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Spring4D + DSharp = RAD Alexandria

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Maybe Stefan can give some hint how to proceed.


In some old project (RAD Berlin) I have used Spring4D + DSharp - - both 1.2.1 (and then DDuce's ListDataSource for showing data in GUI). Working well.


In modern RAD Alexandria I'm using Spring4D (generally for lists and dep.inj.). But I'm not able to compile DSharp anymore. Only Spring4D 1.2.1 + DSharp 1.2.1 give that pair to compile. But anyway it is not possible to install DSharp designtime packages for binding (it is my goal - to use DSarp as binding library), Delphi throw always "Invalid pointer operation" as long as DSharp.Bindings used in use clause. Can't fix it.


Seems like DSarp discontinued or depricated. I can't find version for Alexandria.

Actually, ListDataSource from DDuce was removed as depricated, and I have not noticed that in Spring there is similar feature - Spring.Persistence.ObjectDataSet or something similar.
So I can probably do the same in pure Spring4d library - bind my own list of class (let say TList<TMySettings>) to bidirectionally binding to grid as ordinary dataset.


Thanks in advance.

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  On 8/12/2023 at 7:52 AM, WalkingAway said:

Seems like DSarp discontinued or depricated. I can't find version for Alexandria.

I asked Stefan this question a year ago. This was his answer. We can only hope that he will find the time to do this.


With best regards


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Some debug info.

Here is error in this line, "TRttiNamedObject.Name" is nil (abstract error).



Probably this is the key difference (new method in Alexandria) and cause of abstract error , but I'm not able to correct this:



In Rio working as well both libraries.

Hope, maybe some day DSharp will be compatible with Springs 2.

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if LMethod.IsClassMethod and LMethod.IsStatic then
      {$IF CompilerVersion >= 35}
      if not Assigned(FGetter) and (LMethod.MethodKind = mkClassFunction)
        and LMethod.HasName('Get' + FDependencyProperty.Name) then
      if not Assigned(FGetter) and (LMethod.MethodKind = mkClassFunction)
        and SameText(LMethod.Name, 'Get' + Name) then

This work for me.

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