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Everything posted by PeterPanettone

  1. PeterPanettone

    IDE start randomly stops with error message

    Do you use GExperts or CNWizards?
  2. PeterPanettone

    IDE start randomly stops with error message

    I suspect a bug in the IDE itself. So I am not sure whether madExcept could help here. If the IDE were open-source, it would be easy to catch the bug.
  3. PeterPanettone

    IDE start randomly stops with error message

    Do you have a suspect which package could cause the error?
  4. PeterPanettone

    $Variable for Styles directory?

    Delphi has many directory $Variables which can be used in several contexts, for example: $(BDS)\source Is there a $Variable for the default Styles directory which in Delphi 11 is?: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\Styles
  5. PeterPanettone

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Can you describe that failure? Do you have a screenshot? Windows version?
  6. PeterPanettone

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    I don't think that other installed experts are the cause of the restart failure. It must be something different.
  7. PeterPanettone

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Yes, both. BUT, as I said: The installation was OK. The crash occurred when RESTARTING THE IDE only by clicking on the "Restart now" button provided by the installer. There must be some other failure because the IDE RESTART failed on other occasions before too after installing something from GetIt which required a restart. So it's the IDE RESTART procedure that fails under specific conditions.
  8. PeterPanettone

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    The same happened when I installed Navigator.
  9. PeterPanettone

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    I've installed Parnassus Bookmarks now in Delphi 11.1 from GetIt. The installation worked, but the RESTART action failed: After that, I had to kill the BDS process in Task Manager. After restarting the IDE, Bookmarks now works flawlessly. Thank you Embarcadero!
  10. PeterPanettone

    F6 Search feature does not work anymore?

    This really is the solution! Thanks!
  11. PeterPanettone

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Do you have reliable information?
  12. Does anybody have a Delphi 10.4 version of the wuppdi Welcome Page?
  13. PeterPanettone

    Delphi MRU Project Manager

    The Delphi IDE has only a flat MRU list. Accessing the knowledge from previous projects enhances productivity. So this is a start from accessing that knowledge - Delphi MRU Project Manager: This project is open source and copyrighted by me. It will be enhanced to become a full-featured Delphi Project Manager in the future. Constructive suggestions are welcome. DelphiMRUManager.zip
  14. PeterPanettone

    Delphi MRU Project Manager

    This is version 0.8.5: These are the changes since the last version: - 2022-02-11 - Fixed a bug showing a wrong program version in the title bar - New Feature: When a Project is selected in the Project-List, then all Groups containing this project are shown with a Bold Blue Font - 2022-02-12 - Added an About page (Digital Signature checking, showing Process memory, contact controls, UI Text-Size, ...) - 2022-02-13 - Made the Project-List more user-friendly by automating some of its properties: The Modified column is automatically aligned to the right and sized to its content - 2022-02-14 - Added usability and accessibility features to the Preferences Page: - Added an option to customize the row height in the Project-List - Added an option to customize the Title Bar color - 2022-02-15 - Added optimizations and features to the window's Title Bar: - Stay-On-Top button - Moved the main menu to the Title Bar As explained in the previous posting, the source code is now hosted on our company's website: https://www.pa-soft.com/freeware.html#ZUFUYmki The package can be downloaded for free and now also contains the digitally signed compiled EXE for people who don't have Delphi 11 Alexandria.
  15. PeterPanettone

    Delphi MRU Project Manager

    This is version 0.8.1: These are the changes since the last version: - 2022-02-10 - Several small improvements - Clicking the EXE file shown in the Project Details now shows the version information from the clicked EXE file Starting from this version, the source code is now hosted on our company's website: https://www.pa-soft.com/freeware.html#ZUFUYmki The package can be downloaded for free and now also contains the digitally signed compiled EXE for people who don't have Delphi 11 Alexandria.
  16. PeterPanettone

    Delphi MRU Project Manager

    Here is version 0.8: These are the changes since the last version: - 2022-02-08 - Finally, I implemented PROJECT GROUPS as a flexible and customizable TREE BAR on the left side with an unlimited number of sub-groups (optionally recursive) You can add (or rename or remove) a Project Group by right-clicking an existing Project Group and then clicking on the desired option in the context menu There are different ways of adding a Project to a Project Group: - By Drag and Drop: - Drag and drop a Project from the Project List to the desired Project Group - Drag and drop a Project file from Windows File Explorer to the desired Project Group - From the Clipboard: - Copy the plain text of a .DPROJ Project file-path to the clipboard, and then right-click the desired Project Group to paste the Project to the Group from the context menu - In the Windows File Explorer/Manager, copy a Project file to the clipboard, and then right-click the desired Project Group to paste the Project to the Group from the context menu - You can remove a Project from its Project Group by clicking the corresponding button on the Toolbar The Header shows whether the Project-List is in MRU-MODE or in GROUP-MODE: - Clicking an MRU-LIST (in the Hader's IDE selector) sets the Project-List into MRU-MODE - Clicking a GROUP-Node (in the Groups-TreeView) sets the Project-List into GROUP-MODE (visual indicator: The blue Delphi icons) The RECURSIVE option switch controls whether the Group Projects are searched recursively in the Sub-Groups of the selected Group Node - You can also quickly toggle between GROUP-MODE and MRU-MODE by clicking the Project-List Mode indicator on the Header's right side The additional Project Groups feature makes the program a universal Delphi Project Manager beyond the realm of Projects found in the IDE MRU Lists The Project-Groups control needs an additional open-source library: Bonus KSVC 7.0, available from GetIt (= Konopka Signature VCL Controls by Ray Konopka) DelphiMRUManager 0.8 (2022-02-08).zip
  17. PeterPanettone

