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Everything posted by PeterPanettone

  1. PeterPanettone

    IDE title bar anomaly?

    Life is full of errors. Maybe errors are an inherent principle of life and of software?
  2. PeterPanettone

    IDE title bar anomaly?

    Does the IDE have emotions? 😉
  3. PeterPanettone

    IDE title bar anomaly?

    What do you mean with "Primary with 125% zoom and secondary with 100% zoom"? There is no indication of "Zoom" per monitor:
  4. PeterPanettone

    IDE title bar anomaly?

    Two monitors: This guessing is correct.
  5. PeterPanettone

    IDE title bar anomaly?

    My colleague just created one: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-27253 Please vote for it.
  6. PeterPanettone

    IDE title bar anomaly?

    Do you know of an Embarcadero quality report about this bug?
  7. To reproduce this, make sure a project is loaded in the IDE. If your Create New submenu contains the Delphi Unit item: ... (and you are using the English UI language in the IDE) then this shortcut sequence lets you create a new Delphi Unit: Alt+F -> N -> U Now Close All opened files in the IDE (File -> Close All). Now the above-mentioned shortcut sequence Alt+F -> N -> U does not work anymore, as the Alt shortcut for Delphi Unit in the submenu has changed to N: Can anyone confirm this?
  8. PeterPanettone

    Alt-sortcuts are not always the same

    I didn't mean the TOPIC but my QUESTION: Is there a chance that the IDE Menu Shortcuts GExpert could somehow possibly include dynamically created menu items? BTW, the Quote command does not work.
  9. PeterPanettone

    Alt-sortcuts are not always the same

    My question was about Ide Menu Shortcuts.
  10. PeterPanettone

    Alt-sortcuts are not always the same

    Is there a chance that the IDE Menu Shortcuts GExpert could somehow possibly include dynamically created menu items?
  11. PeterPanettone

    Alt-sortcuts are not always the same

    You are right.
  12. PeterPanettone

    Alt-sortcuts are not always the same

    You are right. I am also SAD about this.
  13. I know, but I just wanted to expand on the possibilities of different future URL types in source code comments.
  14. PeterPanettone

    Alt-sortcuts are not always the same

    Hint: The above-mentioned problem can easily be solved by first closing all opened files and then customizing the New submenu. So it becomes clear that there are TWO different submenus for new items: • One submenu when there are no opened items in the IDE • Another submenu when there is a project opened in the IDE
  15. Also, this kind of URL resolution would be very useful: This would execute MyApp.exe and pass the current unit file as a parameter.
  16. Brilliant idea! Of course, it should also resolve this kind of URLs: ... of course, opening this link in File Explorer.
  17. Now it is possible to filter Identifiers with multiple words (separated by spaces): Added hourglass cursor during the filtering of Identifiers to give better user feedback. Here are the sources (based on release r2907) : UsesClauseManager1206.zip
  18. PeterPanettone

    Uses Clause Manager improved: Filtering Identifiers with multiple words!

    It is not easy to offend me because I always try to understand the motivation of the offender; this motivation often is an EMOTIONAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL HANDICAP. However, there are more or less EFFICIENT ways to communicate.
  19. PeterPanettone

    Uses Clause Manager improved: Filtering Identifiers with multiple words!

    When adding code to a well organized existing codebase it is COMMON PRACTICE to change that code base only to an amount that is necessary to make the added code work. That is also my policy because nobody wants to see his well-organized codebase changed in the case he doesn't agree with the code addition. If the administrator of that codebase then thinks there are better ways to INTEGRATE that added code into his codebase then he is free to do so. I have enough confidence in your coding experience to trust you in doing so with great professionality. But please also respect my professional policy to respect your existing codebase.
  20. PeterPanettone

    Uses Clause Manager improved: Filtering Identifiers with multiple words!

    It worked PERFECTLY. No side-effects. Everything has been tested extensively, also the case you mention. No design flaws. No memory leaks. Everybody has another method to implement things. Nobody hinders you to change my code according to your own rules. But please don't publicly despise my work only because you do things differently. Thank you.
  21. Added a context menu item to search for Identifier information on the Web: This starts a google query in your default browser using both the selected Identifier name and Unit name. In most cases, this retrieves useful information about the selected identifier. For example, with the Identifier selected in the above screenshot, your browser would open this Google search results page URL: https://www.google.com/search?q=UnlockUrlCacheEntryFileW Winapi.WinInet Additionally, I have optimized the controls on the bottom of the Identifiers tab to better fit with a high DPI display. Here are the sources (based on release r2907) : GX_UsesExpert.zip
  22. Now it is possible to filter Units with multiple words (separated by spaces): • The number of words is unlimited • The search is super-fast • The words can be in any order • The multi-word-filtering does not need to be activated: Just use a single word as before or any additional words separated by spaces. UCM will automatically decide whether searching for a single word or for multiple words. Here are the sources (based on release r2907) : UsesClauseManager.zip The next improvement will be: Filtering Identifiers with multiple words (tomorrow)
  23. PeterPanettone

    Uses Clause Manager improved: Search Identifier information on the Web

    Sorry. Will make them cumulative in the future.
  24. PeterPanettone

    Uses Clause Manager improved: Search Identifier information on the Web

    That's because you have not downloaded/comitted the previous changes: https://en.delphipraxis.net/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=1718 Please download the previous sources.