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Everything posted by PeterPanettone

  1. PeterPanettone

    Centered message?

    Very nice. Do you also make your own INPUT dialogs?
  2. PeterPanettone

    Centered message?

    The EXCELLENT Rejbrand Input Dialog Box: https://specials.rejbrand.se/dev/classes/multiinput/readme.html is automatically centered on the form. Very nice!
  3. PeterPanettone

    Centered message?

    One could argue that positioning a message dialog in the middle of the screen is the default behavior in Windows. But from my point of view, that argument is from the prehistoric time when monitors still had the size of a postage stamp. Today, more and more people use large (if not huge) monitors. Therefore, if an action is performed with a control on a form and that action leads to a change on the form (so the user's attention is focused on the form), centering a message dialog on the form would be a better user experience.
  4. Does anybody know a Drag and Drop Component Suite version for Delphi 10.4 Sydney? https://github.com/DelphiPraxis/The-Drag-and-Drop-Component-Suite-for-Delphi The latest version on that page is for Delphi 10.3 Rio. I tried to install it on Delphi 10.4 Sydney by using the Delphi 10.3 Rio package, but this error didn't allow me: [dcc32 Fatal Error] DragDropDesign.pas(38): E2213 Bad packaged unit format: ..\Library\DX103R\Win32_Release\DragDropDR103R.dcp.DragDrop - Expected version: 34.0, Windows Unicode(x86) Found version: 33.0, Windows Unicode(x86) But that dcp file is a binary file and cannot be edited. Does anybody know an existing version for Delphi 10.4 Sydney, or a trick on how to install the Delphi 10.3 Rio package in Delphi 10.4 Sydney?
  5. PeterPanettone

    Drag and Drop Component Suite for Delphi 10.4 Sydney

    BTW, the demos have issues with non-existing project icons. I resolved them by assigning the default icon in Project Options. Maybe you should fix this at Github.
  6. PeterPanettone

    Drag and Drop Component Suite for Delphi 10.4 Sydney

    That worked, with these exceptions: 1. "Save as DragDropDR104S.dpk": you cannot save it directly as DPK. You must save it as DragDropDR104S.dproj which implicitly creates the DragDropDR104S.dpk. 2. There are a few typos in the original source. You should fix it at Github: Typos: Fixed:
  7. PeterPanettone

    Drag and Drop Component Suite for Delphi 10.4 Sydney

    It would be nice if Embarcadero would create a 10.4 version for GetIt.
  8. When I press F6 and then enter "Bookmarks" (without quotes), the Bookmarks item from View -> Tool Windows -> Bookmarks is NOT shown: This is the whole list I get with F6: Is this a bug?
  9. The Keyboard Shortcuts GExpert shows all IDE shortcuts where the F11 key is involved: As you can see, the F11 key (without modifier keys) is associated with the Object Inspector. In Delphi 10.4, when the IDE Code Editor is active, F11 works very well - it focuses the Object Inspector with the cursor in the Search box: But in the Form-Designer, F11 does not focus the Object Inspector! It shows the Code Editor instead! This is ANNOYING, as it makes the concept of keyboard control in the IDE obsolete! Can anyone confirm this?
  10. PeterPanettone

    F11 does not show the Object Inspector in the Form Designer

    Would any IDE plugin author be able to implement an OPTION to automatically focus the Form-Designer TAB when the user selects a control/component on the form in the Form-Designer? This would be very useful until in an unknown future the above bug is maybe getting fixed. As an alternative, a plugin author could simply implement a simple command to focus the Search Box of the Object Inspector.
  11. PeterPanettone

    F11 does not show the Object Inspector in the Form Designer

    A colleague has filed a Quality report here: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-29906 Please everybody vote for this QP to have this nasty bug finally fixed! Thank you!
  12. PeterPanettone

    F11 does not show the Object Inspector in the Form Designer

    HERE lies the BUG: When selecting any element in the Form Designer (visual or non-visual component), the Form-Designer SHOULD automatically get the focus! This is the STANDARD BEHAVIOR in any other tool window of the IDE, where selecting a child element in the tool window causes the parent tool window to get the focus! A Quality Report will be filed later today, where I kindly ask everybody to vote for it, to get this nasty BUG finally fixed.
  13. PeterPanettone

