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Everything posted by PeterPanettone

  1. PeterPanettone

    Delphi 10.3.3 has been released

    On the Installation Notes page, I have not found any explicit mention of UNINSTALLING a previous version when UPDATING a PREVIOUS version to the current version 10.3.3. For example, when updating the Delphi IDE from version 10.3.1 to the current version 10.3.3 with the ISO installer (as 10.3.1 had also been installed with the ISO), I suppose that the version 10.3.1 must be UNINSTALLED first (e.g. by using the Windows Control Panel) and select the option to KEEP THE 10.3.1 IDE SETTINGS. Is this correct?
  2. Now working on the r2837 source. • In the Favorite tab, the irrelevant Favorite-list popup menu-items are now automatically hidden if the Favorite list is empty: • StatusBar Hint: • Changed StatusBar popup menu wording: You can download the source here: GX_UsesExpert.zip
  3. PeterPanettone

    More improvements to the Uses Clause Manager

    You can read the license yourself: The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ It is the same license as e.g.: \ExternalSource\OmniXML.pas Here the weather on this Sunday is almost sunny (it seems almost like a TWILIGHT ZONE), good weather for coding...
  4. PeterPanettone

    More improvements to the Uses Clause Manager

    I have made some tests: When for example entering "allow no dup" in the Identifiers Filter Search Field then it finds the known Identifier "SNoDuplicatesAllowed" (from the unit Xml.XMLConst.pas). So, this also gives the functionality to use multiple words in the search field! If there are no objections I will implement this (as an OPTION!).
  5. PeterPanettone

    More improvements to the Uses Clause Manager

    I would like to implement a FUZZY SEARCH option in Uses Clause Manager. This would be particularly useful in the Identifiers Filter Search. Here are a few possibilities: • Delphi SoundEx • ApproxStrUtils: http://www.gausi.de/approxstrutils-en.html I think that ApproxStrUtils would be more useful for this purpose. It contains these functions: ApproxBestAppearance ApproxContainsStr ApproxContainsText ApproxDistance ApproxPos ApproxPosEx ApproxResemblesText Check max min min3 PreProcess_FilterCount SearchBackwards What do you people think?
  6. PeterPanettone

    More improvements to the Uses Clause Manager

    Per default, the map file is switched OFF in the project options: ... while the option to use the map file is switched ON per default in the UCM configuration: This is INCONSISTENT. Please set the map file per default ON (Segments) in the Project Options. Thank you!
  7. PeterPanettone

    More improvements to the Uses Clause Manager

    Thanks for the information.
  8. PeterPanettone

    More improvements to the Uses Clause Manager

    Working on revision [r2843]. Meanwhile, I have implemented Copy this FILE to the clipboard. Here are the sources: GX_UsesExpert.zip
  9. PeterPanettone

    More improvements to the Uses Clause Manager

    I was thinking about this when I implemented the functionality...
  10. PeterPanettone

    More improvements to the Uses Clause Manager

    In case you want to do that, just COPY them. But will the popup menus of the lists not become too overloaded?
  11. PeterPanettone

    More improvements to the Uses Clause Manager

    Good idea.
  12. PeterPanettone

    More improvements to the Uses Clause Manager

    I too. I used this code: procedure TfmUsesManager.OpenLocationAndSelectAFileInExplorer(const AFilePath: string); // AFilePath may contain spaces begin Winapi.ShellAPI.ShellExecute(Forms.Application.Handle, 'open', 'explorer.exe', PWideChar('/select,"' + AFilePath + '"'), nil, Windows.SW_NORMAL); end; Which code did you use?
  13. Many wordings in Windows IMO are imprecise or outright naive. But for the sake of compatibility, I have changed it to "Open Location of This File". Is this fine for everybody? (In another context, I would have added shell functionality to the StatusBar, but this is not possible here). However, I could add a menu item that displays the Explorer file context menu of the file displayed in the StatusBar. That would be useful in several situations.
  14. This feature does not only open the File Location but also visibly selects the file in File Explorer. So using the wording "open the File Location" could possibly be misleading. What do you think?
  15. You are right. I will add an explaining hint to the StatusBar, so anybody capable of moving the mouse pointer over the StatusBar can see this explanation. If anybody wishes it I could even add a clickable INFO or DROPDOWN icon to the StatusBar.
  16. For an experienced computer user (and for developers in general), this should be pretty clear: • "Copy this TEXT" copies the TEXT on the StatusBar to the Windows clipboard and then can be PASTED into a text editor or into the IDE Source Code Editor. I deliberately used the wording "TEXT" (and not "path") because in the future the UCM StatusBar could contain other text types and not only file-paths. A very useful feature. • "Copy this FILE" copies the selected unit FILE to the Windows clipboard and then can be pasted (e.g. with CTRL-V) as a FILE into Windows Explorer (or your custom File Manager). A very useful feature. I am planning to implement this soon. Of course, if the StatusBar does not contain a path to an existing file, then this menu item will be disabled. This has already been implemented. You can see that the wording of the menu items was carefully selected for SPECIFIC SENSIBLE REASONS.
  17. If you configure the Uses Clause Manager to use the map file to build the list of Project Units in a Windows 64-bit program then the list of Project Units does not contain the units from the map file: It contains only the list of units from the project file (.dpr). I have investigated the problem and found out that the compiler generates a different map file with 32-bit programs and with 64-bit programs respectively: • 32-bit programs: The ACBP alignment denomination is used • 64-bit programs: The ALIGN alignment denomination is used I will now fix this bug in GExperts and post a patch here.
  18. • Fixed a bug: The context popup menu of the Units List was not available in the Identifiers tab.: • Improved the context popup menu of the Units List: • Added new menu item Copy this Identifier to the Clipboard only to the Units-List context menu of the Identifiers tab • Added new icons to the Units-List context menu Please download this newest version: GX_UsesExpert5.zip
  19. Fixed another small bug: If the selected UnitFilePath does not exist (not GxOtaTryFindPathToFile) then the StatusBar text was not cleared. Please download this newest version: GX_UsesExpert4.zip
  20. Fixed a small bug: The StatusBar context menu was shown (on right-click) even if there was no text in the StatusBar. Please download this newest version: GX_UsesExpert3.zip
  21. I have added a context popup menu to the UCM StatusBar: Here are the changed sources: GX_UsesExpert2.zip
  22. In Uses Clause Manager, double-clicking a unit item in the units list of any tab (except Identifiers) adds the double-clicked unit to the implementation uses clause. This functionality is still missing in the Identifiers tab in r2832, so I added it by adding the lbxAvailDblClick event handler to sg_Identifiers: Thomas, can you please commit this. Thank you! Here is the link to to the feature request: https://sourceforge.net/p/gexperts/feature-requests/81/
  23. Now the GExperts UCM MapFile-based ProjectUnitsList works for the Win32 platform and for the Win64 platform. Anybody is invited to add other platforms. BTW, thanks to Thomas for the Uses Clause Manager which is a very good idea!