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Unable to Cast UInt64 to Double on 32bit Compile in Windows 11 ARM: Has Anyone Experienced This?

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I'm currently working on a MacBook Pro equipped with an M2 chip and using Parallels for virtualization to run Windows 11 ARM. I've encountered a peculiar issue. When I compile for 32bit, I'm not getting the result I anticipate. The code should produce an output of '3.0', but it consistently returns '0'.

Here's a snippet of the code causing the problem:

procedure TMainView.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
  var LValue: UInt64 := 3;
  Caption := LValue.ToDouble.ToString;

I've found this to be consistent across several Delphi versions, specifically D10, D11, and D12. Has anyone else experienced this issue, or can offer any insight?

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25 minutes ago, Lajos Juhász said:

You should try to debug the code. On an Intel Windows laptop I get the correct result '3'.

When I switch to debugging mode, the evaluation result is still the same. It represents 0.
I don't have an Intel Mac for testing. However, when I asked my coworker to check on theirs, the issue was not replicated.

It seems this might be specific to Mac with the M-series processor running Winodws 11 ARM.

Edited by gomsun2

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