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Everything posted by haentschman

  1. ...yes. Example: Tutorial in German from jaenicke: https://entwickler-ecke.de/topic_Kurze+Einfuehrung+in+Versionsverwaltungen+am+Beispiel+von+Git_115462,0.html
  2. Hi... ...in japan they say "harakiri" to that. YES! ...imho not. The features in the IDE are are too little. Better you use other tools like Tortoise for (GIT, SVN) ...what you like. https://tortoisegit.org/ Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1KNw1tr47k
  3. haentschman

    Does debugger handle WITH better in latest versions, 10.3+?

    Hi... Why WITH? How long would it take to remove all WITH? ...imho: The topic is since D1 so.
  4. haentschman

    Does debugger handle WITH better in latest versions, 10.3+?

    Hi... ...I hope not. WITH is out of date. ...this has always been so. That´s the reason why i never had a WITH in my code.
  5. haentschman

    Centered message?

    Hi... I have not needed it yet. But..." scalable...dialog with every controls you want (inheritance)" ...you must programming it by yourself. You must have: 1. A base (form) dialog, where the others inherited from. This form encapsulates the logic for the Buttons, Colors, Parent. 2. A new one inherited from the base. 3. design your dialog with treeview, checkboxes, edits, animations... 4. programming the logic for your controls 5. overload the class function with your new dialog ...in saxony (Germany) we say "Fertsch" (like finish)
  6. haentschman

    Centered message?

    Hi... ...you programming a own MessageDialog. TOwnMessageDialog = class strict private // own formular class function ShowMessage(MessageCaption: string; MsgType: TMsgDlgType; Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; MessageLines: TStrings; Help: LongInt = 0; MessageColor: Integer = clBlack; Parent: TForm = nil): Integer; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; class function MessageDlg(MessageText: string; MsgType: TMsgDlgType; Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; Help: LongInt = 0; MessageColor: Integer = clBlack; Parent: TForm = nil): Integer; overload; // wie MessageDialog Original class function MessageDlg(MessageText: string; MessageHeader: string; MsgType: TMsgDlgType; Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; MessageColor: Integer = clBlack; Parent: TForm = nil): Integer; overload; class function MessageDlg(MessageLines: TStrings; MessageHeader: string; MsgType: TMsgDlgType; Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; MessageColor: Integer = clBlack; Parent: TForm = nil): Integer; overload; class function MessageDlg(E: EDatabaseError; MessageHeader: string; MsgType: TMsgDlgType; Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; MessageColor: Integer = clBlack; Parent: TForm = nil): Integer; overload; end; Advantages: 1. own formular with corporate design 2. Parent for the message 3. own high (Count of MessageLines) 4. own with (longest text in MessageLines) 5. own Colors (Text) 6. scalable...dialog with every controls you want (inheritance) ...and so on.
  7. haentschman

    Resize a Form vertically only?

    Hi... TForm.Contraints are your friends. http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Seattle/en/Vcl.Controls.TControl.Constraints
  8. haentschman

    Looping </>

    Hi all... Proposal: 1. create a TStringList as a private variable 2. read the *.txt file into a TStringlist http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Seattle/en/System.Classes.TStrings.LoadFromFile List.LoadFromFile 3. show the content of the *.txt File in the MEMO Memo.Text := List.Text 4. iterate through the lines of the List if you want to Work with the data for I := 0 to List.Count - 1 do begin // your work end; 5. if you change the data in the list, reload the MEMO Memo.Text := List.Text ...finish. German names? If you search the german DP ... https://www.delphipraxis.net
  9. haentschman

    Tip about a software utility

    Please write a PM to Daniel(Admin) https://en.delphipraxis.net/profile/2-daniel/ and ask.
  10. haentschman

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 10.4?

    The same procedure as everywhere...
  11. haentschman

    Addon to hide single visual controls in Form-Designer?

    Hi... How about Frames? Load the appropriate frame according to your requirements...
  12. haentschman

    BDE Enterprise installer and Windows 10

    Hi... Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kwcqphrkfefcnvf/bde64.rar?dl=0 from here: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-other_settings/borland-database-administrator-bde-in-windows-10/1ed623b1-e404-49f2-b149-27bdd5548734 without guarantee...
  13. haentschman

    Dynamic creation of SQL queries

    Hi... Imho is not a good idea to allow the end user to generate statements. Especially with an input in a TDEDIT. SQL injection: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
  14. Hi all... ...the topics are showing only in Expanded Mode. (see picture) What can i do? Thanks....
  15. haentschman

    Topics are showing not condensed

  16. haentschman

    Topics are showing not condensed

  17. haentschman

    Who's gonna be at EKON 23?

    Hi... I also will be there on Monday and Tuesday. 
  18. haentschman

    Quick debug variables?

    Hi... ...it is the only way. watches... More information: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Overview_of_Debugging
  19. haentschman

    Quick debug variables?

    Hi... In Delphi is debugging easier... You set breakpoints in the editor. The debugger holds at this line. The debugger shows variables or a complete object in a hint. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqs27gB7Zms
  20. haentschman

    Line numbers in code editor

    Hi... At the left side is showing the IDE line numbers. At the right side i think the line numers from CnPack or like the Options "...all lines"
  21. haentschman

    Report components: good, bad, ugly

    I say Fastreport. I think he can all what you want...
  22. [OT] 1068 Hints 1937 Warnings How do you see anything ...the most important things. [/OT]