shineworld 73 Posted September 29, 2023 Hi all, sorry in advance for very newbie in TLS/SSL things. I'm trying to create a secure FTP Server (with TLS/SSL) using the latest Indy sources from the GitHub repository. I've created required certificates with OpenSSL and used openssl-1.0.2u-x64_86-win64 DLL's always from a GitHub repository (info from Embarcadero Delphi manual). This is an extract of dummy code to test an early connection using Filezilla FTP Client: unit osFTPServer; interface uses IdContext, IdFTPList, IdFTPServer, IdFTPListOutput, IdSSLOpenSSL; type TFTPServer = class private FFTPServer: TIdFTPServer; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL: TIdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL; private procedure ServerConnect(AContext: TIdContext); procedure ServerDisconnect(AContext: TIdContext); procedure ServerUserLogin(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const AUsername, APassword: string; var VAuthenticated: Boolean); procedure ServerListDirectory(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const APath: TIdFTPFileName; ADirectoryListing: TIdFTPListOutput; const ACmd : String; const ASwitches : String); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; implementation uses IdSSLOpenSSLHeaders, osSysUtils; { TFTPServer } constructor TFTPServer.Create; begin inherited; // inits default members values FFTPServer := nil; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL := nil; // starts IdOpenSSLSetLibPath('D:\x\develop\qem\rosetta_cnc_1\openssl.64'); FFTPServer := TIdFTPServer.Create; FFTPServer.DefaultPort := 21; FFTPServer.OnConnect := ServerConnect; FFTPServer.OnDisconnect := ServerDisconnect; FFTPServer.OnUserLogin := ServerUserLogin; FFTPServer.OnListDirectory := ServerListDirectory; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL := TIdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL.Create(nil); FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.Mode := sslmServer; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.Method := sslvTLSv1_2; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.CertFile := 'D:\x\develop\qem\rosetta_cnc_1\certificates\ftpserver\server-cert.pem'; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.KeyFile := 'D:\x\develop\qem\rosetta_cnc_1\certificates\ftpserver\server-key.pem'; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.RootCertFile := ''; FFTPServer.IOHandler := FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL; FFTPServer.Active := True; end; destructor TFTPServer.Destroy; begin //### does jobs to deactivate server before to free it!!! // frees objects SafeFreeAndNil(FFTPServer); SafeFreeAndNil(FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL); inherited; end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerConnect(AContext: TIdContext); begin //### end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerDisconnect(AContext: TIdContext); begin //### end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerListDirectory(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const APath: TIdFTPFileName; ADirectoryListing: TIdFTPListOutput; const ACmd, ASwitches: String); begin //### end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerUserLogin(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const AUsername, APassword: string; var VAuthenticated: Boolean); begin //### VAuthenticated := True; end; end. When I try to connect with FileZilla it say: Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS. Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing... Status: Directory listing of "/" successful What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance for any suggestions. Share this post Link to post
shineworld 73 Posted September 29, 2023 Certificates are OK because I've tried to do the same thing with Python using them: # require pip install pyOpenSSL # require pip install pyftpdlib from pyftpdlib.authorizers import DummyAuthorizer from pyftpdlib.handlers import FTPHandler, TLS_FTPHandler from pyftpdlib.servers import FTPServer def create_server(): # Crea un'autorizzazione e aggiungi un utente authorizer = DummyAuthorizer() authorizer.add_user("user", "12345", "D:\\x\\develop\\qem\\rosetta_cnc_1\\certificates", perm="elradfmw") # Inizializza l'handler del server FTP e assegna l'autorizzatore handler = TLS_FTPHandler handler.authorizer = authorizer # Specifica i percorsi per i certificati SSL handler.certfile = "D:\\x\\develop\\qem\\rosetta_cnc_1\\certificates\\ftpserver\\server-cert.pem" # Sostituisci con il percorso corretto del certificato handler.keyfile = "D:\\x\\develop\\qem\\rosetta_cnc_1\\certificates\\ftpserver\\server-key.pem" # Sostituisci con il percorso corretto della chiave privata # Abilita TLS sull'handler handler.tls_control_required = True handler.tls_data_required = True # Configura altre opzioni dell'handler handler.passive_ports = range(60000, 65535) # Crea il server FTP e lo avvia server = FTPServer(("", 21), handler) server.serve_forever() if __name__ == "__main__": create_server() and Filezilla open now a TLS/SSL connection... Happy for a solution with Delphi 🙂 Share this post Link to post
