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Ian Branch

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Everything posted by Ian Branch

  1. Ian Branch

    Edits not saved??

    There is only one shared datamodule.
  2. Ian Branch

    Edits not saved??

    Yes I know. I am suspecting some buffering somewhere.
  3. Ian Branch

    Edits not saved??

    Mind reader. I am doing it right now. I opened a project that has a datamodue that is shared with other Projects. I opened the datamodule and a couple of the edits have reverted. I know I have made the edits here and saved at least twice previously. Aside from the couple of reverted edits above the rest are fine.
  4. Ian Branch

    Edits not saved??

    Not quite as rapidly as that. I usually work one project, then another, then another, then for some reason come back to the original an sometimes see the issue. I may or may not exit Delhi between projects. It is an annoyance. I am quite sure I have edited the same file two or three times making the same changes. 😞
  5. Ian Branch

    Edits not saved??

    I'm not sure what other information would be relevant. I have no idea why I am occasionally seeing this.
  6. Hi Team, Please excuse my ignorance here.. If I use in my App just one function out of a library of functions from a unit say, myunit.pas in my uses clause. When the Delphi compiles/builds the App, does it only incorporate the function I am using or all the functions in myunit.pas? Hopefully/preferably the former, but I will have to accept it may be the latter... 😉 Regards & TIA, Ian
  7. Ian Branch

    Methods from Libraries (bpl or pas) in Apps??

    Excellent! Thank you. It had always been an irritating thought in the back of my head that the whole library/unit was included. in some form. Although logic would dictate otherwise. I breath easier now.
  8. Ian Branch

    Where to turn off 'Whole words' searching?

    Hi Team, Thank you all for your inputs. Turning it off in the registry before starting Delphi has done the trik. Regards, Ian
  9. Ian Branch

    Where to turn off 'Whole words' searching?

    I just restarted my PC, started Delphi, opened the project, did Ctrl-F and the checkbox is checked. Checking the registry, yes, it is True. Not persistent. 😞 unchecked the checkbox, saved the project, exited Delphi and reopned, checkbox checked
  10. Ian Branch

    Where to turn off 'Whole words' searching?

    Tks. Interestingly, it is False in the registry. And now the checkbox is off. Yet I had to turn it off yesterday and today. Strange.
  11. Ian Branch

    Assign an event at run time??

    Hi Team, I have this procedure.. procedure TdmC.dsJobTicketsDataChange(Sender: TObject; Field: TField); begin ... .... Currently it is 'hard coded' to the Datasource. I want to assign it at run time if possible. What steps do I need to take to do that please?? The datamodule, TdmC, is used by two applications with conditionals isolating relevant code. By way of example, ATT I have conditionals inside this procedure that basically remove any code. I feel it would be neater to actually have the procedure assigned to the event IF the relevant conditional is true. There are several other procedures in the unit that are treated the same. Of course I am open to alternatives.. 🙂 Regards & TIA, Ian
  12. Ian Branch

    Error loading data???

    Hi Team, I regularly get this when I open D11.3 and previous versions. Do we know why?? Regards, Ian
  13. Ian Branch

    Separate Formatter Issue/Warning..

    Yup. My goof. 😞 Working the latest now.
  14. Ian Branch

    Separate Formatter Issue/Warning..

    Build of 3990 failed - See Bug Report.
  15. Ian Branch

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    I deleted ALL of the WP.xxxx.bpl files, redownloaded it, added it to Delphi, same issue.
  16. Ian Branch

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Yes, but on a totally different drive/directory that isn't accessed.
  17. Ian Branch

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Nope. Same issue. 😞
  18. Ian Branch

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    The latest 'version' won't load into my D11.3. 😞 I have gone back to the previous version which loads fine. Ian
  19. Ian Branch

    Separate Formatter Issue/Warning..

    Please add your experiences/testing to the bug report on Sourceforge. Every little bit of info will help Thomas.
  20. Ian Branch

    Separate Formatter Issue/Warning..

    Done. https://sourceforge.net/p/gexperts/bugs/314/
  21. Ian Branch

    Separate Formatter Issue/Warning..

    Hi Thomas, Still with the issues. 😞 Sometimes when it doesn't work, it still shows the message box, if I reboot and restart Delphi it does work.. Unpredictable. 😞 Ian
  22. Ian Branch

    Separate Formatter Issue/Warning..

    OK. I have it happening.. 😞 The message is showing but the formatting isn't happening.. 😞 I closed one project, it was working, opened another and it isn't. Closed and reopened Delphi and the Project and its working again. Close that project, open another, still working.. Confusing, frustrating, annoying...
  23. Ian Branch

    Separate Formatter Issue/Warning..

    Hi Thomas, Hmmm. Thinking out loud. Perhaps another variable in the environment. GExperts has historically been the first thing I install in a new Delphi. Then all the other Add-ons and libraries. During my initial testing I removed all the Ad-ons and still experienced the issue. Now, I have left all the Add-ons installed and removed/re-installed Gexperts and it seems to be fine. We shall see after a day of testing. Ian
  24. Ian Branch

    Separate Formatter Issue/Warning..

    Hi Thomas, OK. At first efforts/tests, I can't make it fail with this added. FormattedBlockEnd: string; begin ShowMessage('In Execute Method'); Result := False; if not GxOtaTryGetCurrentSourceEditor(SourceEditor) then raise ECodeFormatter.Create(str_NoEditor); The message shows every time and the Formatting works. I will try all sorts of permutations today and let you know the results. Regards, Ian
  25. Ian Branch

    Separate Formatter Issue/Warning..

    Sure. Which Unit would that be in?