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Remy Lebeau

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Everything posted by Remy Lebeau

  1. Remy Lebeau

    C to Delphi pascal

    Seems to be a duplicate of
  2. Remy Lebeau

    Converting C++ API Post Request into Delphi Code

    You already received comments on there, which you have not fully responded to. So why are you posting it here, too?
  3. Remy Lebeau

    Compare two TIntegerDynArray

    If there is any possibility that FGCodeLinePoints could be passed in to SetGCodeLinePoints() (eg: GCodeEditor1.GCodeLinePoints := GCodeEditor1.GCodeLinePoints;), then I would also add a pointer equality check as well, since dynamic arrays are implemented as ref-counted pinters, eg: procedure TGCodeEditor.SetGCodeLinePoints(Value: TIntegerDynArray); function IsEqualIntegerDynArray(const A, B: TIntegerDynArray): Boolean; var L: Integer; begin if Pointer(A) = Pointer(B) then Exit(True); // <-- HERE L := Length(A); if L <> Length(B) then Exit(False); Result := CompareMem(PInteger(A)^, PInteger(B)^, Sizeof(Integer) * L); end; begin if not IsEqualIntegerDynArray(FGCodeLinePoints, Value) then begin FGCodeLinePoints := Value; Invalidate; end; end;
  4. Remy Lebeau

    Can you mix VCL and FMX?

    Via object hierarchies in memory, like any other. FMX's TForm establishes object hierarchies via its Parent, ParentForm, and Children properties. Just as VCL's TForm establishes object hierarchies via its Parent and Controls properties.
  5. Remy Lebeau

    Indy IMAP and Microsoft EWS

    I was looking at this one instead (which is what Indy implements): Authenticate an IMAP, POP or SMTP connection using OAuth
  6. Remy Lebeau

    Indy IMAP and Microsoft EWS

    I'm no expert in OAuth, but are you sure that is the correct scope to use for requesting accessing to IMAP? Also, it looks like you are bypassing the OAuth "/authorize" url, which returns an authorization token that you can submit to the "/token" url. Why? Is that even a valid flow?
  7. You chopped off some of the error message. It is complaining that the "protocol version" is not accepted. Even though you are setting the version to TLS 1.2, chances are that Indy or OpenSSL is falling back to TLS 1.0 or 1.1 instead, which will fail if the server actually requires TLS 1.2. Also, something else to consider - even if TLS 1.2 were being used correctly, most TLS 1.2 servers nowadays require clients to use the SNI extension to send the requested hostname in the TLS handshake (so appropriate certificates can be used), but Indy 10.5.9 did not support SNI. So upgrading to an up-to-date Indy version will gain you that feature. 10.5.9 is VERY old. Even if you don't update Delphi/Indy,, you should at least make sure you are using an updated OpenSSL. The last version of OpenSSL that Indy 10.6.2 officially supports is 1.0.2u ( Support for OpenSSL 1.1+/3.0 is a WIP (https://github.com/IndySockets/Indy/pull/299), if you want to try it.
  8. Nothing in Indy depends on that package. Double-check that your DPK and DPROJ files didn't pick up something unexpected by accident.
  9. Nothing in Indy depends on that package. Double-check that your DPK and DPROJ files didn't pick up something unexpected by accident.
  10. Remy Lebeau

    Indy IMAP and Microsoft EWS

    Offhand, the code you have shown looks OK (except for the potential memory leaks), but I can't really answer your question, because you didn't show how you are obtaining the token in the first place, or what settings you have used for it.
  11. Remy Lebeau

    namespace in XML

    Yes. This works for me: procedure TForm1.Button11Click(Sender: TObject); var MyXMLDocument : IXMLDocument; DocElement, FounderNode : IXMLNode; begin MyXMLDocument := NewXMLDocument(); MyXMLDocument.Active := True; DocElement := MyXMLDocument.CreateElement('ab', 'MyString'); MyXMLDocument.DocumentElement := DocElement; // alternatively: // DocElement := MyXMLDocument.AddChild('ab', 'MyString'); DocElement.DeclareNamespace('xsi', 'https://www.guru99.com/XMLSchema-instance'); DocElement.DeclareNamespace('xsd', 'https://www.guru99.com/XMLSchema'); // if this call is present then the 'xmlns=MyString' attribute will be at the end of the element, // but if this is omitted then the attribute will be at the front of the element instead, due to // the earlier CreateElement/AddChild call... DocElement.DeclareNamespace('', 'MyString'); FounderNode := DocElement.AddChild('founder'); FounderNode.Text := 'Krishna'; MyXMLDocument.SaveToFile('TestOne01.XML'); end; It is important that the 'ab' element actually have the 'MyString' namespace assigned to it, so that any child nodes can inherit it. When an `xmlns` attribute appears on a child node, it means the namespace was not inherited correctly.
  12. Remy Lebeau

    FMX version of Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.CreateParented ?

