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Everything posted by FPiette

  1. FPiette

    Delphi Registration

    I would suggest that the next time you buy a new computer, you restore a backup from the previous one (A full backup or a disk image). You'd probably have to "repair" windows if the hardware has changed. This would work if Embarcadero do NOT check for hardware configuration when validating the license (No idea if they do).
  2. FPiette

    Module not found

    Recently I had to solve a similar issue. I solved it by spying the IDE file activity using ProcessMonitor (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/procmon). ProcessMonitor is a free tool which can display all file - among others - activity. Create a filter with the name of the module the IDE don't find and you'll get the list of folder where the IDE look for it.
  3. Ethernet is not TCP/IP. Ethernet is a much lower level that TCP/IP. On a PC, when using TCP/IP, it almost always use Ethernet as lower level transport protocol. Tell us more about what you are EXACTLY using on your Arduino board and which model of Arduino board you are using so that we better understand what you are trying to do.
  4. Windows socket error 10061 is a Connection refused error sent to you by the target machine. This means your Arduino server is not running or not listening on the TCP socket you think. Your client may be faulty by using the wrong port or wrong IP or blocked by a firewall rule.
  5. FPiette


    Would be interesting to know what the issue was so that other may solve the same issue.
  6. FPiette

    32bit vs 64bit

    That is a good decision.
  7. FPiette

    32bit vs 64bit

    By memory issue, I meant not enough memory to handle large data in memory, not memory leaks. Agreed. That is not a good idea at all. And I would not classify 64 bit as a technology that matters for computer software. It has been invented to overcome the 32 bit memory space which begins to become to small for some kind of data. Beside memory only some computation is faster with a 64 bit CPU. Mainly computation requiring 64 bit integers. It is also beneficial to have a 64 bit OPERATING SYSTEM that is able to run 32 bit software natively. No need to have a 64 bit APPLICATION to get benefit of a 64 bit OPERATING SYSTEM. I have a 64 bit CPU running Win10. I have installed 64GB of memory which would not be possible with a 32 bit computer. I benefit of the 64 bit memory space even with 64 bit applications. I can run more large 32 applications side by side without impacting performances.
  8. FPiette

    32bit vs 64bit

    Why do you think you need 64-bit application? Do you have memory size issue (Like very large images to process)? As Uwe said, developing in 32 bits will give you a better experience. Latest Delphi 11.2 support ALSR for 64 bit. This could be a reason to move to 64 bit. Using ALSR result in a slightly more secure application.
  9. FPiette

    Delphi 11.2 and Tpngobject.

    What is exactly the error you get? What is the call stack at the time of error?
  10. Yes, you can add part or all ICS source code to your project so that you can trace everything and put breakpoints where you want. Don't use runtime package to build your executable.
  11. Not much. Have a look at the wiki: http://wiki.overbyte.be And study the samples delivered in the distributions. For the rest, you are welcome to ask here.
  12. FPiette

    where is the error

    Please show your code. Or better create a very simple application which demonstrate the issue. Note: Il y a quelques fautes d'orthographe dans la fenêtre d'explication des étapes que vous montrez.
  13. FPiette

    Delphi or Lazarus/Free Pascal

    "Expert" programmers use Delphi. Lazarus / Free Pascal if not really compatible with the large Delphi ecosystem.
  14. FPiette

    Application virtualization (RDP)

    I use a VPN and the Windows own remote desktop (Client side) and a VMWare virtual machine at server side. No change to the application.
  15. FPiette

    check if string date

    You can even do better to forgive some user common error: if TryStrToDate(Trim(edtFrom.Text), DateVariable) then
  16. FPiette

    check if string date

    TryStrToDate is the way to go. The error you mention tells you that you have wrong argument type. As we don't know how you called the function, we cannot help you more. Always show the code you are using !!
  17. FPiette

    Move a form a few pixels??

    You can easily make the window bounce on the edges of the monitor. Easy calculation.
  18. FPiette

    Move a form a few pixels??

    No need to call Repaint. No need to change position if window is minimized. Pay attention to not go out of the monitor limits.
  19. FPiette

    Move a form a few pixels??

    Just change Top and Left properties using a timer. If you shift the form (ie: Top := Top + 1;) don't forget to test is the form goes out of the screen (Use the screen variable to get the with and height.
  20. To be sure, I gave you the wrong command (Sorry). It is "netstat -a". You should at least see the listening port plus one port per already connected client. If the listening port is missing, somehow your server socket has been closed. Could be caused by a bug in your code. If you have a lot of TCP services, you may use the command: netstat -a | find "TCP" | find ":5000 " Assuming your server listen on port 5000. Don't forget that if you run the client on the same computer as the server, netstat will give TWO lines for each client. Example of output when two connected clients run on the same computer as the server: C:\Users\fpiette>netstat -a | find "TCP" | find ":5000 " TCP Z600:0 LISTENING TCP Z600:52740 ESTABLISHED TCP Z600:52787 ESTABLISHED TCP Z600:5000 ESTABLISHED TCP Z600:5000 ESTABLISHED BTW: You can replace netstat by TcpView which gives more details about each connection and is dynamic (Showing changes during noticeable time).
  21. What is the error code experience when not able to connect? What does "netstat -t" display on the server when client not able to connect? The number of active socket is limited by the OS. Are you using a Windows Server OS or a Windows Desktop?
  22. FPiette

    Using my custom controls in Design Time

    Probably the documentation will help you: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Registering_Components
  23. FPiette

    No exception handling with server crash

    My experience is that bugs can live for very long time while the application works perfectly. Then you change the compiler or the OS and suddenly the bug surface. One cause of the behavior is that the bug corrupt some memory area that is not used until the new compiler or OS change. Those kind of bugs are among the most difficult to locate.
  24. FPiette

    delphi Twebbrowser Javascript error

    WebBrowser is using Internet Explorer which has been retired by Microsoft. Try with TEdgeBrowser instead. Look at Delphi documentation https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Using_TEdgeBrowser_Component_and_Changes_to_the_TWebBrowser_Component
  25. FPiette

    No exception handling with server crash

    There is a tool (GFlags.exe) in Windows SDK to help detect heap corruption. Look at the documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/gflags-and-pageheap