DelphiUdIT 178 Posted September 29, 2023 In the server connect event you must add: procedure TFTPServer.ServerConnect(AContext: TIdContext); begin If AContext.Connection.IOHandler is TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase then TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase(AContext.Connection.IOHandler).PassThrough := (UseTLS = utNoTLSSupport); //This function must be set to false for it to handle SSL/TLS functionality. end; Share this post Link to post
shineworld 73 Posted September 29, 2023 Being really ignorant of security I put a few breakpoints in the sources and followed step by step changing the options from way to way. Something seems to be working now... unit osFTPServer; interface uses IdCTypes, IdContext, IdComponent, IdFTPList, IdFTPServer, IdFTPListOutput, IdSSLOpenSSL, IdSSLOpenSSLHeaders; type TFTPServer = class private FFTPServer: TIdFTPServer; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL: TIdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL; private procedure ServerConnect(AContext: TIdContext); procedure ServerDisconnect(AContext: TIdContext); procedure ServerUserLogin(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const AUsername, APassword: string; var VAuthenticated: Boolean); procedure ServerListDirectory(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const APath: TIdFTPFileName; ADirectoryListing: TIdFTPListOutput; const ACmd : String; const ASwitches : String); procedure SSLStatus(ASender: TObject; const AStatus: TIdStatus; const AStatusText: string); procedure SSLStatusInfo(const AMsg: String); procedure SSLStatusInfoEx(ASender : TObject; const AsslSocket: PSSL; const AWhere, Aret: TIdC_INT; const AType, AMsg : String); procedure SSLGetPassword(var Password: String); procedure SSLGetPasswordEx(ASender : TObject; var VPassword: String; const AIsWrite : Boolean); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; implementation uses //IdSSL, IdExplicitTLSClientServerBase, osSysUtils; { TFTPServer } constructor TFTPServer.Create; begin inherited; // inits default members values FFTPServer := nil; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL := nil; // creates, sets and start FTP server IdOpenSSLSetLibPath('D:\x\develop\qem\rosetta_cnc_1\openssl.64'); FFTPServer := TIdFTPServer.Create; FFTPServer.DefaultPort := 21; FFTPServer.OnConnect := ServerConnect; FFTPServer.OnDisconnect := ServerDisconnect; FFTPServer.OnUserLogin := ServerUserLogin; FFTPServer.OnListDirectory := ServerListDirectory; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL := TIdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL.Create(nil); FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnStatus := SSLStatus; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnStatusInfo := SSLStatusInfo; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnStatusInfoEx := SSLStatusInfoEx; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnGetPassword := SSLGetPassword; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnGetPasswordEx := SSLGetPasswordEx; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.Mode := sslmServer; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.Method := sslvSSLv23; // sslvTLSv1_2; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.CertFile := 'D:\x\develop\qem\rosetta_cnc_1\certificates\ftpserver\server-cert.pem'; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.KeyFile := 'D:\x\develop\qem\rosetta_cnc_1\certificates\ftpserver\server-key.pem'; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.RootCertFile := 'D:\x\develop\qem\rosetta_cnc_1\certificates\ftpserver\root-cert.pem'; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.RootCertFile := ''; FFTPServer.IOHandler := FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL; FFTPServer.UseTLS := utUseRequireTLS; FFTPServer.Active := True; end; destructor TFTPServer.Destroy; begin //### does jobs to deactivate server before to free it!!! // frees objects SafeFreeAndNil(FFTPServer); SafeFreeAndNil(FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL); inherited; end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerConnect(AContext: TIdContext); begin //### { If AContext.Connection.IOHandler is TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase then TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase(AContext.Connection.IOHandler).PassThrough := False; //This function must be set to false for it to handle SSL/TLS functionality. } end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerDisconnect(AContext: TIdContext); begin //### end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerListDirectory(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const APath: TIdFTPFileName; ADirectoryListing: TIdFTPListOutput; const ACmd, ASwitches: String); begin //### end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerUserLogin(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const AUsername, APassword: string; var VAuthenticated: Boolean); begin //### VAuthenticated := True; end; procedure TFTPServer.SSLGetPassword(var Password: String); begin //### end; procedure TFTPServer.SSLGetPasswordEx(ASender: TObject; var VPassword: String; const AIsWrite: Boolean); begin //### end; procedure TFTPServer.SSLStatus(ASender: TObject; const AStatus: TIdStatus; const AStatusText: string); begin //### end; procedure TFTPServer.SSLStatusInfo(const AMsg: String); begin //### end; procedure TFTPServer.SSLStatusInfoEx(ASender: TObject; const AsslSocket: PSSL; const AWhere, Aret: TIdC_INT; const AType, AMsg: String); begin //### end; end. Filezilla reply: Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Status: TLS connection established. Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing... Status: Directory listing of "/" successful Log is very close to what happens with Python code: Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Status: TLS connection established. Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing... Status: Directory listing of "/" successful Share this post Link to post
