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Posts posted by MarkShark

  1. 2 hours ago, FPiette said:

    Have a look at this answer on StackOverflow. It is about a TEdit, but IMO the same concept applies to a TComboBox.


    Thank you François!  I ended up creating my own TEmbeddedComboBox and used the handling suggested in Remy's answer to your linked SO question.. and SCORE!


    procedure TEmbeddedComboBox.WndProc(var Msg: TMessage);
      if Msg.Msg = WM_GETDLGCODE then
        Msg.Result := Msg.Result or DLGC_WANTTAB;


    • Like 1

  2. Lars, thanks.


    This is code I'm writing for a VirtualStringTree that allows editing.  I'm sure you're correct that the actions could be handled at the form level, but obviously I'd prefer to keep the handling internal to the control if possible.  I was hoping this was just something I'm thinking incorrectly about, maybe there's another way to handle it.  Although the fact that the VST demo app shows the same behavior makes me think it's not an easy fix.   I did some code searching and it looks like Delphi's TInplaceEditList (part of the Grids Unit) is what they use instead of just using a TComboBox, I assume that's to give more control and to handle this issue.  It's a bit complex for a transplant, so I'm hoping someone can suggest an alternative. It's one of those things where it seems like I'm so close to getting it to work the way I want.

  3. The specific case is that I'm using a TComboBox as an editor in a VirtualStringTree.  Unfortunately I can't seem to capture VK_TAB on the KeyDown event of the control.  I've used code very similar to the "Properties" tree demo included in the Advanced Demo.  Running that demo I get the same affect, pressing Tab while a combobox is active goes to the next focus control.  I'd like to handle it much like the enter key and move to the next cell after accepting the edit.  Apparently the tab handling is happening at the form level and the TCombobox never seems to get it.  Any suggestions on how to handle this?   Thanks!

  4. I've attached ProjTest.dproj.  I took the following steps:


    Created a new Vcl project.

    Added Target Platform Win64

    Used the Project Options Dialog to add version info to "All Configurations - All Platforms" setting version (and also editing the key/values)

    Used the Project Options Dialog to add version info to "All Configurations - Windows 32-bit Platform" setting version (and also editing the key/values)

    Used the Project Options Dialog to add version info to "All Configurations - Windows 64-bit Platform" setting version (and also editing the key/values)

    Also added some debug and release version info for each target.

    Save on Project Options

    Save Project

    Result:  The debug and release verinfo sections were correctly removed.  The Base, Base-Win32 and Base-Win64 sections remain intact (I'm still unsure if that's "as intended" or not.)




    [added:  I'm using Delphi 10.4.1 and the latest Project Magician.]

  5. 3 minutes ago, Uwe Raabe said:

    Can you send me that dproj file?


    The version info is handled directly when you save the project options from the dialog - or you change the Project Magician options.

    Yes, though I'll make a new test case and retest my findings just in case it's project specific (this particular project is one that's been around for years.)   Thanks for clarifying about when Project Magician does its work!

  6. My projects platforms are Win32 and Win64.  Am I correct that the Magician actions take place on Project Save?  Basically I'm just switching Targets, changing the version info, then saving the project and then looking at the dproj file to see the results.


    [added] In my testing with a project that has Win32 and Win64 target platforms only, that Base_Win32 and Base_Win64 retain <verinfo_*> changes when saving the project.

  7. I've been doing some testing of the current version and I might be misunderstanding things.  I have a dproj file with a Base config with verinfo information (including <VerInfo_Keys> info.)  I added a new one under Base-Win32 and both seem to stay around.  I was expecting the win32 one to be removed in favor of Base.  Am I misunderstanding how it works?  It did correctly remove the verinfo stuff from a debug section.  Is this so that you can have different version info for different target platforms?  Project Magician is awesome btw! 


  8. My goto has been Consolas, but this change seems a good one!  I'll have to look into those fonts.  BTW, having recently started to use Delphi Styles I'd love to see SynEdit support them.  Fortunately I get around it by adding:


      TCustomStyleEngine.RegisterStyleHook(TCustomSynEdit, TMemoStyleHook); // to get styled scrollbars

    And then either changing the all the colors whenever the style changes OR by using the Vcl.Styles.Hooks unit.  I usually go with the hooks since I use a couple other controls that don't support styles fully (like spTbxDock and spTbxToolbar, which I've noticed you're doing some much needed work on!)  Fantastic work!

  9. @pyscripter  Thank you for that, it's extremely useful!  I'd like to add that Microsoft has changed their encoding standards in the new NotePad.  I mention this because our current Delphi TEncoding names are from the original standard.  The new standard is:


    UTF-8 with BOM


    Which seems an improvement over just using "Unicode" for UTF-16LE.  Also saves default to UTF-8 (without BOM) instead of ANSI, for good or bad (I *think* good, but I bet there are other opinions!)




  10. On 6/4/2020 at 11:47 AM, mmb said:

    Just noticed that in 10.4


    /// Lorem Ipsum....


    works just as well as


    /// <summary> Lorem Ipsum.... </summary>


    This makes in source XML documentation much easier to write. I could not find anything about this in the release notes (or I overlooked). Is this a side effect of the LSP?

    Nice find!  This is actually pretty useful and seems to work well on my projects so far.   I wonder if this is "official" (the latest documentation for "XML Documentation Comments" doesn't mention it.)

  11. Hey All!  I use the wonderful VCL-Style-Utils (https://github.com/RRUZ/vcl-styles-utils)  I especially use the Vcl.Styles.Hooks option since I have a number of older vcl controls that aren't style friendly and this gets them working well enough.  However, I do sometimes want to not style the common dialogs windows.  One valid reason is that the font selection dialog box has issues with styles and scrolling the font list, but it's also that I worry that the styling might interfere with a necessary part of my program (I don't mind that they don't look styled, I kind of consider them as separate from my program.)  When using the standard VCL Styles you can do this using:


    TStyleManager.SystemHooks := TStyleManager.SystemHooks - [shDialogs];


    But I haven't found a way to do it using Vcl Style Utils, so I was wondering if anyone's done it or if I'm missing something obvious.  Or, as I believe is likely, you can't use the hooks option and hope to shutoff "part" of the styling.   Thanks for any input!


  12. 6 hours ago, Edwin Yip said:

    Can you list all of them? Have you tried the relatively new SVGIconImageList ?

    I've tried the two commercial ones (SVG Magic and Delphi SVG.)  They both had issues with my homemade Inkscape svgs, however that was last year (2019) and they may have improved.   I have tried SVGIconImagelist recently and it does have the issues I mentioned (reported in their issue tracker on Github.)  I'm not sure if that's improved recently.  That one does look the most promosing!  The other two open source ones I tried were both older and not actively developed that I could see.

  13. Although I avoid using Goto (and usually With as well) in my own code.  I appreciate the library writers who do whatever they can for performance or usability!  I think I still use the "super pos" function that was written for the old fastcode challege which has  a bunch of gotos and is amazingly fast.

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  14. So much for hopeful thinking on my part!   First couple of projects compiled without issues, then I tried one with the TOmniThreadLibrary and boom.  I use TOmniValue.FromRecord() with a record with strings in it, which I believe is the issue here.  Anyone know a workaround for that?  I have to admit that its worked so well up til now that I haven't looked back at that code in while.

  15. Following this with great interest, but the main question is "Does this mean that we should wait on installing patch 2?"  I like the idea of debugger stability fixes, etc., but if this adversely affects some of my favorite libraries (e.g. Spring4d!) then it's a show stopper.  Any thoughts?
