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Everything posted by sakura

  1. sakura

    Chrome/TamperMonkey for Design

    One more, code is folded, however, a toggle is at the top right corner... // ==UserScript== // @name [DPE] CSS Overrides // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match https://en.delphipraxis.net/ // @match https://en.delphipraxis.net/topic/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { try{ 'use strict'; // Header const enable_compact_banner = true; const enable_compact_searchbar = true; // thread overview const enable_modified_topic_banner = true; const enable_compact_fluidlist = true; const enable_additional_highlight = true; // Threads/Posts const enable_small_userinfo = true; const enable_compact_comment = true; const enable_compact_pre = true; const enable_compact_code = true; const enable_compact_survey = true; // Other const enable_goto_latest_post = true; const enable_scroll_to_content = true; const $ = jQuery; const stylesheet = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1]; if (enable_compact_banner) { $('HEADER .logo').attr('style', 'height: auto;'); $('HEADER .logo IMG').attr('style', 'margin-bottom: -30px;'); } // fluid list if (enable_compact_fluidlist) { $('LI.ipsDataItem').attr('style', 'padding: 2px 0'); $('DIV.ipsDataItem_icon').attr('style', 'padding: 0 10px;'); $('DIV.ipsDataItem_main').attr('style', 'padding: 0;'); $('UL.ipsDataItem_stats').attr('style', 'padding: 0 10px 0 0;'); } if (enable_goto_latest_post) { $('LI.ipsDataItem_unread DIV.ipsDataItem_main A[href*=topic]').each(function() { const href = $(this).attr('href'); if (href.indexOf('?') < 0) $(this).attr('href', href + '?do=getNewComment'); }); } if (enable_modified_topic_banner) { const ipsPageHeader = $('DIV.ipsPageHeader'); ipsPageHeader.attr('style', 'padding: 5px;'); const topicControls = ipsPageHeader.next(); const topicControlsLinks = topicControls.find('A'); for (var idx = 0, link; link = topicControlsLinks[idx]; idx++) { const div = $('<div class="ipsPos_right ipsResponsive_noFloat ipsResponsive_hidePhone" style="margin-left: 5px;"></div>'); link.style = 'padding: 5px; line-height: 1.5em;'; div.append(link); ipsPageHeader.prepend(div); } topicControls.remove(); } if (enable_small_userinfo) { $('UL.cAuthorPane_info').attr('style', 'transform: scale(0.6); padding: 0; margin: -40px;'); } if (enable_compact_comment) { $('DIV[data-role="commentContent"]').attr('style', 'padding: 0; font-size: small;'); } // Code if (enable_compact_code) { $('PRE.ipsCode').attr('style', 'padding: 5px !important; font-size: small;'); } if (enable_compact_pre) { stylesheet.insertRule('PRE.ipsCode { max-height: 15em; }'); stylesheet.insertRule('PRE.ipsCode.viewAll { max-height: inherit; }'); stylesheet.insertRule('.codefold { right: 0; position: absolute !important; margin-right: 3em; }'); const a = $('<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="codefold" onclick="$(this).parent().toggleClass(\'viewAll\');">open/close</a>'); $('PRE.ipsCode').prepend(a); } // Survey if (enable_compact_survey) { $(':root').attr('style', '--grid-gap: 0px;'); $('span.ipsFaded').attr('style', 'margin-left: 5px;'); } if (enable_additional_highlight) { // Highlight subforum in post listing (fluid list) $('.ipsDataItem_meta > a[href*="?forumId="]').css({ color: '#4D7395' }); // Highlight user in post listing (fluid list) $('.ipsDataItem_meta > span > a[href*="/profile/"]').css({ color: '#4D7395' }); } // Compact search bar if (enable_compact_searchbar) { $('.nav-bar').attr('style', 'height: 30px;'); $('.secondary-header-align').attr('style', 'height: 30px;'); $('.ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li > a').attr('style', 'line-height: 30px;'); $('.ipsfocus-search').attr('style', 'height: 30px; line-height: 30px;'); } stylesheet.insertRule('.ipsDataList.ipsDataList_zebra > .ipsDataItem { height: 45px; }'); // scroll to start of content if (enable_scroll_to_content) { if (window.location.href.indexOf('?do') < 0) { $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $('#elContent').offset().top},'slow'); } } } catch(e) { // I don't wanna hear about it } })();
  2. sakura

