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Everything posted by Vandrovnik

  1. Vandrovnik

    PC-specific memory corruption...?

    I would first test the memory of the computer - for example, https://www.system-rescue.org/ It has a memtest included. When memory is OK, then test disk...
  2. Ups, yes, it has a bug 🙂 I was reading it as _Value1 := _Value1+1;
  3. OK, when we change it to this, so there is an unitialized variable: procedure bla(var _Value1: integer; _Value2: integer); begin if _Value2 > 0 then _Value1 := _Value2+1; end; procedure blub; var Value1: integer; begin bla(Value1, 3); writeln(Value1); end; What will be the value of Value1? I would prefer to get a warning in this case.
  4. From my point of view, it is wrong. For "var" parameters, I expect they are already initialized. For uninitialized variables, that are used as output, there is "out". https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Parameters_(Delphi) - Out parameters are frequently used with distributed-object models like COM. In addition, you should use out parameters when you pass an uninitialized variable to a function or procedure.
  5. It does not have to look inside - it sees (immediatelly), that uninitialized variable is passed as "var" parameter. It means that I should initialize the variable, or change the procedure and use "out" parameter instead of "var".
  6. It helps to avoid mistakes. Here it produces a warning: ([dcc32 Warning] Test79.dpr(22): W1036 Variable 'a' might not have been initialized) procedure Test2; var a: integer; begin if a=1 then exit; end; I believe it should be consistent and produce a warning in Kryvich's example, too.
  7. Please will you report it and post here the link? I would vote for it.
  8. Vandrovnik

    Is Graphics32 ready for Delphi 11 yet?

    Do you get the same error when you specify full path to the .bmp file?
  9. In my opinion, in these situation you sometimes have to ask the user. Even when data is sent to printer, it does not mean it was really printed OK (out of paper, damaged printout...).
  10. Hello, When I set per column font properties (bold, font color...) and run it on a monitor with scale > 100 %, this column is drawn too small. I have reported it, if you want to test and vote, please here: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-36849 If there is a workaround, please let me know...
  11. Vandrovnik

    Delph 11 - TDBGrid + HDPI monitor + per column font

    Setting Grid.ParentFont to false seems to help.
  12. Vandrovnik

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Ctrl+Shift+Number to place a bookmark and Ctrl+Number to go to bookmark is a bit faster. I am using AutoHotKey, which allows to remap pressed keys, so I have created a simple script, which remaps Ctrl+Shift+Number and Ctrl+Number to its Ctrl+K/Ctrl+Q counterparts. If you want to try, I have attached this script; it should be put in AutoHotkey.ahk. This works for "IDE classic" key mapping in Delphi. Bookmarks.txt
  13. Vandrovnik

    IDE being destroyed by new versions

    Should this field even find tPanel? Because there is another field where I can type component name:
  14. Vandrovnik

    Which version BDE

    Hmm, you are right, in Delphi 7 probably shortstring was that string type with 255 chars limit.
  15. Vandrovnik

    Which version BDE

    It depends - Delphi 7 did not support Unicode, while newest version do; all char and string variables may need attention. SizeOf(char) = 2 now, strings are not limited to 255 chars...
  16. Vandrovnik

    IDE being destroyed by new versions

    It makes no sense to complain here. Found bugs should be reported on https://quality.embarcadero.com
  17. Vandrovnik

    Firebird 3 Client Installation

    Many = 3 in this case, I have no problem with it. When customer has a new computer, he can just start the application from network share, there is no need to install it. It is also much easier to update FB client, when you can replace its files in one place and do not have to make changes on all computers.
  18. Vandrovnik

    Choice of Windows text rendering engines

    I would also vote for DirectWrite. When I switched to Direct2D and DirectWrite, I have used https://github.com/CMCHTPC/DelphiDX12 instead of Emba's units, which were buggy and did not contain "new" things (like printing support for Direct2D).
  19. Vandrovnik

    FB3.0 SQL

    As far as I know, Firebird does not support PIVOT. If you really need a column for each WHNO, you can first use a query to get distinct WHNO values and then use these values to create second query, which would compute the values.
  20. Can you download these audio samples after installation from your server(s)? The same way as offline maps are downloaded by apps... And probably stored to SD cards instead of internal storage (user is asked where to store them).
  21. There is a link to his homepage and there he has https://stevemorse.org/jcal/jcal.html If you display source code of the page, there are javascript routines, may be it is enough to rewrite them to Delphi?
  22. What about https://stevemorse.org/hebrewcalendar/hebrewcalendar.htm ?
  23. Vandrovnik

    Firebird - Sum of total fields from different tables ?

    SELECT (SELECT SUM(a.Total) FROM Table1 a) + (SELECT SUM(a.Total) FROM Table2 a) + (SELECT SUM(a.Total) FROM Table3 a) as GrandTotal FROM RDB$Database
  24. Vandrovnik

    Bookmarks dead?

    They can create "Bookmarks HDPI" without the compatibility with older versions, if it is easier for them...