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Everything posted by PeterPanettone

  1. PeterPanettone

    Bug in Delphi License Manager?

    In Delphi 10.3.1 License Manager, when I REPEATEDLY click on a Workstation License node in the "Workstation Licenses" tree (or press ANY KEY) then EACH TIME the "This License Activates:" list shows different items: Items shown on first click: Items shown on consecutive click:
  2. PeterPanettone

    Bug in Delphi License Manager?

    This is very confusing for the user. I have never seen such strange behavior. Is this intentional? Maybe a gimmick? Or was the programmer bored? Or a virus?
  3. PeterPanettone

    Best practices for system migration?

    Unfortunately, the Delphi License Manager does not have an "Export" feature where I can export all my licenses shown in the License Manager. It has only an "Import" feature:
  4. PeterPanettone

    Best practices for system migration?

    How does Delphi know that I am the same person on the new computer as on the old computer?
  5. PeterPanettone

    Best practices for system migration?

    How should the license be transferred from the old computer to the new computer?
  6. PeterPanettone

    Best practices for system migration?

    Thanks for your hints. Do you mean having the whole Windows 10 operating system in a VM? AFAIK there is no way to run only a single application in a VM?
  7. In Delphi, I have configured the IDE to automatically load the previous project at startup. Is there an IDE Command Line Switch to DEACTIVATE the auto-loading of the previous project? I have looked here but did not find any: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/IDE_Command_Line_Switches_and_Options
  8. In Delphi Rio 10.3.1, the Project is configured for Debugging: Steps: 1. First I make sure that all source files are saved. 2. Then I start debugging (F9) 3. Then, at the first breakpoint, I press F8 (Step Over). This makes this dialog appear: When I look in the project folder, the only file which has been changed since debug start is MyProject.res. So why this file gets changed after the start of the debug session? This is the content of the RES file: This is very annoying and did not happen in previous Delphi versions. How can this be avoided?
  9. PeterPanettone

    RIO: Start Debug Session changes source

    There is truth in this.
  10. PeterPanettone

    RIO: Start Debug Session changes source

    Well, it could be useful to specify a specific version of the program independently from the version number.
  11. PeterPanettone

    RIO: Start Debug Session changes source

    I will ask the CnWizards developer to add an option to not be used in debug mode. If you think about it, there is no sense using the compilation date in when debugging.
  12. PeterPanettone

    RIO: Start Debug Session changes source

    It is called "VERSION CONTROL"!
  13. PeterPanettone

    RIO: Start Debug Session changes source

    I HAVE FOUND THE CULPRIT!!! It is one of the CnWizards experts which inserts the compile date into the version record: I believe there is no chance to avoid this when inserting the compile date.
  14. PeterPanettone

    RIO: Start Debug Session changes source

    Yes, even when I do a build right before starting the debug session.
  15. PeterPanettone

    RIO: Start Debug Session changes source

    What do you mean with "source control"? The res file is not part of the project files tree:
  16. PeterPanettone

    New Inline variables mess up IDE

    So you are hopeful? Thank you for giving me new hope!
  17. PeterPanettone

    New Inline variables mess up IDE

    We really need a genius who writes an add-in which replaces the native Delphi Code Insight with a working one. Such an add-in should also be highly configurable. I would pay up to $100 for such an add-in.
  18. PeterPanettone

    GExperts SourceExport problem

    Configuration is: Formatted text/RTF/HTM: After pasting in WinWord 2010 it looks like this:
  19. PeterPanettone

    GExperts SourceExport problem

    It's also interesting: If I save the fragment from GExperts to a RTF file and then open it in WinWord, then it looks correct. But when I copy that from WinWord and paste it into a Thunderbird e-mail I get lines as paragraphs: This means that the saved RTF file lacks paragraph information (or Thunderbird is not able to transform paragraphs to lines).
  20. PeterPanettone