    Delphi MRU Project Manager

    AFAIK, TRichEdit is the only new component in Delphi 11 Alexandria used in Delphi MRU Project Manager.
  18. PeterPanettone

    Delphi MRU Project Manager

    Here is version 0.7: These are the changes since the last version: - 2022-01-29 - Fixed the nasty bug that prevented Hints to not showing up anymore - 2022-02-01 - Additional SearchFilter Modes reactivated and implemented (selected with the buttons on the left side of the SearchBox) Summary of all SearchFilter Modes: - ProjectList-SearchFilter Mode (default SearchFilter Mode after program start): The Project List is filtered to show only Projects where the Project file-path contains the SearchFilter term(s) - Grouping is available only in this SearchFilter Mode for logical reasons - The (first) SearchFilter term is highlighted throughout the Project List (in both columns). Because of this, the Project List in this SearchFilter Mode has unique colors for selection and highlighting - Notes-SearchFilter Mode: The Project List is filtered to show only Projects where the Project Notes contain the SearchFilter term(s) - When selecting a Project in this SearchFilter Mode, the SearchFilter term(s) are highlighted in the Notes tab of the ProjectDetails pane - SourceFiles-SearchFilter Mode: The Project List is filtered to show only Projects where at least one of the source files of the Project contains all the SearchFilter term(s) - When selecting a Project in this SearchFilter Mode, the source files containing all SearchFilter term(s) are highlighted in the Files tab of the ProjectDetails pane I am planning to implement these SearchFilter options for source files: - Whole word option: Only SearchFilter terms that are not part of another word are found - Inside one-line option: All SearchFilter terms must be in one single line DelphiMRUManager 0.7 (2022-02-01).zip
  19. PeterPanettone

    Delphi MRU Project Manager

    I don't have d10. PS: Which Windows version do you have? Please note that previous Windows versions have different versions of the RichEdit DLL: https://engineertips.wordpress.com/2021/09/11/delphi-richedit-versions/ PPS: You could contribute to the project by making an exact list of all the code that does not work in your Delphi version. Then I will include compiler switches in the next version to exclude those code fragments (and features) that work only in Delphi 11. PPPS: Yet another alternative: I could provide a compiled (and signed) exe version of Delphi MRU Project Manager. Would you prefer that?
  20. PeterPanettone

    Delphi MRU Project Manager

    Good idea. Which Delphi version do you have? I could exclude from compilation all things working only in Delphi 11 by using compiler switches and using an old TRichEdit instead of the new TRichEdit for compilers below Delphi 11 Alexandria. What do you think?
  21. PeterPanettone

    Delphi MRU Project Manager

    Currently, it can be compiled only in Delphi 11 Alexandria because of the new TRichEdit control 4.1 implemented by MSFTEDIT.dll in this Delphi version. Unless someone shows me a trick on how to use the new TRichEdit control 4.1 implemented by MSFTEDIT.dll in previous Delphi versions.
  22. PeterPanettone

    Delphi MRU Project Manager

    Here is version 0.6.9: These are the changes since version 0.6.5: - 2022-01-24 - Now you can even drag a file from the Project Details pane (Files/Exe tab) and drop it onto any target to load it in the target: The Delphi IDE, the Windows File Manager, an external editor etc. (As usual, you can create a shortcut link of the file in the File Manager instead of a file copy by dragging the file with the right mouse button) - Two additional SearchFilter modes added - you can activate the desired SearchFilter mode with the buttons on the left side of the Search Box: - Notes-SearchFilter mode: ... - SourceFiles-SearchFilter mode: ... - The 3 SearchFilter-Mode buttons have been made TEMPORARILY invisible until the HINT PROBLEM (see below) is solved! - In ProjectList-SearchFilter mode, the (first) search term is now highlighted throughout the Project List, in both columns! Please note: A serious problem has arisen: As a consequence of (ListView.OwnerDraw = True - to draw the ListView Items in OnDrawItem myself), the Hints do not work anymore in DelphiMRUManager on my system. Now I need your help to verify whether the Hints do not work in DelphiMRUManager on YOUR system too. This is easy to verify: 1. Hover your mouse pointer over the SearchBox and tell me if the SearchBox Hint is shown in the StatusBar 2. If the SearchBox Hint is NOT shown in the StatusBar, then set lvMRUProjects.OwnerDraw = False in the Object Inspector: This should reactivate the HINT functionality in DelphiMRUManager in any case I need to solve this problem before working on the next features! Update: I have now solved the Hint problem - the next version will have it fixed! DelphiMRUManager 0.6.9 (2022-01-29).zip
  23. PeterPanettone

    Delphi MRU Project Manager

    I have tried TSplitter. But it seems to not work on a TToolBar.
  24. PeterPanettone

    Delphi MRU Project Manager

    The version after next will have custom logical project groups inside MRU Project Manager.
  25. PeterPanettone

    Delphi MRU Project Manager

    Do you mean PROJECT GROUPS such as Delphi *.GROUPPROJ files or GROUPS OF PROJECTS such as logical groups inside the MRU Project Manager?