    Chrome/TamperMonkey for Design

    I have changed the header, so it only works on the portal page and topic view, but as those are the most important, I think it is for the better, as it does not mess up other pages. // ==UserScript== // @name [DPE] CSS Overrides // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match https://en.delphipraxis.net/ // @match https://en.delphipraxis.net/topic/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { try{ 'use strict'; // Header const enable_compact_banner = true; const enable_compact_searchbar = true; // thread overview const enable_modified_topic_banner = true; const enable_compact_fluidlist = true; const enable_additional_highlight = true; // Threads/Posts const enable_small_userinfo = true; const enable_compact_comment = true; const enable_compact_code = true; const enable_compact_survey = true; // Other const enable_goto_latest_post = true; const enable_scroll_to_content = true; const $ = jQuery; const stylesheet = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1]; if (enable_compact_banner) { $('HEADER .logo').attr('style', 'height: auto;'); $('HEADER .logo IMG').attr('style', 'margin-bottom: -30px;'); } // fluid list if (enable_compact_fluidlist) { $('LI.ipsDataItem').attr('style', 'padding: 2px 0'); $('DIV.ipsDataItem_icon').attr('style', 'padding: 0 10px;'); $('DIV.ipsDataItem_main').attr('style', 'padding: 0;'); $('UL.ipsDataItem_stats').attr('style', 'padding: 0 10px 0 0;'); } if (enable_goto_latest_post) { $('LI.ipsDataItem_unread DIV.ipsDataItem_main A[href*=topic]').each(function() { const href = $(this).attr('href'); if (href.indexOf('?') < 0) $(this).attr('href', href + '?do=getNewComment'); }); } if (enable_modified_topic_banner) { const ipsPageHeader = $('DIV.ipsPageHeader'); ipsPageHeader.attr('style', 'padding: 5px;'); const topicControls = ipsPageHeader.next(); const topicControlsLinks = topicControls.find('A'); for (var idx = 0, link; link = topicControlsLinks[idx]; idx++) { const div = $('<div class="ipsPos_right ipsResponsive_noFloat ipsResponsive_hidePhone" style="margin-left: 5px;"></div>'); link.style = 'padding: 5px; line-height: 1.5em;'; div.append(link); ipsPageHeader.prepend(div); } topicControls.remove(); } if (enable_small_userinfo) { $('UL.cAuthorPane_info').attr('style', 'transform: scale(0.6); padding: 0; margin: -40px;'); } if (enable_compact_comment) { $('DIV[data-role="commentContent"]').attr('style', 'padding: 0; font-size: small;'); } // Code if (enable_compact_code) { $('PRE.ipsCode').attr('style', 'padding: 5px !important; font-size: small;'); } // Survey if (enable_compact_survey) { $(':root').attr('style', '--grid-gap: 0px;'); $('span.ipsFaded').attr('style', 'margin-left: 5px;'); } if (enable_additional_highlight) { // Highlight subforum in post listing (fluid list) $('.ipsDataItem_meta > a[href*="?forumId="]').css({ color: '#4D7395' }); // Highlight user in post listing (fluid list) $('.ipsDataItem_meta > span > a[href*="/profile/"]').css({ color: '#4D7395' }); } // Compact search bar if (enable_compact_searchbar) { $('.nav-bar').attr('style', 'height: 30px;'); $('.secondary-header-align').attr('style', 'height: 30px;'); $('.ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li > a').attr('style', 'line-height: 30px;'); $('.ipsfocus-search').attr('style', 'height: 30px; line-height: 30px;'); } stylesheet.insertRule('.ipsDataList.ipsDataList_zebra > .ipsDataItem { height: 45px; }'); // scroll to start of content if (enable_scroll_to_content) { if (window.location.href.indexOf('?do') < 0) { $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $('#elContent').offset().top},'slow'); } } } catch(e) { // I don't wanna hear about it } })();
  3. sakura

    Solved: Dark Theme for DP

    Previous script.
  4. sakura

    Solved: Dark Theme for DP

    Here an easy script for a dark theme, which seems to work pretty well (TamperMonkey): // ==UserScript== // @name [DPE] Dark Theme // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match https://en.delphipraxis.net/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { try{ 'use strict'; const $ = jQuery; const stylesheet = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1]; stylesheet.insertRule('BODY, HEADER, .ipsButtonBar, .ipsComment_meta, .ipsType_sectionHead, .ipsButton, .ipsQuote_citation, IMG, VIDEO, PRE, NAV.ipsBreadcrumb, PRE IMG, .ipsEmoji, .ipsTag, .ipsTag_prefix, .ipsBadge, UL.ipsPagination_mini { filter: invert(100%); }'); stylesheet.insertRule('HEADER IMG { filter: invert(0%);'); stylesheet.insertRule('PRE { background-color: #AAA !important'); stylesheet.insertRule('article::before { filter: invert(100%); height: 3em; content: " "; display: block; }'); } catch(e) { } })(); ... 🐈 ...
  5. sakura