    The only HWND available in FMX comes from the TForm itself. Child controls do not have their own HWNDs. You can get the Form's HWND by using either WindowHandleToPlatform() or FormToHWND() in the FMX.Platform.Win unit. Otherwise, if you want a child control that has an HWND, you will have to create it yourself using the Win32 API CreateWindow/Ex() API directly.
  13. Remy Lebeau

    Can you mix VCL and FMX?

    That will only work for TForm handles (and alternatively, you can use FormToHWND() instead). In FMX, only a TForm has an actual Win32 HWND assigned, its child control do not have their own HWNDs, like they do in VCL. FMX child control are custom-drawn directly onto the TForm's window.
  14. Remy Lebeau

    namespace in XML

    That line should be this instead: MyXMLDocument.DocumentElement.DeclareNamespace('', 'MyString'); Which is equivalent to this: MyXMLDocument.DocumentElement.SetAttributeNS('xmlns', 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/', 'MyString'); The DeclareNamespace() documentation does not mention that the Prefix parameter can be a blank string, but it is actually supported. This will treat the attribute as an actual namespace declaration in the DOM, even though it doesn't have a prefix assigned. It should also assign the 'MyString' namespace to the DocumentElement since that element doesn't have a prefix assigned, either. You are creating the element, but you are not assigning any text to it, which is why the element appears as </founder>. You need to add this after calling AddChild(): FounderNode.Text := 'Krishna'; Also, you may or may not need to specify the desired namespace when calling AddChild(), as well (this part I always forget about when exactly a namespace should be specified and when it can be inherited from the parent element - once you start dealing with namespaces in XML, you will find that you need to specify namespaces in add/insert and search operations more often than not): FounderNode := MyXMLDocument.DocumentElement.AddChild('founder', 'MyString');
  15. If that is the case, if each event is its own HTTP chunk, then you can use the TIdHTTP.OnChunkReceived event to handle the stream events. At the moment, you still have to provide a TStream in order for the OnChunkReceived event to fire (I may change that in the future), but you can use TIdEventStream with no event hanlders assigned so that the chunks written to the stream are ignored.
  16. That is a VERY old version of Indy. Indy has been in 10.6.2.x since 2015. You should seriously consider upgrading to the latest version from Indy's GitHub repo.
  17. Remy Lebeau

    TDirectory.GetFiles() is not working in Delphi 11

    Seems you already asked this on StackOverflow, and a few answers were posted there: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74422756/
  18. Remy Lebeau

    Quote of the Day...

    Seems to be. I can't access anything on alpha.mike-r.com, so it must be down. I'm sure you can find another QOTD server online somewhere. There are a few mentioned on the bottom on https://wiki.freepascal.org/QOTD, for instance. Just look around.
  19. Why are you trying to send JSON? That is not what Microsoft's documentation tells you to send: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-auth-code-flow#redeem-a-code-for-an-access-token The body is NOT to be JSON at all. It needs to be a '&'-delimited list of 'name=value' pairs instead. The TIdHTTP.Post() method handles the 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' format for you, but only if you give it a TStrings (like TStringList), not a TStream, eg: requestBody := TStringList.Create; requestBody.Add('grant_type=client_credentials'); requestBody.Add('client_id=xxx'); requestBody.Add('client_secret=_xxx_'); requestBody.Add('scope=https://graph.microsoft.com/.default'); url := 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/' + TenantID + '/oauth2/v2.0/token'; FLastResult := IdHTTP.Post(url, requestBody);
  20. I have implemented this kind of logic before, but only in plain socket code (though I suppose it can be applied to socket libraries like ICS or Indy, too). It requires the TLS server to peek not recv the first few bytes of a new connection, and only if those bytes belong to the header of a TLS handshake then enable TLS on that connection (allowing the previously-peeked bytes to now be read by whatever TLS library you use), otherwise don't enable TLS on the connection and just read the connection raw.
  21. The screenshot you provided appears to be an actual websocket event. 'text/event-stream' is just a stream of linebreak-delimited events. TIdHTTP is not currently designed to handle that kind of stream. Using TIdEventStream is going to give you arbitrary blocks of data as they are read off the socket, which you are assuming are complete events, but that is not guaranteed (or even likely) to happen. To be safe, you would have to buffer the stream data, break it up on linebreaks as they become available, and decode only complete events as UTF-8. The code you have presented has the potential to decode incomplete events. In this type of situation, it would be useful if TIdHTTP had a flag available to tell it not to read the response body at all and just exit, letting the caller then read the body from the IOHandler directly as needed. Similar to the existing hoNoReadMultipartMIME and hoNoReadChunked flags, but for other kinds of responses. Such a flag does not exist at this time.
  22. That is only part of the response, and not even the relevant part, eihter. That snippet shows that you are requesting an unencrypted HTTP url and being redirected to an encrypted HTTPS url, but it is not showing the contents of the subsequent HTTPS request or its response, which contains the actual event data.
  23. Remy Lebeau