    F11 does not show the Object Inspector in the Form Designer

    It SEEMS. Or try this one: After some more testing in Delphi 10.4, the following behavior has emerged: Right after showing the Form Designer with F12, I select a visual component in the Form Designer with the mouse and then I press F11. Result: The Object Inspector is shown and the focus is inside the search box. Then I again select a visual component in the Form Designer with the mouse to make the Object Inspector lose the focus. Then I press F11 again which does not focus the Object Inspector but instead this time shows the Code Editor! This suggests that the Object Inspector keeps some sort of "hidden focus". This makes the Object Inspector "believe" it still has the focus, which when pressing F11 the second time, instead of focusing the Object Inspector shows the Code Editor! All IDE plugins are temporarily disabled.
  14. PeterPanettone

    F11 does not show the Object Inspector in the Form Designer

    This is NOT the behavior I see here. As I said, when I press F11 in Form Designer the Object Inspector is NOT being focused. Instead, the Code-Editor is shown. As I look at the Keyboard Shortcuts GExpert (sees screenshot above), the F11 key has only the Object Inspector function.
  15. PeterPanettone

    F11 does not show the Object Inspector in the Form Designer

    The Enter/Return key in the Form Designer only focuses the Object Inspector without setting the cursor inside the Object Inspector's Search field! (As the F11 key in the Code Editor does). And pressing the F11 key one more time has already set me into the Code Editor - where I don't want to be, as I have pressed the F11 key in the Form Designer!
  16. PeterPanettone

    Strange text effect

    The same bug still appears in Keyboard Shortcuts GExpert in r3195 for Delphi 10.4:
  17. PeterPanettone

    TButtonItem does not have a TAG property

    In Delphi 10.4, TCategoryButtons.TButtonCategory.TButtonItem does not have a Tag property. So I cannot write: CategoryButtons1.Categories[0].Items[0].Tag := 1; Is there a trick to add a Tag property to TButtonItem without rewriting the whole class?
  18. PeterPanettone

    TButtonItem does not have a TAG property

    Sometimes I wish we had a Tag1 and Tag2 property.
  19. PeterPanettone

    TButtonItem does not have a TAG property

    Thanks! TButtonItem.Action.Tag is the most simple and therefore the best solution.
  20. PeterPanettone

    Search for Usages not usable

    In the Delphi 10.4 Code Editor place the caret on an identifier and right-click to open the context menu and select the Search for Usages... menu item: This opens the Search for Usages dialog: When you click the Search button, the list of usages of the searched element is presented: Now, supposedly double-clicking on any of the found items in the list would jump to that element in the source code? Unfortunately, this is NOT the case. Double-clicking on any of the list items does SELECT that element in the source-code - but it does not jump to its position. So this feature is completely useless! Why did Embarcadero implement a feature which is not usable and therefore is completely useless?
  21. This is a work in progress. So I ask the moderators to keep this first posting in the topic editable so it can be updated as information is coming in. There is a number of modern VCL PANEL controls with special features acting on their content. AFAIK there is no existing comprehensive and structured overview of such panels, so I am planning to create one. Among such panels: Native Controls: • TCardPanel • TStackPanel • TFlowPanel • TGridPanel • TRelativePanel • TTitleBarPanel Third-Party Controls • TRzGridPanel • TRzFlowPanel Please feel free to add items to this list according to the above definition: VCL Panel controls with special features acting on their content.
  22. PeterPanettone

    TTabSheet - Set color and remove margin?

    In a Delphi 10.4 VCL Application, I have a TPageControl container with a TTabSheet page (with TabVisible = False) and a TPanel on that TabSheet: Although the Panel has Align = alClient, the Panel does not completely fill the TabSheet area: The TabSheet creates a MARGIN AREA around the Panel which I cannot get rid of. (The margin area is from the TabSheet and not from the Form, as the Form.Color is set to Fuchsia). So I thought I could make the margin invisible by setting the TabSheet color to the same color as the Panel. BUT TTabSheet does not have a color property! I have attached the very simple project, so you can play around with it yourself: TabSheetColor.zip Question: Is there a way to set the color of the full area of the TabSheet or to remove that margin from the TabSheet?
  23. PeterPanettone

    TTabSheet - Set color and remove margin?

    Good idea. Could you provide some example code?
  24. PeterPanettone

    TTabSheet - Set color and remove margin?

    If you have several panels then the handling becomes expensive. Anything about the TPageControl/TTabsheet?
  25. PeterPanettone

    Search for Usages not usable

    Voted for it. Currently, there are 10 votes. Which number of votes would convince the product management to act?