DelphiUdIT 178 Posted September 29, 2023 (edited) You use sslvSSLv23; Instead try to stay on sslvTLSv1_2. If you want to use the sslmServer way, you'd better set the "chiperlist" to a way like this (it's for better security and to avoid known bugs): //THIS BEFORE SERVER ACTIVATION FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.CipherList := '!EXPORT:!LOW:!aNULL:!eNULL:!RC4:!ADK:!3DES:!DES:!MD5:!PSK:!SRP:!CAMELLIA'+ ':ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256'+ ':ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384'+ ':ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305'+ //to use this two you must create a dhparam.pem file with openssl in this way //openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 4096 //':DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256'+ //':DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384'+ ''; ////This is to use DHE encoding (see above) //DHParamsFile := '.\dhparam.pem'; Then, if you use openssl 1.02, and you want the "client" to attempt connection according to your chiperlist you should also set the context with a general command: //THIS AFTER SERVER ACTIVATION (EVERY TIME YOU DISABLE AND ENABLE THE SERVER) type TMyIdSSLContext = class(TIdSSLContext) end; var FSSLContext1: TMyIdSSLContext; FSSLContext1 := TMyIdSSLContext(FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLContext); SSL_CTX_set_ecdh_auto(FSSLContext1.fContext, 1); SSL_CTX_set_options(FSSLContext1.fContext, SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE); You can check also OPENSSL REF PAGE: Edited September 29, 2023 by DelphiUdIT 1 Share this post Link to post
DelphiUdIT 178 Posted September 29, 2023 If you want to play with security, build a Https server (from Indy demo with a little effort). After that you can test it with or with To test, the servers should be public available (firewall NAT is enough). You can play with the project attached, old demo (is ready to compile and run with cert and SSL dll 32 bit (1.02u)). This is the partial result with test, with default (no chiperlist). 1 Share this post Link to post
shineworld 73 Posted September 30, 2023 (edited) I've tried to move from sslvSSLv23 to sslvTLSv1_2 as in the test code below but FileZilla says: 2023-09-30 10:39:20 11520 1 Status: Connecting to 2023-09-30 10:39:20 11520 1 Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... and > openssl s_client -starttls ftp -connect says: P:\>openssl s_client -starttls ftp -connect CONNECTED(00000178) ... infinite wait without do nothing.. {** * TAKE CARE * ========= * This unit is purely for study purposes in which to learn the basics about building and testing an FTP server with * various levels of security. Server activation is in class constructor, and server properties manually placed before * its activation. On final class will be implemented a Start & Stop method to control it, with a property to get the * current state. The server settings will be placed in properties to be set before to activate the server. * **} unit osFTPServer; interface uses System.Classes, IdCTypes, IdContext, IdComponent, IdFTPList, IdFTPServer, IdFTPListOutput, IdSSLOpenSSL, IdSSLOpenSSLHeaders; type TFTPServerSecurityPolicy = ( fssp_None, fssp_sslvSSLv23, fssp_sslvTLSv1_2 ); TFTPServer = class private FCertificatesPath: string; FFTPServer: TIdFTPServer; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL: TIdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL; FOpenSSLDLLPath: string; FPassword: string; FRootPath: string; FSecurityPolicy: TFTPServerSecurityPolicy; FUsername: string; private procedure ServerChangeDirectory(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; var VDirectory: TIdFTPFileName); procedure ServerConnect(AContext: TIdContext); procedure ServerDeleteFile(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const APathName: TIdFTPFileName); procedure ServerDisconnect(AContext: TIdContext); procedure ServerListDirectory(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const APath: TIdFTPFileName; ADirectoryListing: TIdFTPListOutput; const ACmd: string; const ASwitches: string); procedure ServerMakeDirectory(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; var VDirectory: TIdFTPFileName); procedure ServerRemoveDirectory(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; var VDirectory: TIdFTPFileName); procedure ServerStoreFile(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const AFileName: TIdFTPFileName; AAppend: Boolean; var VStream: TStream); procedure ServerUserLogin(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const AUsername, APassword: string; var VAuthenticated: Boolean); procedure SSLGetPassword(var Password: string); procedure SSLGetPasswordEx(ASender: TObject; var VPassword: