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Everything posted by Vandrovnik

  1. Vandrovnik

    How to fix "Warning'

    There are also directives for these warnings: {$WARN UNIT_PLATFORM OFF} {$WARN SYMBOL_PLATFORM OFF}
  2. Vandrovnik

    record with null-terminated string

    You can create a method (of that record) for reading data from a stream, for example. In that method, you use Stream.Read(flags, sizeof(flags))... To read the string, you probably have to read byte by byte and check, whether it is zero. Do not forget that size of the char is 2 bytes (in Unicode Delphi).
  3. Vandrovnik

    Macro recording problem

    AutoHotkey should be free.
  4. Vandrovnik

    Delphi Code-Insight problems

    For free? Oh no, I am paying for it! 🙂
  5. Vandrovnik

    SQL Update

    May be instead of SELECT SUM(IM.TRS)TRS, SUM(IM.INCOME)INCOME, SUM(IM.OUTGO)OUTGO should be just SELECT SUM(IM.TRS), SUM(IM.INCOME), SUM(IM.OUTGO) ? The JOIN - I alway specify what kind of join I want, such as LEFT OUTER JOIN, because I am never sure, what is the default 🙂
  6. Vandrovnik

    Speed of Graphics32

    I did not suggest OpenGL, I just wrote that it works fine for raster graphics ("It's for a mapping project so it involves tiling, overlaying grids and bitmaps.").
  7. Vandrovnik

    Speed of Graphics32

    In OpenGL, he can work with raster graphics really fast and easy - he just loads them as textures. But writing text and printing will not be so easy, if they are needed.
  8. Vandrovnik

    InterBase or Firebird?

    Well, it was not a clean work... I am using IBX components. I took IBX.IBIntf.pas, created AndroidIBIntf.pas from it. From TIBServerLibrary I have created my TAndroidIBServerLibrary and made a few modifications: In .LoadIBLibrary, I copy Firebird's files from IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(tPath.GetDocumentsPath)+FbDynClientAssetsDirectory to IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(tPath.GetHomePath)+FbDynClientRunDirectory, because I did not manage it to work from original path. In initialization, I set environment variables FIREBIRD_TMP and FIREBIRD_LOCK to a folder inside of tPath.GetTempPath In .LibraryName, I return path to libfbclient.so
  9. Vandrovnik

    InterBase or Firebird?

    Firebird for Android - it works (embedded), but there is no 64bit version for Android at this moment. When you publish your app in Google Play, you need 64bit version too...
  10. Vandrovnik

    Multiple two UInt64 modulo

    But when divisor is 64bit, he has to use the "128 bits divide by 64 bits", because, as far as I know, there is no instruction for "64 bits divide by 64 bits", or is there?
  11. Vandrovnik

    Multiple two UInt64 modulo

    Why not? I thought RDX:RAX are used: Unsigned divide RDX:RAX by r/m64, with result stored in RAX ← Quotient, RDX ← Remainder.
  12. Vandrovnik

    Outdated Delphi Roadmap

    Oh, please nothing special, just make 10.4.x usable first.
  13. Does it happen when you uninstall IDE Fix Pack? If no, you may need to disable more modules of IDE Fix Pack, in my case this one was enough.
  14. Vandrovnik

    Organizing enums

    You can use: type tTestEnum = (None=0, One=1, Eight=8);
  15. Vandrovnik

    Organizing enums

    Exactly - my most stupid and most difficult to find mistakes in OpenGL came from using wrong constant (with similar name to the correct one).
  16. I had to disable one of the modules in IDE Fix Pack. In system-wide environment variables, I have created new entry named IDEFixPack.DisabledPatches. Value is: Compiler.KibitzIgnoreErrors After IDE restart, I have not seen this problem anymore.
  17. Do you use IDE Fix Pack? On my PC, it was causing this trouble.
  18. Vandrovnik

    Organizing enums

    No; problem is, that in the example above there is type "CommandType" and property "CommandType", so CommandType.NA is trying to reference property CommandType, which does not have member called NA.
  19. Vandrovnik

    Organizing enums

    What about scoped enums? http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Scoped_Enums_(Delphi)
  20. This code is a problem when used in 64-bit version...
  21. Could you just allocate some memory (1-2 GB, probably in smaller chunks), so that other allocations have to be from the top part?
  22. Vandrovnik

    Simple inlined function question

    Directive inline existed already in Borland Pascal.
  23. Vandrovnik

    Migration from BDE paradox to TFDtable or other options

    I do not use tIBTable at all, so I do not mind. I use mostly tIBDataSet, tIBQuery, tIBSql... tIBDataSet has property UniDirectional, which disables storing visited records in memory.
  24. Vandrovnik

    Migration from BDE paradox to TFDtable or other options

    IBX components also have a tIBTable. I did this migration in one-step (Paradox -> tIBDataSet/tIBQuery).
  25. Vandrovnik

    Any Known Issues with ZCompressStream?

    I still believe that decompressor with wrong input should not enter an endless loop. If you have 2 bytes checksum, you still have a 1 : 65536 probability, that it will not detect wrong input. With 4 bytes checksum, it is 1 : 256^4, much better, but still not 100 % safe.