    GExperts SourceExport problem

    You must use Einfügen - > HTML:
  21. PeterPanettone

    GExperts SourceExport problem

    BTW, in the file \gexperts-code-r2671-trunk\Projects\DelphiXx103\GExpertsRS103_version.ini there is this typo: InternalName=GExperts for Delphi 10.3 Tokyo Shouldn't it be "Rio"?
  22. PeterPanettone

    GExperts SourceExport problem

  23. PeterPanettone

    GExperts SourceExport problem

    BTW, I've found the Fragment prefix useless: Version:0.9 StartHTML:0000000105 EndHTML:0000002128 StartFragment:0000001413 EndFragment:0000002112 This becomes clear when you try to paste the HTML from the clipboard clip exported by GExperts into a Thunderbird e-mail with Insert/HTML: In this case, you should omit the first five lines shown above. Despite many experiments I made, I have not found an easy and satisfactory way to export source code with correct syntax highlighting to a Thunderbird e-mail. So I will either try to correct the GExperts expert or to create my own solution, where I tend to the latter.
  24. PeterPanettone

    GExperts SourceExport problem

    BTW, I've found absolutely no use for the "HTML fragment text" export option: ... since this option copies a very simplified HTML text to the clipboard which seems to be useless: <pre> <code><span style="font: 10pt Courier New;"><span class="pas1-reservedword">function</span><span class="pas1-space"> PAIsWindowMinimized(h: HWND): Boolean; </span><span class="pas1-comment">// Detects whether a window is minimized or not </span><span class="pas1-reservedword">var </span><span class="pas1-space"> wp: Winapi.Windows.WINDOWPLACEMENT; </span><span class="pas1-reservedword">begin </span><span class="pas1-space"> wp.length := SizeOf(Winapi.Windows.WINDOWPLACEMENT); Winapi.Windows.GetWindowPlacement(h, @wp); Result := wp.showCmd = Winapi.Windows.SW_SHOWMINIMIZED; </span><span class="pas1-reservedword">end</span><span class="pas1-symbol">; </span></span> </code></pre>
  25. PeterPanettone

    GExperts SourceExport problem

    Test results: Nothing seems to have changed. This means that pasting in the faulty WinWord document still shows the squares at line starts. In a normal new WinWord document, there is no problem, the fragment looks as desired with the correct syntax highlighting. Here is the HTML exported by GExperts: Version:0.9 StartHTML:0000000105 EndHTML:0000002128 StartFragment:0000001413 EndFragment:0000002112 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Fragment of MainForm.pas</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="generator" content="SynEdit HTML exporter" /> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { color: #000000; background-color: #FFFFFF; } .pas1-assembler { background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #000000; } .pas1-character { background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #0000FF; } .pas1-comment { background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #008000; font-style: italic; } .pas1-float { background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #0000FF; } .pas1-hexadecimal { background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #0000FF; } .pas1-identifier { background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #000000; } .pas1-number { background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #0000FF; } .pas1-preprocessor { background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #008000; font-style: italic; } .pas1-reservedword { background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #000080; font-weight: bold; } .pas1-space { background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #000000; } .pas1-string { background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #0000FF; } .pas1-symbol { background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #000000; } --> </style> </head> <body> <!--StartFragment--><pre><code><span class="pas1-reservedword">function</span><span class="pas1-space"> PAIsWindowMinimized(h: HWND): Boolean; </span><span class="pas1-comment">// Detects whether a window is minimized or not </span><span class="pas1-reservedword">var </span><span class="pas1-space"> wp: Winapi.Windows.WINDOWPLACEMENT; </span><span class="pas1-reservedword">begin </span><span class="pas1-space"> wp.length := SizeOf(Winapi.Windows.WINDOWPLACEMENT); Winapi.Windows.GetWindowPlacement(h, @wp); Result := wp.showCmd = Winapi.Windows.SW_SHOWMINIMIZED; </span><span class="pas1-reservedword">end</span><span class="pas1-symbol">; </span></code></pre><!--EndFragment--></body> </html>