string; const AIsWrite: Boolean); procedure SSLStatus(ASender: TObject; const AStatus: TIdStatus; const AStatusText: string); procedure SSLStatusInfo(const AMsg: string); procedure SSLStatusInfoEx(ASender: TObject; const AsslSocket: PSSL; const AWhere, Aret: TIdC_INT; const AType, AMsg: string); private function FixPath(const APath: string): string; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; implementation uses System.IOUtils, System.SysUtils, IdSSL, IdExplicitTLSClientServerBase; function FixTailPathDelimiter(const S: string): string; begin Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(S)); end; procedure SafeFreeAndNil(var Obj); var Temp: TObject; begin try Temp := TObject(Obj); if Temp <> nil then begin Pointer(Obj) := nil; Temp.Free; end; except end; end; { TFTPServer } constructor TFTPServer.Create; begin inherited; // inits default members values FCertificatesPath := ''; FFTPServer := nil; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL := nil; FOpenSSLDLLPath := ''; FPassword := ''; FRootPath := ''; FSecurityPolicy := fssp_None; FUsername := ''; // TEMPORARY: manually set FTP settings (WILL BE PLACED ON PROPERTIES) FCertificatesPath := 'D:\x\develop\qem\rosetta_cnc_1\certificates\ftpserver\'; FOpenSSLDLLPath := 'D:\x\develop\qem\rosetta_cnc_1\openssl.64'; FPassword := '12345'; FRootPath := 'D:\x\develop\qem\rosetta_cnc_1\certificates\'; //FSecurityPolicy := fssp_sslvSSLv23; FSecurityPolicy := fssp_sslvTLSv1_2; FUsername := 'user'; // TEMPORARY: creates, sets and start FTP server IdOpenSSLSetLibPath(FOpenSSLDLLPath); FFTPServer := TIdFTPServer.Create; FFTPServer.DefaultPort := 21; FFTPServer.OnChangeDirectory := ServerChangeDirectory; FFTPServer.OnConnect := ServerConnect; FFTPServer.OnDeleteFile := ServerDeleteFile; FFTPServer.OnDisconnect := ServerDisconnect; FFTPServer.OnListDirectory := ServerListDirectory; FFTPServer.OnMakeDirectory := ServerMakeDirectory; FFTPServer.OnRemoveDirectory := ServerRemoveDirectory; FFTPServer.OnStoreFile := ServerStoreFile; FFTPServer.OnUserLogin := ServerUserLogin; case FSecurityPolicy of fssp_None: ; fssp_sslvSSLv23: begin FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL := TIdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL.Create(nil); FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnStatus := SSLStatus; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnStatusInfo := SSLStatusInfo; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnStatusInfoEx := SSLStatusInfoEx; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnGetPassword := SSLGetPassword; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnGetPasswordEx := SSLGetPasswordEx; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.Mode := sslmServer; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.Method := sslvSSLv23; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.CertFile := FCertificatesPath + 'server-cert.pem'; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.KeyFile := FCertificatesPath + 'server-key.pem'; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.RootCertFile := FCertificatesPath + 'root-cert.pem'; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.RootCertFile := ''; FFTPServer.IOHandler := FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL; FFTPServer.UseTLS := utUseRequireTLS; end; fssp_sslvTLSv1_2: begin {.DEFINE USES_DHPARAM} // NOTE: to use this create a dhparam.pem file with openssl in this way openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 4096 FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL := TIdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL.Create(nil); FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnStatus := SSLStatus; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnStatusInfo := SSLStatusInfo; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnStatusInfoEx := SSLStatusInfoEx; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnGetPassword := SSLGetPassword; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnGetPasswordEx := SSLGetPasswordEx; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.Mode := sslmServer; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.Method := sslvTLSv1_2; {$IFDEF USES_DHPARAM} FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.CipherList := ( '!EXPORT:!LOW:!aNULL:!eNULL:!RC4:!ADK:!3DES:!DES:!MD5:!PSK:!SRP:!CAMELLIA' + ':ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256' + ':ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384' + ':ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305' + ':DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256' + ':DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384' + '' ); FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.DHParamsFile := FCertificatesPath + 'dhparam.pem'; {$ELSE} FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.CipherList := ( '!EXPORT:!LOW:!aNULL:!eNULL:!RC4:!ADK:!3DES:!DES:!MD5:!PSK:!SRP:!CAMELLIA' + ':ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256' + ':ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384' + ':ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305' ); FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.DHParamsFile := ''; {$ENDIF} FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.CertFile := FCertificatesPath + 