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Everything posted by Vandrovnik

  1. Vandrovnik

    Delphi 12.2 Toolbars strange behavior

    My futile fight with toolbars in Delphi started with Delphi X?? and continues to this day. But I found a solution: I turned off all toolbars and left only the palette on top 🙂(To be honest, I did not try to enable any of toolbars in Delphi 12.2, so I am not sure that problems persist.)
  2. foo(GetDouble) is expected error - you cannot pass function result to a procedure with var parameter.
  3. Vandrovnik

    Wrap texts in DBGrid

    You can draw whatever you want in OnDrawColumnCell but AFAIK, all rows must have the same height.
  4. I just did not test, whether it works O:-)
  5. Yes, it does (Delphi 12.2).
  6. What about a class procedure? type tTest = class(tObject) public class procedure MyFormShow(Sender: TObject); end; ... self.OnShow:=tTest.MyFormShow;
  7. Vandrovnik

    12.3 or 13/14 as next?

    There is .iso for 12.2.1.
  8. Vandrovnik

    Best internet components

    I have seen "REST Delphi built-in not an option", but tHTTPClient is not the same as REST, is it?
  9. Vandrovnik

    Best internet components

    What about https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Athens/en/System.Net.HttpClient.THTTPClient_Methods ?
  10. Vandrovnik

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    "again"? I have a check-list, what to do before, during and after the upgrade. Remove all Parnasus xxx things is there, too 🙂
  11. Vandrovnik

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    Does it happen even in clean Delphi installation? With my applications, there is no IDE freezing.
  12. Vandrovnik

    Identifying Third-Party and Custom Components

    For Delphi, I would use "grep" on .dfm files, searching for lines starting with "object" and may be "inherited": object ActionList1: TActionList From this lines, component type can be extracted. Remove duplicates, may be count occurencies... It does not tell from which unit that component comes, but I suppose most of them could be identified.
  13. But still - Emba is customer, I guess they can ask Atlassian to add this functionality, which doesn't look too difficult to implement, does it?
  14. I have created that request: https://embt.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/RSS-1439 They closed it as "Won't do" 😞
  15. Vandrovnik

    Toggle Form/Unit

    Is there following line in .pas file? {$R *.DFM}
  16. Vandrovnik

    Delphi roadmap 2024

    From users, so that they cannot complain about unfulfilled targets.
  17. You can also attach a NTFS volume to any directory, so if you like, you can create a partition on external harddrive, assign no letter to it and instead attach it to C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero.
  18. Google Translate or DeepL are able to translate the documentation, too.
  19. Vandrovnik

    Delphi 12.2 available for download

    I wonder: is anyone going to upgrade from PRO to ENTERPRISE / ARCHITECT to have 64bit version of compiler?
  20. Vandrovnik

    3D render engine that works with Delphi

    virustotal.com tested .7z SDK archive looks OK:
  21. Vandrovnik

    3D render engine that works with Delphi

    I have seen this: https://dev.epicgames.com/documentation/en-us/unreal-engine/building-unreal-engine-as-a-library?application_version=4.27 But never tried it yet.
  22. Vandrovnik

    Android - debugging

    Hello, Please is debugging of Android 32 / Android 64 apps working in Delphi 12.1? I have created a new multi-device app, target platform = Android 32-bit, Build configuration = debug, Target = my Android phone (Android 10). Just main form, two buttons. When I build the app, set a breakpoint and run the app, it does not stop at the breakpoint and IDE displays a cross instead: All project options are in their defaults. Thank you, Karel
  23. Vandrovnik

    Android - debugging

    Debugging Android app is a nightmare 😞 After fresh start of Delphi, build and run, I mostly have "blue dots" and breakpoints work. As soon as I close the app and run it again, I never have blue dots/working breakpoints anymore. This happens even in a new app with one form and one button on it.
  24. Vandrovnik

    Firebird database on Android

    A few notices: If you try Firebird Embedded on Android 14, use snapshot build (5.0.1). Version 5.0.0 crashes there (4.0.4 also). https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/issues/8110 I have used their .aar file - renamed to .zip an extracted files manually. In Deployment manager: All files from .aar\jni\arm64-v8a -> library\lib\arm64-v8a\ Files from .aar\assets\firebird I put in one .zip file, which is in Deployment Manager put to assets\internal In runtime I unzip them to tPath.Combine(tPath.GetHomePath, 'fbasset') In runtime, before using FB client, I set environment variables: SetEnvironmentVariable('FIREBIRD_TMP', TmpDir); SetEnvironmentVariable('FIREBIRD_LOCK', TmpDir); SetEnvironmentVariable('FIREBIRD', tPath.Combine(tPath.GetHomePath, 'fbasset')); Firebird client is then loaded from: tPath.Combine(tPath.GetLibraryPath, 'libfbclient.so')
  25. Vandrovnik


    You can use FloatToStr and pass desired FormatSettings to it: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Athens/en/System.SysUtils.FloatToStrF Regarding database, it is better and more safe to use SQL querries with parameters: SELECT * FROM MyProcedure(:ItemNo, :Qty) and then MyQuery.ParamByName('ItemNo').AsInteger:=1; MyQuery.ParamByName('Qty').AsCurrency:=11.25;