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Everything posted by PeterPanettone

  1. PeterPanettone

    Problem reinstalling CodeSite 5

    After having installed CodeSite 5 (not the Lite version distributed for free in GetIt) in the Delphi 10.3.3 on my new computer and running the IDE afterwards I got this error message: Can't load package C:\Program Files (x86)\Raize\CS5\Bin\CodeSiteLoggingPkg_Design260.bpl. The module was not found. How can Delphi tell me that it did not find the module when it obviously knows the path? CodeSite worked well on the same Delphi version on the old computer.
  2. PeterPanettone

    Structure Panel Search

    Or the type search could also be performed by: type=TLabel
  3. PeterPanettone

    Problem reinstalling CodeSite 5

    I LOVE misleading messages. It shows how the human mind often cannot preview the consequences of what he is doing. ("What could possibly go wrong?")
  4. PeterPanettone

    Problem reinstalling CodeSite 5

    Thanks, David! You nudged me in the right direction! But ...\CS5\Deploy\Win32 was not the right directory (in my case), like from your screenshot. Because when I tried to add those BPLs from that directory to the list of installed Design Packages (Install Packages dialog) then Delphi told me: Only after adding C:\COMP\Raize\CS5\Bin to the PATH variable (instead of the above one), I could then eventually install the CodeSite packages: So now everything is working again! I also had a similar problem with another component package where I solved the problem by adding the directory of that Design Package to the PATH variable. But in that case the problem was solved only after restarting Windows. Could it be that the PATH variable is becoming fully active only after a Windows reboot? And BTW, the PATH variable contains itself the PATH variable: Isn't that a SELF-REFERENCING CIRCLE?
  5. PeterPanettone

    Problem reinstalling CodeSite 5

    I have tried to add ...\Raize\CS5\Bin to the Browsing path list: ...but it did not help.
  6. PeterPanettone

    VERY SMALL IDE font sizes

    That is a wise statement. And a funny one.
  7. PeterPanettone

    Error when trying to build GExperts r3053

    I tried to build [r3053] in Delphi 10.3.3. Got this error message: [Exec Error] The command "call ..\..\buildtools\prebuild.cmd "\\Mac\Home\Documents\DELPHI\___ADDINS\gexperts-code-r3053-trunk\Projects\DelphiXx103\GExpertsRS103.dproj"&&call ..\..\buildtools\movedll.cmd "\\Mac\Home\Documents\DELPHI\___ADDINS\gexperts-code-r3053-trunk\Binaries\GExpertsRS103.dll"" exited with code 9009. How can this be resolved?
  8. PeterPanettone

    Error when trying to build GExperts r3053

    It seems so.
  9. PeterPanettone

    VERY SMALL IDE font sizes

    Attila, it is important to understand comments. Maybe a second reading lesson would be better.
  10. PeterPanettone

    VERY SMALL IDE font sizes

    Correct. Emba promised several years ago to make the IDE High DPI Aware. Although the tools to make the IDE High DPI Aware are available to everybody.
  11. PeterPanettone

    VERY SMALL IDE font sizes

    So what? First reading lesson?
  12. PeterPanettone

    VERY SMALL IDE font sizes

    Can't you read? I wrote SCALED!!
  13. PeterPanettone

    VERY SMALL IDE font sizes

    200% scaling makes all "normal" non-legacy apps look HORRIBLE! And look how horrible the F6 drop-down search-results list looks when scaling is set to only 150% (!):
  14. PeterPanettone

    VERY SMALL IDE font sizes

    After having set the system font size to 200%, the font sizes in the Delphi IDE (except the menu font) still remain microscopically small:
  15. PeterPanettone

    VERY SMALL IDE font sizes

    The IDE UI font size can be changed here in the Windows Registry: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/System_Registry_Keys_for_IDE_Visual_Settings However, the toolbar icons and icon labels (?) and the title bar (text) still remain microscopically small: Even the GetIT fonts are still VERY SMALL compared to the now enlarged IDE Menu font:
  16. PeterPanettone

    VERY SMALL IDE font sizes

    Here is another screenshot comparing the IDE's Object Inspector fonts with the "normal" Windows 10 system fonts:
  17. PeterPanettone

    Error when installing JCL from GetIt

    You are a LUCKY MAN!
  18. This is how my Delphi v10.3.3 IDE window normally looks: But MANY TIMES, when I restore the IDE window from MINIMIZED window state (by clicking on the Delphi icon on the Windows Taskbar) there is a substantial vertical GAP between the MainMenu/Toolbar area and the main panels area: I then double-click twice on the IDE window title-bar to restore the usual IDE layout. For testing, I have disabled all my IDE plugins to exclude any possible influence from such a plugin. Has anybody ever experienced this annoying effect?
  19. I have just tested it now on my fresh installed Delphi Ide inside a VM (Windows 10) on my new MacBook Pro. No gap this time, but a waiting time of about 1 second when restoring from minimized state. It seems that migrating to Windows 10 (from Windows 7) healed several things.
  20. PeterPanettone

    Error when installing JCL from GetIt

    460 chars.
  21. PeterPanettone

    Error when installing JCL from GetIt

    I have installed several different things now from GetIt (libraries, components, etc.) without problems and compiled code without problems. So it seems logical that the problem has something to do with the JCL installer.
  22. PeterPanettone

    Error when installing JCL from GetIt

    Meanwhile I tried to uninstall the not installed JCL, and I again got the error message about the not found rtl260.bpl:
  23. PeterPanettone

    Error when installing JCL from GetIt

    You mean, Win7 inside a VM or Win7 as a host for VirtualBox?
  24. PeterPanettone

    Error when installing JCL from GetIt

    That's what I have done. But on the next IDE restart I got this error: Translated to English, this means: System error. Code: 1400. Invalid window handle. BTW, do you also run the IDE in a VM?
  25. PeterPanettone

    Delphi on Windows 10 HOME 64-bit?

    Got me a Mac (MacBook Pro 16") with Parallels and installed Windows 10 HOME 64-bit in a Parallels VM. Is Windows 10 Home 64-bit good enough to run Delphi 10.3.3+ without problems or should I upgrade to Windows 10 PRO?