'server-cert.pem'; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.KeyFile := FCertificatesPath + 'server-key.pem'; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.RootCertFile := FCertificatesPath + 'root-cert.pem'; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.RootCertFile := ''; FFTPServer.IOHandler := FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL; FFTPServer.UseTLS := utUseRequireTLS; end; end; // sets passive boundary ports range to permit more than one file operation (eg: client multiple copy file to server) FFTPServer.PASVBoundPortMin := 60000; FFTPServer.PASVBoundPortMax := 65535; FFTPServer.Active := True; end; destructor TFTPServer.Destroy; begin //### does jobs to deactivate server before to free it!!! // frees objects SafeFreeAndNil(FFTPServer); SafeFreeAndNil(FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL); inherited; end; function TFTPServer.FixPath(const APath: string): string; begin Result := StringReplace(APath, '/', '\', [rfReplaceAll]); Result := StringReplace(Result, '\\', '\', [rfReplaceAll]); end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerChangeDirectory(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; var VDirectory: TIdFTPFileName); begin //### end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerConnect(AContext: TIdContext); begin case FSecurityPolicy of fssp_None: ; fssp_sslvSSLv23: ; fssp_sslvTLSv1_2: begin // PassThroung must be set to False for it to handle SSL/TLS functionality if AContext.Connection.IOHandler is TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase then TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase(AContext.Connection.IOHandler).PassThrough := False; end; end; end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerDeleteFile(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const APathName: TIdFTPFileName); begin DeleteFile(FixPath(FRootPath + ASender.CurrentDir + '\' + APathname)); end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerDisconnect(AContext: TIdContext); begin //### end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerListDirectory(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const APath: TIdFTPFileName; ADirectoryListing: TIdFTPListOutput; const ACmd, ASwitches: string); var Status: Integer; SearchRec: TSearchRec; Item: TIdFTPListOutputItem; begin try ADirectoryListing.DirFormat := doWin32; ADirectoryListing.Switches := ASwitches; {$WARN SYMBOL_PLATFORM OFF} Status := FindFirst(FixPath(FRootPath + FixTailPathDelimiter(APath) + '*.*'), faAnyFile - faHidden - faSysFile, SearchRec); {$WARN SYMBOL_PLATFORM ON} try while Status = 0 do begin Item := ADirectoryListing.Add; if SearchRec.Attr and faDirectory = 0 then Item.ItemType := ditFile else Item.ItemType := ditDirectory; Item.FileName := SearchRec.Name; Item.Size := SearchRec.Size; Item.ModifiedDate := SearchRec.TimeStamp; Status := FindNext(SearchRec); end; finally FindClose(SearchRec); end; except end; end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerMakeDirectory(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; var VDirectory: TIdFTPFileName); begin try ForceDirectories(FixPath(FRootPath + VDirectory)); except end; end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerRemoveDirectory(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; var VDirectory: TIdFTPFileName); begin try TDirectory.Delete(FixPath(FRootPath + VDirectory), True); except end; end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerStoreFile(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const AFileName: TIdFTPFileName; AAppend: Boolean; var VStream: TStream); var Path: string; begin // extracts path and forces creation if does not exits Path := ExtractFilePath(FixPath(FRootPath + AFilename)); if not DirectoryExists(Path) then ForceDirectories(Path); // opens a file stream for cration or append if not AAppend then VStream := TFileStream.Create(FixPath(FRootPath + AFilename), fmCreate) else VStream := TFileStream.Create(FixPath(FRootPath + AFilename), fmOpenWrite) end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerUserLogin(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const AUsername, APassword: string; var VAuthenticated: Boolean); begin // checks user and password validity case FSecurityPolicy of fssp_None: begin VAuthenticated := True; end; fssp_sslvSSLv23: begin VAuthenticated := ( (FUsername = Trim(AUserName)) and (FPassword = Trim(APassword)) ); end; fssp_sslvTLSv1_2: begin VAuthenticated := ( (FUsername = Trim(AUserName)) and (FPassword = Trim(APassword)) ); end; end; end; procedure TFTPServer.SSLGetPassword(var Password: string); begin //### Password := FPassword; end; procedure TFTPServer.SSLGetPasswordEx(ASender: TObject; var VPassword: string; const AIsWrite: Boolean); begin //### end; procedure TFTPServer.SSLStatus(ASender: TObject; const AStatus: TIdStatus; const AStatusText: string); begin //### end; procedure TFTPServer.SSLStatusInfo(const AMsg: string); begin //### end; procedure TFTPServer.SSLStatusInfoEx(ASender: TObject; const AsslSocket: PSSL; const AWhere, Aret: TIdC_INT; const AType, AMsg: string); begin //### end; end. Have you any suggestions? Thanks in advance for any suggestions. Edited September 30, 2023 by shineworld Share this post Link to post
