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Der schöne Günther

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Everything posted by Der schöne Günther

  1. Der schöne Günther

    XMLDocument and popup windows

    It appears you can use a custom security manager for xml instead of messing with global user preferences. Building a Custom Internet Security Manager | Microsoft Docs
  2. Der schöne Günther

    Blocking the Windows Screen Saver in Delphi

    I see. Still, I like to add things for clarity. It's Delphi, after all 😎 Maybe, one day, on another platform, there could be other alignments, and then it will matter.
  3. Der schöne Günther

    Blocking the Windows Screen Saver in Delphi

    Your declaration of TPowerRequestType is missing a {$MinEnumSize 4} Not sure if the record should also be packed. Personally, I would add it, but the declaration from Winapi.Windows.pas is also omitting it. More Information here (German Language)
  4. Der schöne Günther

    New feature request: Open dfm as Text if malformed (vote if care)

    But what if the DFM is not in text, but binary form?
  5. Der schöne Günther

    August 2020 GM Blog post

    I'm sure that page was basically empty, back in August. Now it lists a lot of interesting sessions.
  6. Der schöne Günther

    Record Alignement and Delphi 10.4.1

    That sounds quite nasty. I think I'll stick with Delphi 10.4.0...
  7. Der schöne Günther

    TestInsight released

    "Run selected tests". If no tests are selected, no tests are being run. It makes sense. But to be absolutely honest, I always wondered the same: How can I "find" the existing tests without running them all?" It never entered my mind I could just use the ⏩ button.
  8. Just take a look at https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/FAQ/: Apart from the fact that this is just wrong, what does GPL have to do with MPL?
  9. Der schöne Günther

    UWP update support?

    Automatic updates don't really have anything to do with "UWP". Automatic updates are handled by the operating system. http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Preparing_a_Windows_Application_for_appx_Package_Distribution http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Submitting_Your_App_to_the_Windows_Store and
  10. Der schöne Günther

    August 2020 GM Blog post

    Really looking forward to some additions via GetIt. However, I don't quite understand their "Desktop UX Summit" announcement. What is it, some kind of webinar?
  11. Der schöne Günther

    APPX & ProgramData Folder...

    I haven't quite understood if your issue is that The files from your installer are expected to be in C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\package_name\VFS\Common App Data, but they are not The files are there, but your application does not find them
  12. Der schöne Günther

    APPX & ProgramData Folder...

    Highly recommended read: Understanding how packaged desktop apps run on Windows
  13. Der schöne Günther

    Delphi 10.3.3/10.4 IDE Editor on VMware speed issue

    Is that scaling still an issue for you? Can control Hyper-V whether it assigns the DPI of your host to the guest. It's in the "enhanced session" or whatever it's called in English version. I'm running RAD Studio 10.0 and 10.4 on a 5 year old desktop computer. I gave the VM two cores and a dynamic amount of RAM, not exceeding 6.5 GB. I'm quite happy with the performance...
  14. Der schöne Günther

    Get FormatSettings for a specific language

    I would like to get the format settings for a language, EN-GB for example. I know this is as easy as myFormatSettings := TFormatSettings.Create('EN-GB') My problem: Assuming The current user session is already using this very EN-GB locale And has adjusted the local format settings (for example, by using Windows settings) myFormatSettings will contain the users custom values, not the "original" ones for EN-GB Example: Assert( TFormatSettings.Create('EN-GB').ShortDateFormat = 'dd/MM/yyyy' ) will fail if I have set the computers local format settings for something else. I have tried TFormatSettings.Create(..) where it takes an LCID instead of a string, but all GetUserDefaultLCID(), GetSystemDefaultLCID() or MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_UK) return the same LCID number and therefore make no difference when trying to extract the short date format from Windows. Is there any way I could still get the "true" short date format that has not been customized?
  15. Der schöne Günther

    Whats the idea behind Dev-Cpp support ?

    Oh my, Dev-Cpp brings back memories. I never knew it was built with Delphi/C++ Builder.
  16. Der schöne Günther

    Where to put SQLite/MDB database in UWP app

    A deployment manager deploys files. It's not an installer. Maybe they will add something like this once RAD Studio will also support MSIX.
  17. Der schöne Günther

    Where to put SQLite/MDB database in UWP app

    I don't quite understand what you mean with "different part of the system". Every packaged app gets its own view of the registry and the file system. Here is a good summary: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/msix/desktop/desktop-to-uwp-behind-the-scenes
  18. Der schöne Günther

    Where to put SQLite/MDB database in UWP app

    Yes, you're in control of what you do there. I think its the most straightforward way.
  19. Der schöne Günther

