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Ian Branch

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Everything posted by Ian Branch

  1. Ian Branch

    Minimize Button only on Form?

    Hi Team, I want to have the only the Minimize button border icon on the form but it seems I have to have the SystemMenu button on as well. :-( Is there any way to just have the minimize button and not the SystemMenu button? The form BorderStyle is bsSingle. Regards & TIA, Ian
  2. Ian Branch

    Minimize Button only on Form?

    Hi Schokohase, Thank you for the advice on the buttons. I was afraid of that. Philosophical discussion - On the aspect of 'User-friendly' - User-friendly is not what I or Microsoft say it is, it is what the User says it is. If he/she doesn't like the way it looks or the way it does it, it isn't user-friendly, to them. Yes, there tomes about the right way to do things however ultimately it is the User that decides. And ultimately they are the ones paying the Bills. 🙂 Regards, Ian
  3. Hi Team, Perhaps I am looking at this from the wrong perspective. The primary issue is the Customers Internet access/availability. The Customers are based in the Pacific and their Internet/ISPs tend to be a little iffy. Yesterday, one of the Customer's Internet access was down for 3 hours. :-( I think instead of testing for the smtp server I will simply test for the ability to access the internet with something like this.. uses ...., wininet; Function CheckUrl(url: string): Boolean; var hSession, hfile, hRequest: hInternet; dwindex, dwcodelen: dword; dwcode: array [1 .. 20] of char; res: pchar; begin if pos('http://', lowercase(url)) = 0 then url := 'http://' + url; Result := False; hSession := InternetOpen('InetURL:/1.0', INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, nil, nil, 0); if assigned(hSession) then begin hfile := InternetOpenUrl(hSession, pchar(url), nil, 0, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0); dwindex := 0; dwcodelen := 10; HttpQueryInfo(hfile, HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE, @dwcode, dwcodelen, dwindex); res := pchar(@dwcode); Result := (res = '200') or (res = '302'); if assigned(hfile) then InternetCloseHandle(hfile); InternetCloseHandle(hSession); end; end; Just prior to the email creation. Regards, Ian
  4. Trying to save the User the hassle of creating the email in the first place if the SMTP Server is not available.
  5. OK. I Surrender. :-)
  6. Are they really that flaky?
  7. Hmmm. Yes, I could do that but I would rather test if the server is available when the App is started, not when I want to send an email.
  8. Ian Branch

    Restart the same App?

    Hi Tee, It does work well and I have integrated it into 3 Apps. I haven't checked it for memory leaks or anything under the hood. It does what I needed. As for publishing to GitHub, I'm afraid that's not in my knowledge base. :-( Regards, Ian
  9. Ian Branch

    Restart the same App?

    Hi Remy, Thank you for the clarifications and the assist. Much appreciated. Regards, Ian
  10. Ian Branch

    Delphi not responding to errors..

    Hi Team, D10.3.1. 32 bit. For reasons I don't understand my Apps have stopped responding to basic error. e.g. divide by 0 error. They just ignore them. They used to work. If I create a new App it responds OK but my existing apps don't. It is probably something I have changed but I can't discern what. Any advice/suggestions (polite :-) ) appreciated. Regards & TIA, Ian
  11. Ian Branch

    Delphi not responding to errors..

    Thanks Peter. Ian
  12. Ian Branch

    Delphi not responding to errors..

    Thanks Kruvich. I have it working now. What I have yet to find out is how/when it changed. :-( Attached are my current configurations. Regards & Tks for the pointers. Ian
  13. Ian Branch

    Delphi 10.3 Update 2 available

    timfrost I stand corrected.
  14. Ian Branch

    Restart the same App?

    Tks Remy, Works exactly as desired/needed. I had to change.. GetStartupInfo(@si); GetStartupInfo(si); No biggie. :-) Regards & Tks again. And to the others for your interest/support. Ian
  15. Ian Branch

    Restart the same App?