DelphiUdIT 178 Posted September 30, 2023 (edited) Some little changes ... take care of port use ... in Indy too (better to use bindings with explicit port). Some methods included, some excluded (the password ask in the SSLIoHandler is for the "certificate key file", not for user). I use to assign the SSLIoHandler to TFTPServer immediately. {** * TAKE CARE * ========= * This unit is purely for study purposes in which to learn the basics about building and testing an FTP server with * various levels of security. Server activation is in class constructor, and server properties manually placed before * its activation. On final class will be implemented a Start & Stop method to control it, with a property to get the * current state. The server settings will be placed in properties to be set before to activate the server. * **} unit osFTPServer; interface uses System.Classes, IdCTypes, IdContext, IdComponent, IdFTPList, IdFTPServer, IdFTPListOutput, IdSSLOpenSSL, IdSSLOpenSSLHeaders; type TMyIdSSLContext = class(TIdSSLContext) end; type TFTPServerSecurityPolicy = ( fssp_None, fssp_sslvSSLv23, fssp_sslvTLSv1_2 ); TFTPServer = class private FCertificatesPath: string; FFTPServer: TIdFTPServer; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL: TIdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL; FOpenSSLDLLPath: string; FPassword: string; FRootPath: string; FSecurityPolicy: TFTPServerSecurityPolicy; FUsername: string; FSSLContext1: TMyIdSSLContext; private procedure IdFTPServer1QuerySSLPort(APort: Word; var VUseSSL: Boolean); procedure IdFTPServer1UserAccount(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const AUsername, APassword, AAcount: string; var AAuthenticated: Boolean); procedure ServerChangeDirectory(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; var VDirectory: TIdFTPFileName); procedure ServerConnect(AContext: TIdContext); procedure ServerDeleteFile(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const APathName: TIdFTPFileName); procedure ServerDisconnect(AContext: TIdContext); procedure ServerListDirectory(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const APath: TIdFTPFileName; ADirectoryListing: TIdFTPListOutput; const ACmd: string; const ASwitches: string); procedure ServerMakeDirectory(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; var VDirectory: TIdFTPFileName); procedure ServerRemoveDirectory(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; var VDirectory: TIdFTPFileName); procedure ServerStoreFile(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const AFileName: TIdFTPFileName; AAppend: Boolean; var VStream: TStream); procedure ServerUserLogin(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const AUsername, APassword: string; var VAuthenticated: Boolean); procedure SSLGetPassword(var Password: string); procedure SSLGetPasswordEx(ASender: TObject; var VPassword: string; const AIsWrite: Boolean); procedure SSLStatus(ASender: TObject; const AStatus: TIdStatus; const AStatusText: string); procedure SSLStatusInfo(const AMsg: string); procedure SSLStatusInfoEx(ASender: TObject; const AsslSocket: PSSL; const AWhere, Aret: TIdC_INT; const AType, AMsg: string); private function FixPath(const APath: string): string; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; implementation uses System.IOUtils, System.SysUtils, IdSSL, IdExplicitTLSClientServerBase; function FixTailPathDelimiter(const S: string): string; begin Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(S)); end; procedure SafeFreeAndNil(var Obj); var Temp: TObject; begin try Temp := TObject(Obj); if Temp <> nil then begin Pointer(Obj) := nil; Temp.Free; end; except end; end; { TFTPServer } constructor TFTPServer.Create; begin inherited; // inits default members values FCertificatesPath := ''; FFTPServer := nil; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL := nil; FOpenSSLDLLPath := ''; FPassword := ''; FRootPath := ''; FSecurityPolicy := fssp_None; FUsername := ''; // TEMPORARY: manually set FTP settings (WILL BE PLACED ON PROPERTIES) FCertificatesPath := '.\'; FOpenSSLDLLPath := '.\'; FPassword := '12345'; FRootPath := '.\'; //FSecurityPolicy := fssp_sslvSSLv23; FSecurityPolicy := fssp_sslvTLSv1_2; FUsername := 'user'; // TEMPORARY: creates, sets and start FTP server IdOpenSSLSetLibPath(FOpenSSLDLLPath); FFTPServer := TIdFTPServer.Create; FFTPServer.DefaultPort := 21; FFTPServer.OnChangeDirectory := ServerChangeDirectory; FFTPServer.OnConnect := ServerConnect; FFTPServer.OnDeleteFile := ServerDeleteFile; FFTPServer.OnDisconnect := ServerDisconnect; FFTPServer.OnListDirectory := ServerListDirectory; FFTPServer.OnMakeDirectory := ServerMakeDirectory; FFTPServer.OnRemoveDirectory := ServerRemoveDirectory; FFTPServer.OnStoreFile := ServerStoreFile; FFTPServer.OnUserLogin := ServerUserLogin; FFTPServer.OnQuerySSLPort := IdFTPServer1QuerySSLPort; FFTPServer.OnUserAccount := IdFTPServer1UserAccount; case FSecurityPolicy of fssp_None: ; fssp_sslvSSLv23: begin FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL := TIdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL.Create(nil); FFTPServer.IOHandler := FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnStatus := SSLStatus; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnStatusInfo := SSLStatusInfo; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnStatusInfoEx := SSLStatusInfoEx; //FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnGetPassword := SSLGetPassword; //FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnGetPasswordEx := SSLGetPasswordEx; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.Mode := sslmServer; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.Method := sslvSSLv23; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.CertFile := FCertificatesPath + 'certonly.pem'; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.KeyFile := FCertificatesPath + 'privatekey.pem'; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.RootCertFile := FCertificatesPath + 'lets-encrypt-r3.pem'; //FFTPServer.IOHandler := FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL; FFTPServer.UseTLS := utUseRequireTLS; end; fssp_sslvTLSv1_2: begin {$DEFINE USES_DHPARAM} // NOTE: to use this create a dhparam.pem file with openssl in this way openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 4096 FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL := TIdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL.Create(nil); FFTPServer.IOHandler := FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnStatus := SSLStatus; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnStatusInfo := SSLStatusInfo; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnStatusInfoEx := SSLStatusInfoEx; //FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnGetPassword := SSLGetPassword; //FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.OnGetPasswordEx := SSLGetPasswordEx; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.Mode := sslmServer; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.Method := sslvTLSv1_2; {$IFDEF USES_DHPARAM} FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.CipherList := ( '!EXPORT:!LOW:!aNULL:!eNULL:!RC4:!ADK:!3DES:!DES:!MD5:!PSK:!SRP:!CAMELLIA' + ':ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256' + ':ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384' + ':ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305' + ':DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256' + ':DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384' + '' ); FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.DHParamsFile := FCertificatesPath + 'dhparam.pem'; {$ELSE} FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.CipherList := ( '!EXPORT:!LOW:!aNULL:!eNULL:!RC4:!ADK:!3DES:!DES:!MD5:!PSK:!SRP:!CAMELLIA' + ':ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256' + ':ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384' + ':ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305' ); FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.DHParamsFile := ''; {$ENDIF} FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.CertFile := FCertificatesPath + 'certonly.pem'; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.KeyFile := FCertificatesPath + 'privatekey.pem'; FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLOptions.RootCertFile := FCertificatesPath + 'lets-encrypt-r3.pem'; //FFTPServer.IOHandler := FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL; FFTPServer.UseTLS := utUseExplicitTLS; end; end; // sets passive boundary ports range to permit more than one file operation (eg: client multiple copy file to server) FFTPServer.PASVBoundPortMin := 60000; FFTPServer.PASVBoundPortMax := 65535; FFTPServer.Active := True; //After activation FSSLContext1 := TMyIdSSLContext(FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL.SSLContext); SSL_CTX_set_ecdh_auto(FSSLContext1.fContext, 1); SSL_CTX_set_options(FSSLContext1.fContext, SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE); end; destructor TFTPServer.Destroy; begin //### does jobs to deactivate server before to free it!!! // frees objects SafeFreeAndNil(FFTPServer); SafeFreeAndNil(FIOHandlerSSLOpenSLL); inherited; end; function TFTPServer.FixPath(const APath: string): string; begin Result := StringReplace(APath, '/', '\', [rfReplaceAll]); Result := StringReplace(Result, '\\', '\', [rfReplaceAll]); end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerChangeDirectory(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; var VDirectory: TIdFTPFileName); begin //### end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerConnect(AContext: TIdContext); begin case FSecurityPolicy of fssp_None: begin // PassThroung must be set to False for it to handle SSL/TLS functionality if AContext.Connection.IOHandler is TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase then TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase(AContext.Connection.IOHandler).PassThrough := True; end; fssp_sslvSSLv23: begin // PassThroung must be set to False for it to handle SSL/TLS functionality if AContext.Connection.IOHandler is TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase then TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase(AContext.Connection.IOHandler).PassThrough := False; end; fssp_sslvTLSv1_2: begin // PassThroung must be set to False for it to handle SSL/TLS functionality if AContext.Connection.IOHandler is TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase then TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase(AContext.Connection.IOHandler).PassThrough := False; end; end; end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerDeleteFile(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const APathName: TIdFTPFileName); begin DeleteFile(FixPath(FRootPath + ASender.CurrentDir + '\' + APathname)); end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerDisconnect(AContext: TIdContext); begin //### end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerListDirectory(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const APath: TIdFTPFileName; ADirectoryListing: TIdFTPListOutput; const ACmd, ASwitches: string); var Status: Integer; SearchRec: TSearchRec; Item: TIdFTPListOutputItem; begin try ADirectoryListing.DirFormat := doWin32; ADirectoryListing.Switches := ASwitches; {$WARN SYMBOL_PLATFORM OFF} Status := FindFirst(FixPath(FRootPath + FixTailPathDelimiter(APath) + '*.