    Attachments in Base64

    Those are the wrong settings to use when attachments are involved. You should read the following articles on Indy's blog (just ignore the portions about HTML): https://www.indyproject.org/2005/08/17/html-messages/ https://www.indyproject.org/2008/01/16/new-html-message-builder-class/ In your situation, you need to set the top-level ContentType to 'multipart/mixed' instead, and then add the plain text as a TIdText object in the TIdMessage.MessageParts collection, and the PDF as a TIdAttachmentFile object in the TIdMessage.MessageParts collection, for example: IdMessage1.ContentType := 'multipart/mixed'; with TIdText.Create(IdMessage1.MessageParts, nil) do begin ContentType := 'text/plain'; CharSet := 'utf-8'; Body.Text := 'Tässä on ääkkösiä ja liite'; end; with TIdAttachmentFile.Create(IdMessage1.MessageParts, '<path to>\1.pdf') do begin ContentType := 'application/pdf'; end; The helper TIdMessageBuilderPlain class can set that up correctly for you, for example: Builder := TIdMessageBuilderPlain.Create; try Builder.PlainText.Text := 'Tässä on ääkkösiä ja liite'; Builder.PlainTextCharSet := 'utf-8'; Builder.Attachments.Add('<path to>\1.pdf').ContentType := 'application/pdf'; Builder.FillMessage(IdMessage1); finally Builder.Free; end; By setting the top-level ContentType to 'text/plain', you are telling email readers to interpret the email's entire content as just one big plain text document, rather than letting them parse the content for attachments, etc. The default AttachmentEncoding is 'MIME', you should leave it at that. UUE was popular way back in the days of Usenet groups, but nobody uses those anymore. MIME is the dominant encoding used nowadays.
  24. Since the data is streaming, there is no guarantee that the data that is available during each firing of the TIdHTTP.OnWork event will represent a complete line of data. It could be partial data. At the very least, I would not suggest using the Memo's LoadFromStream() method, which replaces the entire contents of the Memo on each call. It would be better to convert each event's data to a raw string and then append it to (not replace) the Memo's current text, which can be done efficiently using its SelStart/SelLength/SelText properties. But, more importantly, the TMemoryStream that you are having TIdHTTP write to will just keep receiving more and more data that you are never discarding from memory, so the stream's memory usage will keep growing over time, until memory runs out eventually. If you want to process the data in chunks as it is arriving, I would suggest using a TIdEventStream instead, replacing the TIdHTTP.OnWork event handler with a TIdEventStream.OnWrite event handler instead. You will be given access to the actual bytes per event as a dynamic array, which means you can simply increment the array's refcount, send the array pointer to the main thread, and then decrement the refcount.
  25. It would help if you could show the raw HTTP response data that is actually being transmitted. curl is only outputting the JSON data, not the full HTTP data (you can enable its verbose output to see that). Streaming events like you have described could be transmitted in many different formats. Depending on the format used, using Indy's TIdHTTP component, for instance, you might be able to either: - use its OnChunkReceived event - enable its hoNoReadMultipartMIME or hoNoReadChunked option and then read the lines manually from Indy's socket directly - use a TIdEventStream as the target to receive the data, using its OnWrite event to access the lines. It is hard to say for sure without more information.