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Posts posted by DelphiRio

  1. Hi all,


    I have two servers which are running 2 http proxies (TIdHttpServerProxy). The first one is assigned to a public IP, and the second one is assigned to a private IP. Those are in difference private network! My question is: is there any component to forward connection from public proxy to the private one? The public one could run any software/component!



  2. 12 minutes ago, Stefan Glienke said:

    Make procedure FastMM4.CheckBlocksOnShutdown(ACheckForLeakedBlocks: Boolean); accessible in the interface section and simply call it.


    Called FastMM4.CheckBlocksOnShutdown(True) and FastMM4.CheckBlocksOnShutdown(False), nothing happens. My app is well tested and no memory leak!

  3. Hi,


    I'm facing a problem that my app uses a lot of RAM. The main data structure is a tree, it uses TList<T> to hold children (called node). When the app runs, it creates about 3600 nodes. But the memory is 400MB. The InstanceSize of node is about 200 bytes only, the data is not much, about 1KB each node, so it consumes about 4MB. I tested with default memory manager, FastMM4, same result.


    My question is: is there any tool to show how many object instances in the app (count + memory size)?


    Thank you


  4. @jbWishmaster Thank you very much.

    @Anders Melander I opened GradSampler, changed the code to:


    // ...
    FOutline := RoundRect(FloatRect(20, 20, 200, 200), 3);
    // ...
    procedure TFrmGradientSampler.PaintBox32PaintBuffer(Sender: TObject);
        Renderer.Filler := nil;
        Renderer.Color := clRed32;
        Renderer.PolyPolygonFS(BuildPolyPolyline(PolyPolygon(FOutline), True, 1, jsRound, esRound));

    The border is not RED and larger than 1px (see the screenshot - zoom in version). How to get it draw same to  (I mean the border quality) : https://jsfiddle.net/zjLsuavy/


    Thank you very much

