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Everything posted by Vandrovnik

  1. Vandrovnik

    Any Known Issues with ZCompressStream?

    I think decompressor should somehow handle wrong data too (raise an exception, for example). I have used "ZDecompressStream" and on wrong data, it stays in endless loop (tested on Android 32 bit). I have not tested whether it happens with all wrong data, or if I just was lucky and tested it with something special...
  2. Vandrovnik

    Delphi 10.4.1 and the IDE FIx Pack

    I hope that "CE" is not "civilization end" 🙂
  3. Vandrovnik

    More performance Stringgrid sorting algorithm help

    Test is not changed, just at the beginning instead of i:=0 I would use i:=1; When I start with i:=1 with Data 3, 2, 1, it is as in your example, just first iteration is already done: iteration elements 0 3 2 1 swap and dec ^ 1 2 3 1 i=0: inc ^ ... If Data is 1, 2, 3, it is: iteration elements 0 1 2 3 inc, because List[1] >= List[0] ^ 1 1 2 3 inc, because List[2] >= List[1] ^
  4. Vandrovnik

    More performance Stringgrid sorting algorithm help

    I cannot see why? In first step, "if (i=0) ..." will execute "inc(i)", so we have i=1 and continue with next iteration... while (i < List.Count-1) do if (i = 0) or (List[i] >= List[i-1]) then Inc(i) else
  5. Vandrovnik

    More performance Stringgrid sorting algorithm help

    OK, and when it should work faster, we can always optimize it with starting at i:=1 and using tList<>.Exchange 🙂
  6. Vandrovnik

    Best way to prevent multiple instances? Mutex not working

    CreateMutex(nil, false, 'YourNameOfTheMutex'); Test return value. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/synchapi/nf-synchapi-createmutexa This does not work?
  7. Vandrovnik

    is the site infected?

    I would start checking your computer, for example with ESET: https://www.eset.com/me/home/online-scanner/
  8. Vandrovnik

    Delphi 10.4 (.1) Welcome Page

    Disabling Welcome Page is on my check list for Delphi installation 🙂
  9. Vandrovnik

    Problem with Delphi RIO 10.3.3 and Google API Level 29

    I tried another approach: - manualy set targetSdkVersion to 29, published app in Google Play. - now I have created an update with targetSdkVersion set to 28 and submitted to Google Play - it displayed a warning, but files were accepted. It seems that till November 2nd 2020, updates with targetSdkVersion=28 are accepted: https://developer.android.com/distribute/best-practices/develop/target-sdk - after November 2nd 2020, I hope Delphi 10.4.1 will be mature enough, so that I can start using it.
  10. Vandrovnik

    Problem with Delphi RIO 10.3.3 and Google API Level 29

    And what about Embarcadero - they could make a patch for 10.3.3, so that each of us does not have to solve it by himself...
  11. Does anybody know, why is this "feature" present?
  12. Vandrovnik

    Grid Sort indicator

    The correct name of method is ".FetchAll", sorry for the mistake. I have also edited prior posts with it.
  13. Vandrovnik

    Grid Sort indicator

    Hmm, I use IBX for data access and it works for me. If .FetchAll is not called and user presses key "End" in the DBGrid, scroll bar also starts working as expected. The same behaviour in DBLookupComboBox.
  14. Vandrovnik

    Grid Sort indicator

    Only when number of records is not known (so for small datasets you can call FetchAll and scroll bar works as expected).
  15. Yes, I just would change it a little, so that it can work a bit faster: function CompleteEval(const aBooleanValues: array of Boolean): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin for i := Low(aBooleanValues) to High(aBooleanValues) do if aBooleanValues[i] then begin Result := True; exit; end; Result := false; end;
  16. result:=CompleteEval([result, A, B, C]);
  17. In 10.3.3, Classic Undocked and Key mappings set to IDE classic, it is F5.
  18. Vandrovnik

    Delphi 10.4 compiler going senile

    A conflict with tMonitor declared in Vcl.Forms.pas?
  19. Vandrovnik

    Delphi 10.4 IDE - F12 Editor/Designer toggle

    If you put here .pas and .dfm file, I can try it on my PC and let you know (10.3.3 and patched 10.4.0).
  20. Vandrovnik

    Are we just "Cash Cows"?

    I am very glad that Delphi allows me to develop for Android (while being able to test the app on Windows, too). I was just surprised how many problems FMX still has when I started to use it...
  21. Vandrovnik

    Restore Delphi File Associations?

    I had reported it in version 10.3.1, but problem was closed as "cannot reproduce" https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-23904 I think Tools, Manage Platforms was the way.
  22. Vandrovnik

    Is quality.embarcadero.com down?

    Looks OK now.
  23. Vandrovnik

    Running Tokyo 10.2.3 dcc32 from the command line

    Can you instead of .dpr compile .dproj? Something like this: call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\bin\rsvars.bat" set Hlavni=C:\Delphi\Plantis set Pomocna=R:\Plantis "%FrameworkDir%\msbuild.exe" "%Hlavni%\Plantis.dproj" /target:build /p:DCC_BuildAllUnits=true /p:"Config=Release" /p:"Platform=Win32" /p:"DCC_DcuOutput=%Pomocna%\DCU" /l:FileLogger,Microsoft.Build.Engine;logfile="%Pomocna%\Logs.Win32.Release.MSBuildLog.txt"
  24. Vandrovnik

    Export to PDF speed

    Just to be sure, have you tried without the picture? Is there 1 picture for the report, or 1 picture for each record?
  25. Vandrovnik

    Patch 2 for RAD Studio 10.4 now available

    Classic undocked still unusable... How much time would it need to allow users to manually increase the height of the main window, so that icons are not hidden - 30 second? Or 60 with testing?