Hi all,
This morning while debugging my FMX app in Windows I suddenly started getting an EOleException within the Notification Center while initialising.
onecoreuap\base\diagnosis\platform\notifications\developer\toast.cpp(2389)\wpnapps.dll!63CC11A2: (caller: 63CB5660) ReturnHr(1) tid(14e0) 803E0105 The notification platform is unavailable. First chance exception at $776F9862. Exception class EOleException with message 'The notification platform is unavailable'
I've never seen this before, but it may be related to my Windows setup having updated over the weekend to v2004 (19041.388). It looks suspiciously like MS have changed the way their notification APIs work in this update...
Has anyone seen this before or know of a way to resolve it? There's nothing useful on Google about this error that I could find.