    Where to put SQLite/MDB database in UWP app

    I honestly don't think the deployment manager is the right tool for this. It's intended to bundle the sqlite template with your app, but not initialize "first run" scenarios. The user files belong in %AppData% and Windows takes care of virtualizing this per user. So all you have to do is, at runtime, take your local .sqlite file and copy it to %Appdata%\... if it's not already there.
  20. Der schöne Günther

    GExperts supports even more laziness

    Can I make a suggestion? I have so often tripped over ignoring an exception and then forgetting about it, the exception being ignored even days later. Would it be possible to add something like "scope" for these rules? Something like This debugger session This project Global
  21. Der schöne Günther

    Looping </>

    You're making it unnecessarily hard for you if you rely on interface elements (like the TMemo) for data storage and processing. I guess the button "Read data" gets the numbers from the memo and then keeps them in an array or list? If yes, that's good, because it's probably the hardest part. Because if you have your numbers in a list or an array, you can then easily loop over them with a for statement. If you have some code (especially what is behind your "read data") then we could help with advice tailored to your project, instead of general recommendations.
  22. Der schöne Günther

    FastReport 5 vs 6: PDF export

    I have completely migrated a project that was built with Delphi 10.0 Seattle with Fast Report VCL 5.1.5 (and a few others, like TeeChart Pro) to Delphi 10.4 Sydney with Fast Report VCL 6.7. I am having a problem with FastReport, especially the PDF export. I am generating "reports" that are just one A4 page in size, with a few images (TMetaFile). In FastReport 5/Delphi Seattle, it was more or less instant. Now, a PDF export for one page takes up to ten seconds. When I use the debugger to pause the application, the stacktrace often looks something like this: :009c086c ; C:\Users\localUser\Desktop\myProject\Win32\Release\myApp.exe :009bcde9 jpeg_write_scanlines + $9D :009b03d6 TJPEGImage.JPEGNeeded + $E frxExportPDF.TfrxPDFExport.AddObject(???) frxExportPDF.TfrxPDFExport.ExportObject($4086150) frxPreviewPages.ExportObject($4086150) frxPreviewPages.ExportPage(0) frxPreviewPages.DoExport frxPreviewPages.TfrxPreviewPages.Export($38DD5D0) frxClass.TfrxReport.Export(???) :009c18ba @jpeg_fdct_float + $246 :009bee45 ; C:\Users\localUser\Desktop\myProject\Win32\Release\myApp.exe :009bcde9 jpeg_write_scanlines + $9D :009b03d6 TJPEGImage.JPEGNeeded + $E frxExportPDF.TfrxPDFExport.AddObject(???) frxExportPDF.TfrxPDFExport.ExportObject($4086150) frxPreviewPages.ExportObject($4086150) frxPreviewPages.ExportPage(0) frxPreviewPages.DoExport frxPreviewPages.TfrxPreviewPages.Export($38DD5D0) frxClass.TfrxReport.Export(???) Since I don't have the FastReport source code, I can only guess what is now suddenly taking so long. Directly printing to a printer is a bit faster, but still considerably worse than with Fast Report 5. Does anyone have a clue? I am not aware of any new features that Fast Report 6 added, maybe it's possible to use an older Fast Report 5 version with 10.4? Probably not 😐
  23. Der schöne Günther

    FastReport 5 vs 6: PDF export

    Interesting. I was under the impression that the image was still exported as a JPEG image, even though AllowVectorExport was already true. Thanks, I will give it a try 😊
  24. Der schöne Günther

    FastReport 5 vs 6: PDF export

    I don't even use bitmaps but vector images but yes, that seems to be the cause. I set PrintOptimized to false, and the speed is now tolerable. At least on one of the reports I tested. Many thanks! I have been unable to find documentation, the RAD Studio installation ships with a PDF file that dates back to 2008, but I also found this blog entry where PrintOptimized is also mentioned: http://web.archive.org/web/20200525054725/https://www.fast-report.com/en/blog/324/show/ Thanks.
  25. Thanks for elaborating. I would have expected both versions to behave the same since they should have the same package id (although different manifests). So it seems like the "Associate this app with a store entry" button in Visual Studio really is necessary. I found no exact details on what it actually does, but maybe these two links are helpful: What does the "Associate App with the Store" wizard do? Submitting an app to the Microsoft Store (MR) With no further details, it's probably no fun trying to figure out what VS actually does (maybe by monitoring with tools like Process Monitor) and then re-create it for RAD Studio. I just did some fumbling around in VS, and after getting through the "Associate App with the Store", it generated a "Package.appxmanifest" and a "Package.StoreAssociation.xml" file. Maybe those help. I'm still doubtful whether it actually matters which certificate was used to sign it... Another way would probably be skipping the packaging part in RAD Studio and doing it entirely with something like the MSIX Packaging tool.