omnibrain 15 Posted October 30, 2023 I'm currently testing IcsTimeClient but I'm running into inexplicable timeouts when trying to get the time of It looks like it's resolving the IP correctly ( and when I try to get the time from the same server via the Indy-Component it works. Other servers, like the NIST-servers NIST Internet Time Service work with IcsTimeClient too. I tried both, with the OverbyteIcsTimeTst program and my own, reduced to the basics, one. Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 599 Posted October 30, 2023 I can not trace route ( from the UK, no response to any hops beyond my ISP. The time client does seem unhappy with IPv6 time servers, it's failing on all the Google IPv6 addresses before trying the IPv4 ones and working. Ditto Cloudfare, will check later in the week. I mostly use now, well distributed around the world, but not Google. But Facebook and Apple also have distributed servers, all are better than the random addresses that come back for ? Angus Share this post Link to post