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Everything posted by FPiette

  1. You should start from scratch. Trust me, frequently when doing so, people find themself the error they made or can't reproduce their own issue. Then then fix themself their code in their larger application based on the small example.
  2. The code you show is not that useful. Preferably Show a minimal, complete, verifiable and reproducible example (See https://stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example). to know exactly what that means). With such example, we will be able to reproduce your problem, understand it and try to solve it.
  3. The size need to be expressed in pixel. And speaking about computer, please tell the OS! You have two computers with two different OS and we don't know which is which. Try to manage that the image are NOT rescaled for display. This is how you get best looking.
  4. Is one or both of the computers have screen scaling other than 100%? What is the original size of the image and what is the size of the rectangle where you display it?
  5. FPiette

    Is there a component can help me automate web actions ?

    You can embed TEdgeBrowser in your application and interact with it to automate web actions. You interact mostly by injecting JavaScript once a page is load.
  6. That has not changed. But as always, one must pay attention to initialization and finalization units as well as global variables. All 3 will bring code in.
  7. According to the sources, WSS works like HTTPS. This means you'd better inherit from THttpCli and override a few things (For example URL parsing to allow wss:// prefix). But before doing that, start by understanding how THttpCli works using OverbyteIcsHttpsTst sample program. Verify it works for you to access a standard HTTPS server so that you are sure you correctly deployed OpenSSL which is used by ICS for all "secure" version of protocols. WSS require a few specific HTTP header and THttpCli has provision for that. Probably the only modification is make THttpCli accept wss:// prefix instead of https://. Also you should use WireShark to see all network communication. And a working WSS client (No need to have source) that you'll use preferably with your target website. Using WireShark, you can see the exact exchange between the client and server. You use that to compare with what you wrote with Delphi and understand where is your errors.
  8. FPiette

    Turbopower Visual Planit??

    And which are the issue you have? Compilation errors? Compile but doesn't run?
  9. Glad it works. I have no idea which protocol wss:// use. Maybe you should read the documentation related to wss?
  10. If connection cannot be established, you get an error message, possibly after a long timeout. You probably have to enable SSL/TLS in your ICS application. At least if using port 443.
  11. You can check a host name resolution to IP address using Windows command line nslookup. I did: ws.twelvedata.com is has 4 IP addresses. But ws.xn--twelvedata-lb99c.com is not a valid hostname. That's your problem and NOT an ICS issue! First thing first : check the hostname you use...
  12. You must pass the hostname in the TWSocket.Addr property, not a whole URL. The hostname in your case is ws.twelvedata.com.
  13. FPiette

    VCL menu control needed

    You should really show a mockup of what GUI you want because all suggestions done could do what I understood you want. And in my opinion you have enough in Delphi to achieve your goal without to much work.
  14. FPiette

    VCL menu control needed

    I think so.
  15. FPiette

    VCL menu control needed

    Look at CategoryPanelGroup and CategoryButtons.
  16. FPiette

    DsPack for Delphi 11?

    As far as I know, Dspack is not maintained anymore. But DirectX and DirectShow are supported by Delphi "natively". Look at Delphi RTL source code winapi.D2D2.pas, Winapi.D3D10 and other similarly named files.
  17. You probably already know that: 1) you cannot access the GUI from a worker thread. 2) Where the code is has nothing to do with the run context. If a thread call a method of the main form, that method is running in the thread context. And if main form code call a thread method (also thru a getter/setter), the it runs in the context of the main thread. 3) All data access from different contexts (main thread / worker thread) MUST be synchronized using critical section or other similar mechanism. 4) If a thread use Synchronize, then the synchronized method is run by the main thread effectively defeating multi-threading.
  18. FPiette

    Attach to Process along with Stepping through Code

    I asked because you mentioned you generate remote debug symbols.
  19. FPiette

    Attach to Process along with Stepping through Code

    You should not. Manage to generate the executable where it must be or run it from the folder where you generate it. Maybe you are using the remote debugger?
  20. FPiette

    Attach to Process along with Stepping through Code

    Have you moved the exe file from where you produced it?
  21. OnHeaderData should probably work for you. From the handler, access the LastResponse property to get the line.
  22. FPiette

    write console code

    Do as @aehimself said: capture the command line you generate with your program and execute it manually by copy/paste in the cmd window. Then check that what seems to be the output of GetDosOutput is writeable. To check, write code in your program.
  23. FPiette

    write console code

    This is a very poor diagnostic which can't be used to help you.
  24. FPiette

    Need help with exception messages

    You didn't mentioned in which source code file this happens. Is it yours or in FastMM source code? The last line you show in the call stack tells that the exception occur in one of the finalization section in one of the unit. The first argument passed to FillChar probably point to an invalid memory location (Random or already freed) or the length passed in the second argument overflow the length of the memory block pointed by the first argument. If the line is located in FastMM, it is probably a line that is used by FastMM to detect buffer overflow or underflow. For madExcept, be sure to check "Report resource leaks" and "instantly crash on buffer ... overrun" if "overrun" doesn't give any error, try with "underrun".
  25. FPiette

    Assign an App procedure to a Component Event??

    You should tell us what is the EXACT error message the compiler give. JobTickets.AfterInsert(DataSet: TDataSet) := JobTicketsAfterInsert(DataSet: TDataSet); It is wrong. Probably it should be : JobTickets.AfterInsert := JobTicketsAfterInsert; A "Unit procedure" is not a proper terminology. It is either a simple procedure or a method of object. The later is required. You should show the declaration of JobTicketsAfterInsert. That's probably where the error is.