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Found 3 results

  1. I have a situation that occurs on low-end Android devices. Short version: When the user double-taps a button, the event is being executed on the button that hasn't been created on the screen yet. What happens is, I have a list of frames created on my screen, which represent the product categories. When I tap on a category frame, the application destroys the category frames on the screen and creates a new set of product frames. The problem is, when my user double-taps very quickly on the category frame, the second click is executed on the product frame that hasn't even appeared on the screen yet. I'm using delphi 12.2 My code is something like this: procedure CreateCategory; var frm: TFrameCategory; category: TObjCategory; begin for category in listCategory do begin frm := TFrameCategory.Create(nil, category); frm.OnClick := OnClickCategory; rectangleFrames.AddObject(frm); end; end; procedure OnClickCategory(Sender: TObject); var frm: TFrameProduct; prod: TObjProduct; i: Integer; begin for i := rectangleFrames.ControlsCount - 1 downto 0 do begin rectangleFrames.Controls.DisposeOf; end; rectangleFrames.ControlCollection.Clear; for prod in listProduct do begin frm := TFrameProduct.Create(nil, prod); frm.OnClick := OnClickProduct; rectangleFrames.AddObject(frm); end; end So, the second tap is executed in OnClickProduct instead of being executed twice in OnClickCategory. How can I prevent this? i've alredy tryed a lot of things like calling this procedure on the OnClickCategory event but it doesn't seems ideal procedure disableRecTemp; begin rectangleFrames.Enabled:= False; TThread.CreateAnonymousThread(procedure begin Sleep(1500); TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin rectangleFrames.Enabled := True; end); end).Start; end
  2. I have been searching via google but not turned up any answer to this. 1. Say I have multiple files of similar text and I save them. 2. Then, when I load (or open) any of those text files in TMemo, I want to maintain the last screen layout (line) within the dimensions. I am comparing structures of column (hex/ascii) data in these text files and if I am in the middle of the file in the tmemo and I decide to load another file to quickly compare back/forth with, I want the layout the remain the same but not start from the top of the text file. I know I have to save the last topmost line in a variable but I don't know how to go further in this. TIA. Fig A - this is the layout that opens by default for every load. But I want Fib B if I am scrolling down and stop and decide to load another file. Fig B - if I open at the last layout position this is what I want to see.., not Fig A.
  3. Turan Can

    full screen view capture

    Hello everyone, Full screenshot. How do I capture the entire screen? In this example, I can take a screenshot of the open form. Sample; function MakeScaleScreenshot(Sender: TObject): TBitmap; var fScreenScale: Single; function GetScreenScale: Single; var ScreenService: IFMXScreenService; begin Result := 1; if TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService(IFMXScreenService, IInterface(ScreenService)) then begin Result := ScreenService.GetScreenScale; end; end; begin fScreenScale := GetScreenScale; Result := TBitmap.Create(Round(TfmText1(Sender).Width * fScreenScale), Round(TfmText1(Sender).Height * fScreenScale)); Result.Clear(0); if Result.Canvas.BeginScene then try TfmText1(Sender).PaintTo(Result.Canvas); // Sender.PaintTo( Result.Canvas); //, RectF(0, 0, Result.Width, Result.Height)); finally Result.Canvas.EndScene; end; end; procedure TfmText1.btnScreenClick(Sender: TObject); var B: TBitmap; begin B := MakeScaleScreenshot(Self); // MakeScreenshot(Image1); Image1.Bitmap.Assign(B); B.DisposeOf; end;