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Posts posted by PeterPanettone

  1. Now that GetIt is available again in Delphi 12, I tried installing an item. But something is wrong with the GetIt Package Manager installation mechanism - when clicking on the 'Yes' button, nothing happens:




    There seems to be something hidden behind the dialog box. I could only kill the IDE from Task Manager!


    Can anyone confirm this?

  2. 35 minutes ago, Uwe Raabe said:

    The functionality (f.i. regarding the Save All) should be ok now.

    You are right - there are no more error messages when saving MainProgramWindowManager in beta 2597 now, and the behavior of the save icons is OK now! And I can compile/build my project after changes now! Thank you!


    Will you publish a new MMX release now (without the CodeSite debug messages)?

  3. After having closed the Obsidium unit still opened in the IDE from the Obsidium Sample folder, now, when SAVING the "MainProgramWindowManager" unit, these are the CodeSite messages:




    Please note the new "Invalid class typecast" message that occurs while saving.

  4. 46 minutes ago, Uwe Raabe said:

    I have uploaded a new beta catching this assertion and writing it to CodeSite.

    Thank you. I downloaded and installed the new beta:




    When loading my project in the IDE, CodeSite Live Viewer received these messages:




    What conclusions can you draw from this?

  5. 1. These are the SAVE and SAVE-ALL icons on the empty IDE (no project loaded yet; both icons are grey):




    2. These are  the SAVE and SAVE-ALL icons after loading my project (the SAVE icon has become green, while the SAVE-ALL icon is still grey):




    3. These are the SAVE and SAVE-ALL icons after having made a change to the "MainProgramWindowManager" unit (both SAVE and SAVE-ALL icons have become green):




    BOTH icons remain green(!) after clicking the SAVE or the SAVE-ALL icon.


    This faulty behavior occurs only if MMX is loaded AND with the "MainProgramWindowManager" unit! (If both conditions are NOT met, clicking the SAVE button turns the SAVE-ALL icon grey: Checked and re-checked just now).


    This proves that MMX is causing an error on saving (with this specific unit), preventing the changed unit from being displayed as saved with the SAVE-ALL icon, while the SAVED INDICATION in the code editor has been turned green after saving:




    4. When I try to COMPILE or BUILD this changed project, then this error dialog comes up:




    This points to the same error from the previous MMX error message dialog (EAssertionFailed in CustomPascalExplorer.pas), thus proving that MMX prevents the project from being compiled or built.

  6. The problem has now changed: After having uninstalled all IDE plugins except MMX, the problem seemed to have gone away. So, I added the IDE plugins one after the other and restarted the IDE each time to find out the culprit.

    At the end, after having added all IDE plugins as before, the MMX error message when saving the unit is no longer displayed. However, now, when I do a Save All from the file menu, it does not work: The Save-All icon remains green.

    However, this happens only when MMX is loaded AND with my specific unit "MainProgramWindowManager"!

    To summarize, it is the same error as before, but without the MMX error message dialog!  I don't know why the error dialog does not appear anymore, as there are the same conditions as before.

    This seems to be a typical "chaos" problem (see chaos physics), where a minimal/microscopic change in the initial conditions leads to a macroscopically different result.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Uwe Raabe said:

    That is irrelevant. The error appears when MMX parses the code - it doesn't try to compile it. As long as it is syntactically correct that will do. I just need the unit, not the project. If you can strip the unit while keeping the exception thrown that would even be better.

    How can I securely send you the unit?

  8. 7 minutes ago, Uwe Raabe said:

    exceptions will do more harm than good

    I understand. But you could implement an MMX user option, "Do not Raise at Invalid Class Typecast error," so the user can at least use MMX, which currently is not possible. I cannot use MMX in one of my main projects, which is a show-stopper.
