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Robert Gilland

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Everything posted by Robert Gilland

  1. Robert Gilland

    Remote Debug not generating blue Dots in 11.3

    No just a standard VCL Application
  2. I am trying to create a function that creates a class at runtime lie this: function CreateDescentantClass( pcAncestorClass : TClass; const psDescendentClassName : String ): Class; begin Result := psDescendentClassName of pcAncestorClass; end; Is this possible? I am using Delphi Alexandria
  3. Came in the mail, got two copies, even though I only ordered one.
  4. Using the above as a starting point I have been able to write a function as asked for at the start. It has not solved my problem so far, but the function works. I have attached this function unt_myforms.pas
  5. I have downloaded Spring4D. I have looked for something to give me some idea about what it is. I cannot understand the purpose of Spring4d is, and I am not sure how it could help me, as I don't know what it is or what it does.
  6. Okay, the requirement is to build a Delphi form descendant from a pre-existing form class adding to it a set of component definitions sent to the Delphi Application in a stream. The Delphi Application has no prior knowledge on what these components are and where they will be placed. It does however receive a form name and form version for these components. The process is already running and working. But speed is a critical factor and there is a need to increase performance. As a result of this, my idea is to build a new form class, then store it locally in a component resource file. Using WriteComponentResFile and ReadComponentResFile functions. Only when the version of the set of component definitions change then to recreate this resource.
  7. Robert Gilland

    Control Edge Downloads via TEdgeBrowser

    I am trying to access the on download completed event in TEdgeBrowser to no avail. Has anyone been able to access these events? I have attached my current attempts to access the API for downloads. GWSEdgeAPI.pas
  8. Robert Gilland

    Control Edge Downloads via TEdgeBrowser

    Okay after much trial and error, have exposed the events required WebExtended.7z