    Hi Remy, Thanks for that. I will give it a go. While trying to get the other routines I found going, I discovered the need to change Winapi.Windows to just Windows in the Uses area. I note your indication of just Windows in the uses area. What's the difference? It would seem they both can't be in the uses. Regards & Tks again, Ian
  16. Ian Branch

    Delphi 10.3 Update 2 available

    Timfrost - The post said "without the quotes".
  17. Ian Branch

    Restart the same App?

    Hi All, Thank you all for your pointers and consideration. I have now amassed the following routines which I think will get me there with some massaging. ExecuteAndWait. TerminateProcessByID. GetPIDByProgramName. ExecuteProcess. I will let you know how I go, or not. ;-) Regards & Tks again, Ian
  18. Ian Branch

    Restart the same App?

    Hi David, "Easy" Says he who knows how to do it. ;-) I have no idea how to do what you described. Ian
  19. Ian Branch

    Best delphi so far?

    Bit like 'What is the best Word Processor' - Comes down to experiences and preferences. I currently do all my main work in D10.3.1 and put up with the idiosyncrasies. For easy, simple, quick jobs, I prefer D2007. In fact, I would still use D2007 for everything except a number of 3rd Party libraries I use in D10.3.1 no longer support D2007. :-( That's the reality of 'progress'. I only program 32bit windows Apps. Nothing deliberately in UniCode. If all the fancy stuff, which I suspect is at the root of the issues with it, was removed fro D10.3.1 I would be happier.
  20. Ian Branch

    Formatter Line Breaks..

    Hi Guys, D10.3.1 I seem to recall from some time ago that there was a setting in the Delphi Formatter|Line Breaks that you could set/change so that single line If....then lines would be formatted to a single line as opposed to multi-line If...then...else. Is my memory faulty and there isn't such a setting/change? If it is there, I can't identify it att. Regards & TIA, Ian
  21. Ian Branch

    Formatter Line Breaks..

    Hi Uwe, Given the following single line if/then.. If something is true then do this; The Delphi formatter does this to it.. If something is true then do this; I want it to keep the original and reformat to single line if it is a single line If/then statement. The GExperts formatter does have the option to keep the single line if/then, see picture, but doesn't reformat the second case above back to a single line and then only in the current unit. Ian
  22. Ian Branch

    Jedi - Git => SVN?

    Hi Team, Confession - I know little about Git & SVN. I currently get the latest Jedi libraries via Git using the following process.. ====================== JCL: Delete the d:jcl directory git clone https://github.com/project-jedi/jcl.git jcl cd jcl git submodule update --init jcl\install.bat JVCL: Delete the d:jvcl directory git clone https://github.com/project-jedi/jvcl.git jvcl cd jvcl jvcl\install.bat ========================== There are two questions I have. 1. Instead of having to delete the directories before I run the above, is there a Git command sequence that will simply update my existing download? 2. I can update my GExperts by using the following command.. =========================== svn co https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gexperts/code/trunk GExperts =========================== Will SVN work in Git repositories, and if so, what would be the SVN commands for the Jedi libraries please? Regards & TIA, Ian
  23. Hi Team, D10.3.1, 32Bit, Win 10 64Bit PC. I am running a pretty good Dev PC. I am working on a pretty large project, approx 305 .pas files/forms. If I make some changes and tell Delphi to Close All, it can take more than 10 minutes before Delphi finishes and I can continue. There doesn't seem to be a lot happening as far as the PC itself is concerned, the CPU usage sits at around 12-13%. See attached. Is there anything I can tweak to improve the save/close time? Regards & TIA, Ian
  24. Hi Team, I have asked a couple of times on the IDERA Community site with no response. Does anybody know what the fate of this library is to be? Aside from updating to match the latest version of Delphi, my assumption there, will it undergo any further development/refinement or just stagnate? Regards & TIA, Ian