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  1. I am having a problem using the PDFControl on Android device. Have followed the example code for using the PDFControl in demo provided by Kastri but all I get is the PDF displayed in a narrow vertical area (small, about 10mm wide) up the middle of the screen. In the onCreate event I have placed if TOSVersion.Platform = TOSVersion.TPlatform.pfAndroid then begin FPDFControl := TPDFControl.Create(Self); FPDFControl.Align := TAlignLayout.Client; FPDFControl.Parent := TabItem17; end; The PDF needs to be displayed in TabItem17 of a TabControl. TabItem17 has nothing on it except for a TLayout at bottom of screen with a button to enable return to another TabItem. Following is the code used to load and display the PDF procedure TMainForm.Display_PDF(const sFile : string); begin {$IF DEFINED(ANDROID)} if FPDFControl <> nil then FPDFControl.LoadPDF(sFile); TabControl1.SetActiveTabWithTransition(TabItem17,TTabTransition.Slide, TTabTransitionDirection.Normal); {$ENDIF} {$ifdef win32} PDFBrowser.Navigate('file://' + sFile); TabControl1.SetActiveTabWithTransition(TabItem13,TTabTransition.Slide, TTabTransitionDirection.Normal); {$ENDIF} end; Can anybody please help with what I need to do to display the PDF properly. Thanks in advance. Bill Zwirs