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Everything posted by Vandrovnik

  1. Vandrovnik

    Reverse method walker

    When refactoring/rename works (which for me it does not in 10.4.2 now), I renamed the method to something which is not used in the project. Then I used Find in files. And finaly refactoring/rename back to original name.
  2. Hello, from Delphi 10.3.3, I have in .dpr, among other used units, this line: IBX.IBStoredProc in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\source\IBX\IBX.IBStoredProc.pas', (there was a bug in IBX, so I changed the source and added it to project, so that it was compiled with it). Now with Delphi 10.4.2, the file does not exist on that path. But when I build the project, there is no error, no warning, no hint... It silently uses already compiled IBX.IBStoredProc in the same way, as it would, if I did not put full path in .dpr file. Is that expected and correct, or should be reported?
  3. Vandrovnik

    Delphi ignores path to unit in .dpr

    In my case, IBX.IBStoredProc is not "my" unit, it comes with Delphi (IBX package). I have appended it to the project in Delphi 10.3.3 just to make Delphi to compile it with a patch. Now I was surprised that project builds fine, even when the file does not exist anymore. Delphi probably finds C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\lib\win32\release\IBX.IBStoredProc.dcu and silently uses it, but I do not believe this is correct. I think this can be good source of hard to find bugs, while an error or at least a warning would help to prevent them. I have reported it here: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-33506
  4. Vandrovnik

    Delphi ignores path to unit in .dpr

    In .dproj file, there is also full path to non-existent file: <DCCReference Include="C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\source\IBX\IBX.IBStoredProc.pas"/>
  5. Vandrovnik

    Min & Max

    I have also found this comparing of the performance: https://github.com/xiadz/cmov
  6. Vandrovnik

    Min & Max

    Thanks, voted... My knowledge of assembler is frozen before Pentium instruction set...
  7. Vandrovnik

    Min & Max

    Is it possible to implement Min or Max without conditional jump?
  8. Vandrovnik

    problem with file attributes

    You are writing to .xlsx and trying to query/open .xls...
  9. They have added ResStringCleanupCache to System.SysUtils. When I call it when loading another language module, it seems to work OK, too. { ResStringCleanupCache cleanups internal cache of loaded resource strings. Useful for applications dynamically changing resource DLL's. } procedure ResStringCleanupCache; "Documented" here: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Sydney/en/API:System.SysUtils.ResStringCleanupCache
  10. In System.SysUtils: procedure InitResStrings; begin InitializeCriticalSection(ResStringCritSect); AddModuleUnloadProc(ResStringModuleUnloadProc); LoadResStringFunc := @ResStringLoad; end;
  11. Hmm, when I use this, it seems to work again: LoadResStringFunc:=nil;
  12. I am attaching test project, it contains prepared .DEU file but no .exe file. In PSC.pas in TPSCForm.FormShow, resourcestring is assigned to button's caption, which is not working for me. Test66.zip
  13. Install it 🙂 Or install AutoHotKey 🙂
  14. Vandrovnik

    Several F2084 Internal Error on Delphi 10.4.2

    Could you make a copy of the project and then try to shrink the project to find out, which unit is causing it?
  15. For me it works poorly - often it takes really long time (5-10 s between Ctrl+click and moving to the declaration, but there is no indication that "Delphi is thinking about it"), or it does not work at all.
  16. Vandrovnik

    Several F2084 Internal Error on Delphi 10.4.2

    If you do not find a real solution/reason and changing items in Library path works, you can use an app such as AutoHotKey and automatize changing these paths in Delphi dialog, so that you just press a keyboard shortcut and wait a while, while keyboard/mouse strokes are replayed.
  17. If memory taken by whole strings is not a problem, I would use whole strings. (Or lossless compression of this string.) Do you include parameters into this hash? Because SELECT a.Value FROM Table a WHERE (a.Id=:Id) can produce different results for different parameters.
  18. Till yesterday I did not notice there is WriteBuffer/ReadBuffer - I started to use Write/Read long long time ago... Well, time to change old bad habbits 🙂
  19. When tMemoryStream is not able to allocate more memory during a write, it raises an exception by itself in TMemoryStream.Realloc. With other streams, I think it would be easier to have another class, say tCheckedStream, which would override .Read and .Write methods and raise an exception, when it cannot write data or read enough data (you can pass another stream to its constructor, so it can be used with any other stream).
  20. Vandrovnik

    Several F2084 Internal Error on Delphi 10.4.2

    Have you tried without MMX, GExperts etc.?
  21. Vandrovnik

    Delphi10.4.2, Theme, closing Modal dialog

    It is already reported: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-33140
  22. Vandrovnik

    Annoying IDE behavior changes in 10.4.2

    I can confirm both 1 a) and 1 b). 10.4.2 installed as update over 10.4.1 (uninstall automatically done by installer), keeping settings, did not use Migration Tool.
  23. Vandrovnik

    Object Inspector issue in 10.4.2??

    I have seen it too (monitor @ 125 %).
  24. Vandrovnik

    Can Delphi randomize string 'Delphi'?

    No, you cannot assume this.
  25. Can you create a reproducible small example? I have tried similar code and blue dots are present and debugger stops on them on breakpoint.