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Everything posted by KenR

  1. Good to hear as I use indy a lot and it works perfectly for me. Thanks Remy for your continued involvement.
  2. I didn't realise Indy was not being updated. I have used it since it first became available. I feel I need to move away, but what to?
  3. I will try it on one of them. 11.0 had huge problems.
  4. 10.4.2 crashes several times a day on large projects for me. I have not yet been brave enough to try them in 11.1
  5. I can connect fine using Indy and TLS 1.2 so please show your code.
  6. Make sure you override the default registry settings e.g. something like RestClient.SecureProtocols:=[THTTPSecureProtocol.TLS12,THTTPSecureProtocol.TLS13];
  7. Does anyone know if there is an application available to generate all iOS, Android, etc. images from a single image and also update the project file. I ask because I have written one and am considering making it freely available.
  8. Now available on GetIt without the need to run my installation program.
  9. KenR

    calculete time in delphi

    Not sure how you are using this but using time rather than now will give you problems if starttime/endtime spans midnight.
  10. Great. Pleased I could help.
  11. Do you have the CreateDatabase param set. e.g. FDConnection1.Params.Values['CreateDatabase']:=BoolToStr(not FileExists(FDConnection1.Params.Database),True);
  12. Does anyone know if TNetHTTPRequest automatically generates a request_id and if so can it be modified in 10.4.2?
  13. KenR

    TNetHTTPRequest request_id

    No. It was for integration with a property portal. They were returning a request_id but I was not providing one so was interested in knowing where it came from. Further investigation revealed that they were always returning the same one for each property so looks like they are creating it themselves!
  14. I don't know how anyone can live without DevEx!
  15. KenR

    Delphi 11, migrate or wait

    Yes I could but have chosen not to on the basis that there are very probably other major bugs in D11 at this stage.
  16. KenR

    Delphi 11, migrate or wait

    I am certainly waiting for a major bug to be fixed relating to TRESTRequest before I can use D11 in production. See https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-35341
  17. TMS have one see https://www.tmssoftware.com/site/tmsmqtt.asp
  18. Lars suggestion on creating DB in appdata only if the DB does not already exist is the easiest way forward.
  19. GetIt just downloads the latest setup from my server so the version displayed in getit is not accurate. I am talking to EMBT about a possibly different way of doing this but they have not replied yet. I considered possibly having 2 different locations for DB. Jury is still out 🙂
  20. I do normally install databases/inii files to appdata\roaming but as this application started out just for my use I took shortcuts. Now I'm going to have to copy existing databases. Oh well, that's what I get for being lazy!
  21. I'll ask EMBT if there is a better way of distributing this.
  22. Yes. Installing to program files is not a good idea in this case as it needs to create a database. I have certificates for chargeoble applications but I'm not about to buy one for a piece of software that I'm trying to give away!
  23. I'll check the innosetup settings.