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Brian Evans

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Posts posted by Brian Evans

  1. 9 hours ago, sp0987 said:

    Am sorry i didn't get you

    In 64bit RAX does not contain the first parameter of your Int2Hex function, RCX does.  Looks like there are also other problems with the 64 bit ASM code like where the return value is stored: it should end up in RAX, 


    Ref: Using Inline Assembly Code - RAD Studio (embarcadero.com)


    The first four parameters to inline assembler functions are passed via RCX, RDX, R8, and R9 respectively, except for floating-point arguments which use XMMO, XMM1, XMM2, XMM3. The math coprocessor is not normally used from x64 code. Registers used for function parameters can be modified freely.

    Ref: Assembly Procedures and Functions - RAD Studio (embarcadero.com)



    • Values 8 bytes or less in size are return in RAX.
    • Real values are returned in XMM0.
    • Other types are returned by a reference whose pointer value resides in RAX whose memory is allocated by the calling routine.


  2. I read the question too fast, the code that should have GetLastError added to see any errors specific to the rename (like file open) is commented out.  


    Delphi equivalent pattern is:

      if RenameFile(oldName, newName)
      then ShowMessage('File renamed OK')
      else ShowMessage('File rename failed with error : '+ IntToStr(GetLastError));


  3. Can you set it up and test it in the ODBC Data Source Administrator (32-bit)? It should tell you if the 32-bit drivers required are available/installed. If only the 64-bit drivers are installed the newer versions of this utility will mention it. For example on my system I do not have the 32-bit drivers:





    Screenshot 2024-06-12 153708.png

  4. Couldn't tell you. The wording does suggest they do. 


    The InterBase licensing was too much for me, both cost wise and having to manage licenses, that back in the day I looked for a royalty free alternative. Went with FlashFiler from TurboPower and when they exited the market transitioned to using NexusDB. Combined with a tool to help write queries (Database Workbench by Upscene) it has served my needs for almost two decades.

  5. Notice in buy now it shows $3,000 Perpetual License + $999 for one year of Maintenance for Delphi Enterprise. If support is still $999/year that is not much of an anmesty at $2599. Looks like they offered that price or close to it last fall but included 24 months of support. 


    They sometimes offer(ed) discounts on longer support renewals - like 20% off 60 months (paid $ ~4,000 USD in 2022 for that myself on an active Delphi Enterprise license). 


    Might be worthwhile waiting them out or occasionally asking sales about any offers etc. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Navid Madani said:

    I am so used to Navigator's ctrl-G for jumping around the code ... what do you use? 

    For code navigation I use MMX Code Explorer which was taken over by Uwe Raabe and is available for free. I have a large wide screen monitor so docking the MMX navigation panes works well. 


    A New Home for ModelMaker Code Explorer™ – MMX (mmx-delphi.de)

    MMX – speed up your Delphi development (mmx-delphi.de)

  7. 1 hour ago, JonRobertson said:

    Once I removed Navigator and Bookmarks, all of the IDE instability disappeared and I've rarely had an issue since.

    Early on I read the terms for the Parnassus stuff, and it included text about sending system information back to them. I have avoided them since because the code to do that often hangs the IDE or causes issues when a security system/IDS/IDP blocks such collection and communication.


    From the Data section of License Agreement - Parnassus OÜ


    You agree that Parnassus OÜ may gather technical data and related information, including but not limited to information about your computer system, applications, peripherals and other related data. Parnassus may use this information, so long as it is in a form that does not personally identify you, to improve or modify the functionality of Parnassus software and services. Parnassus may use this information, including in a form that may personally identify you, for customer support and in efforts to combat piracy.


  8. Windows messes with the clipboard so higher integriity processes do not see/get content put there by lower integrity processes. This may be the source of the extra change messages. The problem tasks you list all run with a High integrity level while most things like File Explorer run with Medium. 


    Might have to keep track of the clipboard content and check it is has really changed (not just went from empty to having something or the reverse). 

    • Like 1

  9. Note Windows does not allow drag and drop from a lower privileged process to a higher privileged one.  It is part of UIPI (User Interface Privilege Isolation).


    If you run Delphi elevated the default file explorer which runs as a regular user will have issues with dropping to Delphi. 

  10. You could pass the password as a parameter to avoid any FireDAC string/macro processing. Use one of the ExecSQL overloads to get rid of the housekeeping lines.

      qry.ExecSQL('ALTER LOGIN sa WITH PASSWORD = :PASSWORD',['newPASSWD'],[ftString]);


  11. 5 hours ago, PeterBelow said:

    Works for me without problems (Win32 project with debug build, halted on a breakpoint). But dcc32270.dll does not belong to Delphi 12.1, that uses dcc32290.dll. 270 would be Delphi 10.3 if memory serves.

    Looks like registry keys from old releases came along for the ride for some users. 

  12. Just looked for public/free servers and could not find any. Only paid access mostly targeted at those who want access to binary groups. 


    The Internet Archive does have some collections of Usenet traffic. So far only see one for comp.lang.pascal.delphi.misc and it looks to only go as far back to mid 1997 as well. In mbox format presented as a zip file containing one large text file. 

     usenet-comp directory listing (archive.org)
