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Vandrovnik last won the day on December 20 2022

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  1. Vandrovnik

    OtlParallel Memory Leak

    Assigning to one string variable from multiple threads at same time is not a good idea...
  2. We had the same problem (Windows XP as virtual machines). Did not succeed finding a solution in Delphi app, so virtual machines upgraded to Windows 7...
  3. Vandrovnik

    Firebird database on Android

    {$IFDEF ANDROID} function SetEnvironmentVariable(Name:string; Value:string): boolean; begin result:=false; //assume failure if Value='' then begin // Assume user wants to remove variable. if unsetenv(MarshaledAstring(UTF8String(Name)))=0 then result:=true; end else begin // Non empty so set the variable if setenv(MarshaledAstring(UTF8String(Name)), MarshaledAstring(UTF8String(Value)), 1)=0 then result:=true; end; end;
  4. Vandrovnik

    tDrawGrid - how to prevent OnDblClick on certain columns

    Thank you for your reply. I did not write, that in this grid, RowSelet is set, so in OnDblClick I get Col=0. So instead I used: var Cell: TGridCoord; Pt: tPoint; begin fSkipDrag:=true; Pt:=Mouse.CursorPos; Pt:=Grid.ScreenToClient(Pt); Cell:=Grid.MouseCoord(Pt.x, Pt.y); if (Cell.X<1) or (Cell.X>3) then ... It is not perfect - if computer is really busy / slow, mouse may move before OnDblClick is run.
  5. Hello, I have a DrawGrid, on some columns user can click to switch between values (enable / disable them). Is it possible to allow OnDblClick on some columns, while not allowing OnDblClick on these columns with "switches"? OnDblClick is used to open modal dialog to change some values. Thank you, kind regards, Karel
  6. Vandrovnik

    Recommended devices android testing

    Samsung offers a remote testing lab: https://developer.samsung.com/remote-test-lab
  7. I did not make speed tests, the speed will probably be almost the same, because of large file cache and fast NVME drives.
  8. Why? I use RAM drive as target for all .dcu files. After reboot, no .dcus exists -> no problems from old .dcus, .dcus compiled with another settings etc. And it also saves some SSD writes. (With HDDs, RAM drive was also significantly faster.)
  9. Vandrovnik

    Continually Losing Frames

    It did not happen to me in 12.2 (yet). In older versions, i just replaced <DesignClass>TFrame</DesignClass> with <FormType>dfm</FormType><DesignClass>TFrame</DesignClass> in .dproj file. T thought it was happening mostly after Delphi upgrade.
  10. Vandrovnik

    Printing to evolis printer

    Does it have Windows printer driver? If it does, you can probably print on it the same way you can print on common printers (for example, using Fastreport in Delphi).
  11. Vandrovnik

    Delphi 12.2 Toolbars strange behavior

    My futile fight with toolbars in Delphi started with Delphi X?? and continues to this day. But I found a solution: I turned off all toolbars and left only the palette on top 🙂(To be honest, I did not try to enable any of toolbars in Delphi 12.2, so I am not sure that problems persist.)
  12. foo(GetDouble) is expected error - you cannot pass function result to a procedure with var parameter.
  13. Vandrovnik

    Wrap texts in DBGrid

    You can draw whatever you want in OnDrawColumnCell but AFAIK, all rows must have the same height.
  14. I just did not test, whether it works O:-)