*'), faAnyFile - faHidden - faSysFile, SearchRec); {$WARN SYMBOL_PLATFORM ON} try while Status = 0 do begin Item := ADirectoryListing.Add; if SearchRec.Attr and faDirectory = 0 then Item.ItemType := ditFile else Item.ItemType := ditDirectory; Item.FileName := SearchRec.Name; Item.Size := SearchRec.Size; Item.ModifiedDate := SearchRec.TimeStamp; Status := FindNext(SearchRec); end; finally FindClose(SearchRec); end; except end; end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerMakeDirectory(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; var VDirectory: TIdFTPFileName); begin try ForceDirectories(FixPath(FRootPath + VDirectory)); except end; end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerRemoveDirectory(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; var VDirectory: TIdFTPFileName); begin try TDirectory.Delete(FixPath(FRootPath + VDirectory), True); except end; end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerStoreFile(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const AFileName: TIdFTPFileName; AAppend: Boolean; var VStream: TStream); var Path: string; begin // extracts path and forces creation if does not exits Path := ExtractFilePath(FixPath(FRootPath + AFilename)); if not DirectoryExists(Path) then ForceDirectories(Path); // opens a file stream for cration or append if not AAppend then VStream := TFileStream.Create(FixPath(FRootPath + AFilename), fmCreate) else VStream := TFileStream.Create(FixPath(FRootPath + AFilename), fmOpenWrite) end; procedure TFTPServer.ServerUserLogin(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const AUsername, APassword: string; var VAuthenticated: Boolean); begin // checks user and password validity case FSecurityPolicy of fssp_None: begin VAuthenticated := True; end; fssp_sslvSSLv23: begin VAuthenticated := ( (FUsername = Trim(AUserName)) and (FPassword = Trim(APassword)) ); end; fssp_sslvTLSv1_2: begin VAuthenticated := ( (FUsername = Trim(AUserName)) and (FPassword = Trim(APassword)) ); end; end; end; procedure TFTPServer.IdFTPServer1UserAccount(ASender: TIdFTPServerContext; const AUsername, APassword, AAcount: string; var AAuthenticated: Boolean); begin AAuthenticated := True; end; procedure TFTPServer.SSLGetPassword(var Password: string); begin //### //THIS IS THE PASSWROD FOR THE KEY CERTIFICATION FILE //Password := FPassword; end; procedure TFTPServer.SSLGetPasswordEx(ASender: TObject; var VPassword: string; const AIsWrite: Boolean); begin //### end; procedure TFTPServer.SSLStatus(ASender: TObject; const AStatus: TIdStatus; const AStatusText: string); begin //### end; procedure TFTPServer.SSLStatusInfo(const AMsg: string); begin //### end; procedure TFTPServer.SSLStatusInfoEx(ASender: TObject; const AsslSocket: PSSL; const AWhere, Aret: TIdC_INT; const AType, AMsg: string); begin //### end; procedure TFTPServer.IdFTPServer1QuerySSLPort(APort: Word; var VUseSSL: Boolean); begin VUseSSL := (APort = 21); end; end. Bye Edited September 30, 2023 by DelphiUdIT Share this post Link to post
Remy Lebeau 1403 Posted September 30, 2023 (edited) On 9/29/2023 at 3:51 AM, DelphiUdIT said: In the server connect event you must add: procedure TFTPServer.ServerConnect(AContext: TIdContext); begin If AContext.Connection.IOHandler is TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase then TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase(AContext.Connection.IOHandler).PassThrough := (UseTLS = utNoTLSSupport); //This function must be set to false for it to handle SSL/TLS functionality. end; This approach is incorrect. This forces ALL connections to use SSL/TLS implicitly at connect-time. But clients may want to use SSL/TLS explicitly instead, ie via an AUTH or CCC command. The CORRECT way to handle the PassThrough is to let TIdFTPServer manage it for you. You should not be setting it manually yourself at all. If TIdFTPServer.UseTLS is set to utNoTLSSupport then TIdFTPServer will not touch PassThrough at all, and neither should you. If TIdFTPServer.UseTLS is set to utUseRequireTLS or utUseExplicitTLS then TIdFTPServer will set PassThrough according to client commands. You don't need to do anything extra for this. The difference between them is that utUseExplicitTLS allows the client to decide whether SSL/TLS is used, whereas utUseRequireTLS will reject various operations if the client doesn't use SSL/TLS. If TIdFTPServer.UseTLS is set to utUseImplicitTLS than you need to use the TIdFTPServer.OnQuerySSLPort event to tell the server which port(s) are to use SSL/TLS implicitly (ie, to set PassThrough at connect-time), Edited September 30, 2023 by Remy Lebeau Share this post Link to post