding the MEANING or the PURPOSE behind verbal expressions like "Test". But in this case, I am stuck. 😉
  9. Using CnWizards Build 2020.06.05 Code Input Helper in Delphi 10.3.3: Screenshot above: After typing "System.SysUtils.datestr" you can see as a smart result: "DateToStr". Using native Code Completion in Delphi 10.3.3: Screenshot above: After typing "System.SysUtils.datestr" there is no native Code Completion popup. Screenshot above: After typing "System.SysUtils.dateto" the native Code Completion shows one result: "DateToStr". In Delphi 10.4 I could not achieve the same results with CnWizards Build 2020.06.05 Code Input Helper, while the native Code Completion works flawlessly. However, the native Code Completion lacks the smart code completion from the topmost screenshot.
  10. PeterPanettone

    JEDI Installation Annoyances 10.4

    1. Which paths exactly have been added to the IDE Library Path by the installer? (Win32bit / Win64bit) 2. Have you tried to build any of the JCL examples in the IDE?
  11. PeterPanettone

    JEDI Installation Annoyances 10.4

    You are making the described problem an offending personal issue by describing only your own personal experience. You did not describe any objective issues about the problem. Also, you are not answering the initial problem description (no addition to the Library Path). The problem is not the compilation of the installer (which was OK) or its execution (which was without any explicit errors).
  12. Until Delphi 10.3, Search Declaration (e.g. CTRL-click on an identifier) in many cases did not work at all. Now it seems to work flawlessly. - Good work, Embarcadero!
  13. PeterPanettone

    JEDI Installation Annoyances 10.4

    One more try: Added these paths to the Win32 Library Path: ...\jcl\lib\d27\win32 ...\jcl\source\include ...\jcl\source\vcl ...\jcl\source\common ...\jcl\source\windows Added these paths to the Win64 Library Path: ...\jcl\lib\d27\win64 ...\jcl\source\include ...\jcl\source\vcl ...\jcl\source\common ...\jcl\source\windows Then cloned this file: ...\jcl\source\include\jcld27win64.inc and renamed it to: ...\jcl\source\include\jcld27win32.inc This allowed me to build several of the JCL examples. So, the JCL Installer failed to add the Library Paths. Why?
  14. PeterPanettone

    JEDI Installation Annoyances 10.4

    Too many other files not found. Gave up.
  15. PeterPanettone

    Search Declaration now works flawlessly in 10.4

    I would love CodeRush for Delphi.
  16. PeterPanettone

    Search Declaration now works flawlessly in 10.4

    I see it is a zero-sum game. In fact, Code Navigation using different abstraction levels could be much improved in Delphi.
  17. I am not sure whether this Delphi 10.4 behavior was different in previous Delphi versions: After a successful Build/Compile the MESSAGES TOOL WINDOW automatically DISAPPEARS/HIDES together with the Build/Compile Dialog! While the automatic disappearance of the Build/Compile Dialog after a successful Build/Compile is desirable, the automatic disappearance of the Messages Tool Window even after a successful Build/Compile IMO is NOT preferable if it was visible before. Is it possible to set this behavior? What do you think?
  18. Yes, it was the GExperts option which I had enabled in an emotional overreaction for the joy of the new GExperts version. BTW, thanks to Thomas for the new version!
  19. PeterPanettone

    Search Declaration now works flawlessly in 10.4

    Does this apply generally to the Search-For-Declaration feature or only in this special case with that project-group?
  20. PeterPanettone

    Search Declaration now works flawlessly in 10.4

    I wonder whether any IDE plugin would be able to replace and add NAVIGATION features in the IDE at the Tools API level.
  21. PeterPanettone

    Search Declaration now works flawlessly in 10.4

    You wrote there: "Ctrl+click on a unit name (from another package) in the uses clause of a unit." Try this: Place the caret on that unit name in the uses clause and then press CTRL+RETURN/ENTER. This should open that unit in the Code Editor. Does this solve your problem?
  22. PeterPanettone

    Search Declaration now works flawlessly in 10.4

    A reproducible example would be fine.
  23. Yes, of course I did:
  24. No. I've explicitly saved the Desktop setting with the VISIBLE Messages Tool Window. The Messages Tool Window is always automatically hidden after a successful Build/Compile.
  25. PeterPanettone

    Search Declaration now works flawlessly in 10.4

    Have you already filed a REPRODUCIBLE Quality Report, so we can vote for it?