bzwirs 4 Posted August 14, 2023 I am trying to parse a json response to retrieve a nested record without any success. Example of the json response is: { "status": "1", "info": "success", "page_info": { "total_page": "1", "record_per_page": "1", "current_page": "1", "total_record": "1" }, "records": [ { "machine_id": "25884", "imei": "", "install_date": "", "last_report": "", ....... ....... "coin_mech": { "coin_mech_id": "12345", "cm_model": "", "serial_no": "", "revision": "", "coin_in_tube": "", "tubes": [ { "tube_id": "3469107", "tube_no": "4", "coin_unit": "100", "coin_count": "93", "coin_inserted": "0", "coin_dispensed": "0", "tube_full": "0" }, { "tube_id": "3469105", "tube_no": "5", "coin_unit": "200", "coin_count": "9", "coin_inserted": "0", "coin_dispensed": "0", "tube_full": "0" } ] } }] } The info I am after is the records for "tubes" which can contain up to 5 records (2 in the above example) . Have tried several of the coding examples that I found in stackoverflow without success although I have not found an example with a similar record structure. Can someone please advise me on how to retrieve those records (would be great if in a dataset). Thanks in advance. Bill Zwirs Share this post Link to post
Uwe Raabe 2064 Posted August 14, 2023 Which Delphi version are you using? Share this post Link to post
bzwirs 4 Posted August 14, 2023 Sorry...normally first thing I add. FMX application on Delphi 11.3. Bill Share this post Link to post
Uwe Raabe 2064 Posted August 14, 2023 The above JSON has an array "records", where each item contains a "coin_mech" object, which itself contains the "tubes" array. Are you interested in the "tubes" from one specific "records" item or do you want to collect all "tubes" arrays from all "records" items. Share this post Link to post
bzwirs 4 Posted August 14, 2023 I need to collect all tubes data. At this stage, specifically the coin_unit and coin_count fields. Bill Zwirs Share this post Link to post
Uwe Raabe 2064 Posted August 14, 2023 You can use a TRESTResponseDataSetAdapter and connect its Response property to your TRESTResponse instance (alternatively use a TRESTResponseJSON instance to provide a TJSONObject). Iterating through the records list and adding each tubes items to your dataset may need some additional coding around, though. Share this post Link to post
mytbo 5 Posted August 14, 2023 7 hours ago, bzwirs said: I need to collect all tubes data. At this stage, specifically the coin_unit and coin_count fields. With mORMot it can be solved as follows (all tubes for all records, or tubes for record with index): uses mormot.core.base, mormot.core.text, mormot.core.os, mormot.core.variants, mormot.db.rad.ui; function ShowTubesForRecordIndex(pmGrid: TDBGrid; const pmcDBFileName: TFileName; pmDBRecIdx: Integer): Boolean; var docDB: TDocVariantData; begin Result := False; if pmGrid = Nil then Exit; //=> FreeAndNil(pmGrid.DataSource); if docDB.InitJsonFromFile(pmcDBFileName, JSON_FAST_FLOAT) then begin pmGrid.DataSource := TDataSource.Create(pmGrid); var docPath: PDocVariantData := docDB.A['records']._[pmDBRecIdx].O['coin_mech'].A['tubes']; pmGrid.DataSource.DataSet := DocVariantToDataSet(pmGrid.DataSource, Variant(docPath^)); Result := (pmGrid.DataSource.DataSet <> Nil); end; end; function ShowTubesOfAllRecords(pmGrid: TDBGrid; const pmcDBFileName: TFileName): Boolean; var docDB: TDocVariantData; tubes: TVariantDynArray; begin Result := False; if pmGrid = Nil then Exit; //=> FreeAndNil(pmGrid.DataSource); if docDB.InitJsonFromFile(pmcDBFileName, JSON_FAST_FLOAT) then begin var docTubesPath: PDocVariantData; var docRecordsPath: PDocVariantData := docDB.A['records']; for var i: Integer := 0 to docRecordsPath.Count - 1 do begin docTubesPath := docRecordsPath._[i].O['coin_mech'].A['tubes']; for var n: Integer := 0 to docTubesPath.Count - 1 do begin SetLength(tubes, Length(tubes) + 1); tubes[High(tubes)] := Variant(docTubesPath._[n]^); end; end; if Length(tubes) > 0 then begin pmGrid.DataSource := TDataSource.Create(pmGrid); pmGrid.DataSource.DataSet := VariantsToDataSet(pmGrid.DataSource, tubes, Length(tubes), [], []); Result := (pmGrid.DataSource.DataSet <> Nil); end; end; end; Used as follows: var fileName: TFileName := MakePath([Executable.ProgramFilePath, 'DocDB.json']); ShowTubesForRecordIndex(DBGrid, fileName, 0); // ShowTubesOfAllRecords(DBGrid, fileName); I have published an article on topic mORMot DocVariant here (forum Delphi-PRAXIS). Here is the translation into English with Google Translator. The result is not perfect (rather not so good), also some formatting is destroyed, but it is readable. With best regards Thomas Share this post Link to post
aehimself 399 Posted August 14, 2023 Including the checks if a specific branch exists or not, you also can use the built-in System.Json unit: Var jo, coinmech: TJSONObject; recenum, tubeenum: TJSONValue; records, tubes: TJSONArray; begin jo := TJSONObject(TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(Memo1.Text)); If Not Assigned(jo) Then Exit; Try records := jo.GetValue<TJSONArray>('records'); If Not Assigned(records) Then Exit; For recenum In records Do Begin coinmech := recenum.GetValue<TJSONObject>('coin_mech'); If Not Assigned(coinmech) Then Continue; tubes := coinmech.GetValue<TJSONArray>('tubes'); If Not Assigned(tubes) Then Continue; For tubeenum In tubes Do Begin WriteLn('Tube found, ID:' + tubeenum.GetValue<String>('tube_id')); // ... // Add a new record in a MemTable...? End; End; Finally FreeAndNil(jo); End; The code can be siplified significantly but this way you can see what is happening, how TJSONObject handling works. The code above produced the following output: Share this post Link to post
bzwirs 4 Posted August 15, 2023 Thank you to all. This gives me a lot to try so will let you know at a later date whatever has ended up working for me. Thanks again to everyone. regards Bill Zwirs Share this post Link to post
bzwirs 4 Posted August 25, 2023 Hi, Ended up using example from aehimself. That was the easiest to implement in my app and worked straight away. regards Bill Share this post Link to post
jccarta 0 Posted June 29 Good Example But I Cant Find how to obtain recnum y tubeenum values. Can you Help me with this? This is using example from aehimself. For recenum In records Do Begin coinmech := recenum.GetValue<TJSONObject>('coin_mech'); If Not Assigned(coinmech) Then Continue; tubes := coinmech.GetValue<TJSONArray>('tubes'); If Not Assigned(tubes) Then Continue; For tubeenum In tubes Do Share this post Link to post
aehimself 399 Posted June 29 recenum and tubeenum are initialized automatically by Delphi during the For .. In ... cycle. You don't need to "obtain" them. Similar to: Var stringarray: TArray<String>; stringenum: String; Begin [...] // stringenum is "uninitialized" at this moment For stringenum In stringarray Do // stringenum is now initialized and contains the next element in the array [...] In the original snipplet values are being assigned at: For recenum In records Do Begin [...] For tubeenum In tubes Do Share this post Link to post