    Proportions of forum elements

    Included this into my Script. Thx. ... 🐈 ...
  6. sakura

    Chrome/TamperMonkey for Design

    // ==UserScript== // @name [DPE] CSS Overrides // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match https://en.delphipraxis.net/* // @exclude *?do=edit // @exclude */discover/ // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { try{ 'use strict'; const $ = jQuery; const stylesheet = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1]; // fluid list $('HEADER .logo').attr('style', 'height: auto;'); $('HEADER .logo IMG').attr('style', 'margin-bottom: -30px;'); $('LI.ipsDataItem').attr('style', 'padding: 2px 0'); $('DIV.ipsDataItem_icon').attr('style', 'padding: 0 10px;'); $('DIV.ipsDataItem_main').attr('style', 'padding: 0;'); $('UL.ipsDataItem_stats').attr('style', 'padding: 0 10px 0 0;'); $('LI.ipsDataItem_unread DIV.ipsDataItem_main A[href*=topic]').each(function() { const href = $(this).attr('href'); if (href.indexOf('?') < 0) $(this).attr('href', href + '?do=getNewComment'); }); // thread view const ipsPageHeader = $('DIV.ipsPageHeader'); ipsPageHeader.attr('style', 'padding: 5px;'); const topicControls = ipsPageHeader.next(); const topicControlsLinks = topicControls.find('A'); for (var idx = 0, link; link = topicControlsLinks[idx]; idx++) { const div = $('<div class="ipsPos_right ipsResponsive_noFloat ipsResponsive_hidePhone" style="margin-left: 5px;"></div>'); link.style = 'padding: 5px; line-height: 1.5em;'; div.append(link); ipsPageHeader.prepend(div); } topicControls.remove(); $('UL.cAuthorPane_info').attr('style', 'transform: scale(0.6); padding: 0; margin: -40px;'); $('DIV[data-role="commentContent"]').attr('style', 'padding: 0; font-size: small;'); // Code $('PRE.ipsCode').attr('style', 'padding: 5px !important; font-size: small;'); // Survey $(':root').attr('style', '--grid-gap: 0px;'); $('span.ipsFaded').attr('style', 'margin-left: 5px;'); stylesheet.insertRule('.ipsDataList.ipsDataList_zebra > .ipsDataItem { height: 45px; }'); // scroll to start of content if (window.location.href.indexOf('?do') < 0) $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $('#elContent').offset().top},'slow'); } catch(e) { } })(); ... 🐈 ...
  7. sakura

    Chrome/TamperMonkey for Design

    Added a small tidbit too: // scroll to start of content if (window.location.href.indexOf('?do') < 0) $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $('#elContent').offset().top},'slow');
  8. sakura

    Title Click to newest entry

    See for a quick solution. ... 🐈 ...
  9. Hi, at least when running the fluid design, a click on the topic title brings me to the top of the page. I'd like to see DP to scroll to the newest entry automatically, as in the German community. ... 🐈 ...
  10. sakura

    Title Click to newest entry

    Just asking who has mixed any topic. Can't find any off-topic here... ... 🐈 ...
  11. sakura

    Title Click to newest entry

    Activity Streams elements - as the design itself in many places - are just to big for fitting many on a page. And I have f***ing big screen running. 😄 ... 🐈 ...
  12. sakura


    Yeah, make'm green. ... 🐈 ...
  13. sakura


    Works, however, I did like having both options behind different URIs, allowing to directly see it the way I want. But I can live with it. ... 🐈 ...
  14. sakura


    Hi folks, awesone! I love the new design, besides a few perks - like most things take tooo much space, it could be more compact. However, I am missing the PORTAL from the German community, which is simply the best part of getting started. Hope it will be here soon too. ...🐈...
  15. Thanks Daniel and everyone else working hard on it. Looking forward to see this design coming to the German community too. ... 🐈 ...
  16. sakura


    Thanks 🙂 ... 🐈 ...