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Everything posted by Vandrovnik

  1. Vandrovnik

    Server Data Path

    I would suggest to store "server" and "database folder" as separate fileds in your INI. Server=MySrv: Dir=C:\MyApp\Data\ It is much easier than to properly split it later. (App installed on another drive than C : , database on linux server, embedded database with empty server name etc.)
  2. Vandrovnik

    creating circles and ovals programmatically Sin Cosin

    You can find some inspiration here: https://www.mathsisfun.com/geometry/unit-circle.html Sin and Cos in Delphi take argument in radians (not in degrees).
  3. Vandrovnik

    New security requirements for code signing, disruptive ?

    Well, this is not my case, I build locally.
  4. Vandrovnik

    New security requirements for code signing, disruptive ?

    Where do you have to enter the password - on your computer, or directly on the device? On the computer, we could use AutoHotKey, which would enter the password instead of us 🙂
  5. Vandrovnik

    AutoRun.Inf in USB

    In my opinion, Autorun.inf is just the ability of Windows to automatically start something from CD, DVD, USB etc. In BIOS, you can enable booting from CD, DVD or USB drive etc., but it has nothing to do with Autorun.inf.
  6. Vandrovnik

    IDE it's not working anymore

    Hello, after update to Delphi 11.2, it has happened to me a few times (IDE did not respond, so I killed it from Task Manager). Last time it happened when I tried to edit lines between $IFDEF ... $ENDIF.
  7. Vandrovnik

    Stumbled upon serious looking bug report

    Exactly... When compiled to Windows-64, it works fine.
  8. Vandrovnik

    Stumbled upon serious looking bug report

    Just added to existing (command-line) project using menu Project, Add to project.
  9. Vandrovnik

    Stumbled upon serious looking bug report

    You have probably changed the unit; in my environment, access violation occurs, too.
  10. Vandrovnik

    How can I move a window to the left edge of a monitor?

    For the "y" direction, there is SM_CYSIZEFRAME.
  11. Vandrovnik

    How can I move a window to the left edge of a monitor?

    Setting form's Left works fine for me. I have autogenerated manifest, enabled runtime themes and "Per monitor v2" DPI Awarrness. Instead of setting Left to -7, I set it to minus (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZEFRAME) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXPADDEDBORDER)), which is -8 on my PC.
  12. Vandrovnik

    Android 12 emulator

    Hello, Please is it possible to use Android 12 emulator with Delphi 11.1? When I create and try to run it, I get this message in idea.log: "PANIC: Avd's CPU Architecture 'arm64' is not supported by the QEMU2 emulator on x86_64 host." Or is there a better way of testing the application with Android 12, but without physical Android 12 device? Kind regards, Karel
  13. Does the device have 64bit Android? Some devices have 32bit Android and cannot run 64bit apps...
  14. But then you should support national keyboards, too? (ie. Czech keyboard has different layout than US keyboard, contains letters like "č" etc.) And what about users, which do prefer their Android virtual keyboard?
  15. Just a guess: you may have files from older JCL/JVCL somewhere on your disk and it tries to use them, instead of this new version you want to use?
  16. Vandrovnik

    comma separated values in DBEdit

    I would use plain tEdit.
  17. Vandrovnik

    [Android] How to change regional settings

    You can still use: var MyFormat: TFormatSettings; MyFormat:=TFormatSettings.Create; // obtains default settings if pos('yyyy', MyFormat.ShortDateFormat)<=0 then MyFormat.ShortDateFormat:=StringReplace(MyFormat.ShortDateFormat, 'yy', 'yyyy', []); ... DateToStr(now, MyFormat);
  18. Vandrovnik

    Write blob field to database from client

    Would it help, if you use ms.Position := 0; before .LoadFromStream(ms)?
  19. Vandrovnik

    Android app does not start after migration to Delphi 11

    I have upgraded to Delphi 11.1. I have deleted folders Android\Debug, Android\Release, Android64\Debug, Android64\Release. Now it works 🙂
  20. Use full (absolute) path for JpgFileName and dest_path, such as F:\img etc.
  21. These numbers are randomly distributed? When not, it might be more space efficient to store differences (after converting them to integers). If differences are small, you could use variable-length storing (7 bit data, 1 bit as indicator, that another byte is used). And finally a compression.
  22. It is a feature, not a bug 🙂 (I have never seen it before.) https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/W1013_Constant_0_converted_to_NIL_(Delphi)
  23. I also use FreeAndNil - if I ever forget that an object was already freed with .Free, app might be working fine or give an AV "sometimes". When I use FreeAndNil and by mistake try to use freed object later, I am sure it always gives AV. I would not use FreeAndNil in time-critical parts, but there are almost none in my apps.
  24. Vandrovnik

    ANN: Better Translation Manager released

    Thank you, I did not realize that it is possible to use a filter 🙂 That will be enough.